Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A walk down memory lane

Well I have procrastinated as much as I can. I figured if I never wrote it, then this day would never come. Then I quickly realized as the hours have passed, this is happening whether I want it to or not.  I would be terribly stupid to pass this opportunity to share some of my most dear feelings of my mission and thank you all for your love and support. Before I get to that, I wanna give a quick brief rundown of my week so that I don’t look back and wonder what the heck I did the last week :) 

Tuesday I had my last exchange with Sister Tanner, man was that something else! A while back President Bingham gave me permission to go back to Gurnee to teach Karla. So, we took a road trip on Tuesday to go see her! As we were driving around up there, so many sweet memories came to mind… Sister Jones, Sister Grant and Sister C…. the countless hours we spent together, teaching, contacting and praying.  The wonderful people I got to teach, Karla, Gail, The Cunninghams, Nick, Mr. Sheffield and the Woods. The wonderful members… man my heart was so full! I had one of my best friends right next to me in the car and all these memories. It was a very sweet feeling.

We did go and see Karla and she is doing so well! She looks so healthy and so good.  She is going to school and doing all the things that seemed so impossible. I shared with her some of my deepest feelings about her and the church, some treasured memories and a few tears. All and all it went really well. There is a new senior couple up in Gurnee and I asked her to meet with them and she said she would be happy to! And guess what she kept her word they have already meet up twice my heart is full! We also ran to Gail’s home for 10 minutes.  I love that woman!  Just like old times, she had me laughing and oh the embrace in a Gail hug! So grateful for her! 

Wednesday and Thursday we were running around with our heads cut off teaching and service and contacting and everything between.

Friday, I went up to the temple with all the senior couples and those going home with me. There are so many of the senior couples that I have gained such a admiration for, so many that have allowed me to be one with them and their family. Many tears were shed in the temple with The Crofts, The Ericksons and the Binghams. I truly love them. I’m so grateful! I love the temple. When I walked out of the celestial room, there was the sealing room and my mind reflected on the wonderful day that Sue was able to be sealed to her husband and the joy and the tears!  That was one heck of a day!

I had road up with the Senior Sisters to the temple while Sister Caucut was with the STLs.  Afterword I found myself wrapped up in helping President Bingham move and clean out some apartments. He said it was going to be a long night and I was up for the challenge!! It was super fun on the ride down I was able to spend a good 3 hours in traffic with Sister Bingham. Somewhere along the way we found ourselves in Valpo cleaning out the house that had been my home for so long. Once again memories came flying by. As I carried out the chair I thought of how Sister Sufia use to sit on it all bundled up with all the blankets we could find on some of the coldest nights with a bowl of cereal in hand cheering me on while I ran. I saw the white boards with the same notes that I wrote on not too long ago. I thought about Sister Tanner and all of her many questions and how I used to use those white boards to help illustrate the answers. I thought of Sue, The Oaks family, Ash, Beth, Dumezes, Courtney, and Thomas family. Oh how much I love all of those people and how much I grew from their examples. I remember having to rely upon the Savior and being able to feel of His love. President wasn’t kidding when he said it was going to be a long night but I’m so grateful for the chance I had to help and reflect upon all the great memories I have had throughout my mission. 

Saturday and Sunday were mostly filled with watching conference and preparing to leave. I love watching conference while being a missionary. There’s such a sweet spirit that comes with it. It was a good way to end my week. 

Even though I didn’t get to spend that much time in North Shore I am forever grateful for the people that I met there as well as in all of my areas. I have been so blessed to have had the opportunity to serve so many different people. 

It’s hard for me to put into words how I feel right now and how to adequately express how much my mission means to me. I have learned so much and am forever grateful for this amazing opportunity I have had to serve the Lord for the past 18 Months. I can’t imagine going through this mission without all of the love and support I have received from all of you. Thank you so much for all the words of encouragement, the prayers, and love it means more than you know. I am so very blessed to have such a great support group. I have been able to feel of your presence as I’ve served and I hope you are all able to feel and receive the blessings of me serving my mission. I was truly never alone. I will forever be indebted to all of you for your examples, testimonies, and faith. Thank you again, I’m so happy I was able to share this wonderful adventure with all of you. I know I could never say it enough but thank you. I love you all.

The very thought of not being a missionary anymore makes me so sad.  I wore my name tag to bed last night. But I know that this is the right step for me. Before I end I just want to share my testimony with you. Before I came out I thought I had a strong testimony. I was built upon a sure foundation but coming home now I not only have a sure foundation, a stronger testimony, but also I have reached the level of conversion. I don’t know everything but I have a strong conviction to keep studying and increasing my faith for the rest of my life. 

I’m indebted to the Lord for my mission and my experience. I know that He lives and I know without a doubt that the gospel brings joy. I’m incredibly grateful for the knowledge of the love my Father in Heaven has for me and all of his children. I know that the Book of Mormon has incredible power because of the many testimonies of Christ.  I know that the Lord places us where we need to be and I know I needed to be here in Chicago for these past 18 ½ months. How grateful I am.  I guess it all boils down to one thing in the words of Nazaret “it’s true, it’s true, it’s true!   The gospel is true. 

Well this is it the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next! 
I’m so excited to see y’all tomorrow!  
For one last time….I love ya all
Thanks for everything 
Keep smilin 
Sister Kendrick