Tuesday, March 28, 2017

An Eventful Week

 My time is super short.  We have been so busy up here.  It’s been so fun, but really crazy all at the same time!  Some days I don’t have time to think!   It’s great!!   Our lessons have been on fire… so many miracles and so many blessings have come our way!!  I’m in heaven!!

In the morning we had a lesson with a man named Raifu.  He is from Nigeria and such a sweet man.  He and his family are super big on religion; it was a nice and interesting meeting. He shared his beliefs and we shared ours.   Really, it was a grand testimony meeting.  The spirit was so strong as we testified!! I am so grateful for the Wentworth Letter and that my Primary teachers took the time to make me memorize it, because it makes it so easy and simple but powerfully state what we believe in. We are meeting with him tomorrow to go more into depth. We spent the majority of the day in the city which is always a great time! 

Tuesday and Wednesday
I was on exchanges with Hermana Marpel.  I don’t know if I told you or not but I’m also over the Spanish Sisters here,so that’s been a lot of fun!!  Sister Bingham spent the day with us on Wednesday and it’s always a wonderful time when she is around. She has so many good insights and is just a joy to be around. We brought her to Alma’s lesson this week. We taught her the first part of the Plan of Salvation, and invited her to be baptized.  She liked the lesson, but was hesitant on the baptism. We invited her to pray about it and she said she would.

Alma came to our Institute class.  We are currently studying the Bible and it’s been super fun for her!  She loved coming to class. Slowly but surely she is coming along. We also had a Face Time lesson with Sue.  She is doing so well!!  Now if we could only get her to come back from Kentucky so that she could go to the temple that would be great!!

 I wasn't feeling so hot.  We had some strange food and I think it got to me, so that was fun. We still had a really busy day and we were able to get a lot done. Let me tell you about Ikee, Shala, her 2 kids, and Harmony.  They are the people from Africa that we found in our potential new investigator list that aren't in our area. We went and visited them on Friday night and right as we walked in the little girl named Grace ran up to us and gave me a hug. I about died. I wish so badly we were teaching them. The Elders we gave them to called us the other night and said that teaching them was going great, and that we should be jealous. Little do they know, we are super jealous! 

We are starting to meet with a lady named Dez. She's just interested in knowing about our beliefs because she's making a movie, I think.  So we are teaching her about the Book of Mormon, and going through that slowly with her. She asks little questions here and there, but she's really interested in knowing more and meeting with us. I don't think she knows the power of the Book of Mormon yet.

Jimmy and Chloe are doing great. Their aunt Sunny is in town for a month from China for cancer related things. She came to the Women's Broadcast with Chloe. She is not religious at all and I don't think she believes in Jesus or God, but has read the whole Bible. We were able to pull up the broadcast on Saturday right on the spot in Mandarin.   As she was watching the broadcast she talked about how much peace she was feeling and she cried during it. It was cool because all of the talks were about finding peace, and cancer. I felt like she related so much. She didn’t understand what she was feeling but she loved it!! It was such a great experience for me.  The spirit was so so so strong, such a blessing to have technology.  It was so cool how President Eyring touched on how what you felt was the Holy Ghost and how you can remember and feel this way again. Sunny talked about wanting to volunteer at the church in China when she gets back! Sadly she wasn't feeling good on Sunday so she didn't come to church with Jimmy and Chloe, but hopefully next week!

This week has been great!  I'm so excited for conference. I invite you all to do all you need to do this week, so that you have time to watch conference this weekend. You can always go back and read the talks if you miss them, but it's definitely not the same! I challenge all of you to earnestly pray and seek what the Lord wants you to get out of this upcoming general conference. I know there is something specific for each of You!

Have a great week!! 
Love Ya!!
Keep smilin 

Sister Kendrick 

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