Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Love People

I loved getting to see everyone yesterday.   It was sooo so good.   I loved every second of it, even if I couldn't hear y'all for most of it.  hahaha Well, this week was slower than any I've had so far.  No one seemed to want to get back to us, but all is well because when we thought we weren't being very productive trying to find people for hours every day, Heavenly Father proved us wrong.   We were able to find 2 new investigators ahh hard work pays off, when you least expect it :)

The big city...
So Monday we spent all day in the city, it was really fun. The buildings are so tall they block the sun at noon day. It's so crazy!! We rode the train in and there were so many people. It's a awesome place to visit, but I don't think I could ever be a city girl ;)

We found a new investigator at Jewel though! Nicole is 17 and super sincere. She really wants to turn her life around and become a better person through Jesus Christ! That's why we are here hooray!! We are excited to help her get involved in young women's program.   The young women in our ward wrote their testimonies in copies of the Book of Mormon to
hand out to people, so we were able to give Nicole a Book of Mormon with a testimony from a girl her age :).

We  also met a lady at the park from Belize! Fifteen years ago, the missionaries used to visit her in Belize and she LOVES to feed we might have a few more dinner appointments :). Hopefully she will want to act on what she learned years ago!

We met Jeremiah, an investigator, at a gyro place this week and taught him about the Book of Mormon.  We hope we can teach him again soon! He has lots of good questions, and seems to like the answers  that the gospel offers.

We had a great lesson with Crystal and shared "The Hope of Gods Light" Mormon message. I would suggest you all watch it! Even if you have seen it before, go watch it again :). It's that good.

On Saturday we didn't really know what we were going to do, besides the fact that we would be doing a lot of finding. But miraculously, the Lord filled our day.  A member called and asked us to help her out, then we were able to teach Nicole in the afternoon! We did some finding, then during dinner Gail texted us in despair that she couldn't see her kitchen floor. So we spent the evening in Gail's kitchen working wonders :). Gail lives in the sketchy part of town...right down the street from a blinking red light, indicating a high crime/drug zone. Gail always watches us walk out to our car, but this time when we left (at 9 pm) she watched as we ran. :)

But Sunday was, by far, the best day of the week! We got to sit with Christina's kids in sacrament meeting which was super fun, made me feel like I was home :). In Relief Society Nadiia, a recent convert from Ukraine, needed help with her Gospel Library App.  Sister Jones went to sit by her.  Nadiia was so concerned that she wouldn't be able to access her Gospel Library! It was such a simple fix that when she fixed it, she just laughed! She was so grateful to be able to use the app
and for my service that we just laughed through most of the closing hymn in Relief Society :). Nadiia wants to learn as much English as she can, so I wrote down Eensie Weensie Spider for her. We read it to her, she read it back, then she said she would practice it.  I love her! And Gail :). Old people are my favorite.

 After church we delivered cookies for Mother's Day, went to dinner at the Monsons (Robin and Niccolo were there too) and had a grand time.  And saving best for last, I got to Skype my family!

I know that we are each instruments in the Lord's hands. If we trust in Him, He orchestrates our lives for us to be happy!  He leads and guides and walks beside us to help us become converted. It is truly only our Savior who can change us, but He is always there to help us along.  Best of all, He loves us infinitely! Turn to Him and all will be well :)

Well I hope this email is good I'm really tired today and I couldn't even tell you what I wrote so if it doesn't make sense please forgive me haha well I love y'all have a wonderful week keep smilin

Love Sister Kendrick
This is the park I was telling you about on the phone

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