Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Comfort Zone

Well it's already been another week that's crazy!!

Tuesday I went to my last zone conference and man that was hard. I love
zone conference the spirit and the growth that comes in that simple meeting.  I am really gonna miss it!! A few things come with my last zone conference, one being giving a departing testimony, and
then having my exciting interview with president. I had a lot of time to reflect on my mission both sharing it with the missionaries and with president and it felt so good!! I know that I've done all that I could. It was awesome to look back on the hard time and see how I overcame them and seeing the Lord’s hand in my life. It is has been so cool to stand as a witness of Christ. I've had so many amazing experiences because of it. It was such a sweet feeling for sure but after it was all said and done it was a hard day, to say the least.

Friday night there was a baptism and Nazaret came.  I love her!! She's so cute! Afterwards she was so happy and giddy I asked her how she felt. She couldn't put words to it all she could do was smile.  She did say, “well you know, I ask my mom every Sunday if I can be baptized
and she tells me I've already been baptized, then I tell her mummy I want to do it this way so I can chose it and it needs to be done the right way”.  Then she said “I want to be baptized so bad”!!

On Sunday, she wasn't at church which is super weird. She has been there for 13 weeks straight. So we texted he and asked her if she was ok. She responded back that he parents wouldn't let her go anymore, her stepdad, I was so sad, I can only imagine how hard this is for her and her family. One step forward two steps back but she's on date now and she's almost done with Jacob.  She's amazing.

I wanted to share a short experience with you. On Saturday, we drove to drop of a Bible. Let me just paint you a picture of what we pulled up to, with the help of one of my favorite movies…..Blind Side. Sandra Bullock desires that she wants to meet Big Mike’s mom and so she drives down to the hood, right and what she finds is a ton of people just sitting around, up to no good.  The second she drives up all the attention is on her because she sticks out like a sore thumb and it's quite the sketchy situation.  People are yelling at her and the whole shebang.  Okay, got that scene in your mind? That's the best way to explain how I feel most time in this area, but it fit perfectly with what took place on Saturday. In fact, Sister Cuacut said to me “I don't know if I feel comfortable here”. I returned the respond with “is it you feel uncomfortable or unsafe because if it's the first, remember that there is no growth in comfort (only because that's what I was telling myself). After a split doubt, I knew God needed us to be there, so I got out. We walked down the road past some a bazillion people I was set on the Bible referral. When we found the apartment, there were to gates and you had to be buzzed in before you could even get to her building.  As we were sitting there trying to get a hold of her and figure out how to get in without looking like we were just hanging out, a little boy popped his head out the 3rd story window. I waved at him. He waved back.  After a few minutes of us sitting there, he called out “yous want me to letch ya in?”  Long story short, he let us in and we went to the house that requested the Bible. As we were walking out, the same little boy was out of the window and I waved at him and thanked him again.  As we were about to get to the gate he yelled out “you live here?” We walked back and explained to him we were missionaries and we were dropping of a Book of Mormon and a Bible to someone.  In the sweetest little voice, he asked if he could have a book about God. It melted my heart.  We walked back to the car to get him a children's Book of Mormon and the group of people I was afraid to talk to on the way up stopped and asked if we were giving free teachings of Christ.  So in the middle of the street with a whole group of people, we started teaching, handing out Book of Mormons right and left it was awesome!!  We went back and gave the little one the Book of Mormon and he held it next to his heart and my heart melted!!  We took a selfie with him it was great!! I'm so glad that I got out of my comfort zone!!

Well it's been a week I'm excited to finish this one out strong!! 

I love ya all
Sister Kendrick

Saturday, September 23, 2017

18 Month Mark

What a wonderful week it has beenIt has been packed full of a lot of inspiring meetings and experiences.  I will just share the ones that were the coolest and the most impact for me. 

Thursday we got to go to the temple!!!  For all those who know me, know what a treat that was in and of itself. I love the temple so much and I am so excited to come home and return to my weekly trip. I have not gone for quite some time here on the mission but because of that, it made the experience super tender and sweet. The whole purpose in going was in preparation for Elder Renlund, a member of the 12 Apostles, which came on Friday!  So grateful for all the time spent there.  Everything that took place this week was up by the temple, which is quite the drive so we spent a lot time driving back and forth and sitting in the lovely Chicago traffic 

Friday we woke up bright and early. Our sweet bishop had us, 3 sets of missionaries, over for breakfast and then we did a little bit of service with the elders.  After that, we headed up to the meeting.  We had to be there super early so everyone could be ready for Elder Renlund his wife. They also brought various members of the Seventy, Elder Taylor, Elder and Sister Scott, and Elder and Sister Nattress

 Here is a summary of the meeting: 

Elder Renlund opened the meeting with a beginning message.  Man, the spirit was so strong!!. He started with, I hope you have been wondering why in the world they would send a 12 and a bunch of the 70 to my mission, he said,rather than you still wondering, let me just tell you. There are three reasons:
1.  We are here to thank you! To thank you on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for your service!! Thank you 
2. To let you know you have been sent here to the Chicago, IL mission for a reason, for a purpose and it is your right, your responsibility and your obligation to know why.  There is power that comes from knowing!  So get down and wrestle with the Lord until you know why. He then told a few stories and the process that takes place for one to be called to a specific mission. (It isreally neat
3. To let us know that the Binghams have been called by God to be here with us, They love us and they will do anything for us. They are called by revelation and then he went into how they were called. (Once again really neat

Next up was Sister Bingham 
She spoke of the joy that comes from the gospel. She said choose joy. Joy is a gift to the faithful. Joy is Christ. Joy can be found in the hardest of places when we follow and live the gospel.  When we choose Christ, we choose joy.

President Bingham 
He spoke of how he can relate so well to the story of the stripling warriors. He feels he is the leader of he the stripling warriors and he feels so honored to call us his sons and daughters, for we are worthy to be called that.  Alma 56:9-10   He spoke of the love and the support that each of us has behind us and that we are love and then he spoke about mothers and the role they play in our lives and the role that the mothers played in the stripling warrior’s lives. Super sweet!  President and Sister Bingham were teary eyed.  It was so tenderI truly love them.

Elder Taylor
 He quoted the talk “Joy in Spiritual Survival”.  His talk was all based on the simple phrase, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faithwho for the joy that was set before him endured the crossdespising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Friday rolled around and Hebrews 12:2.  What was the joy that was set before him ? It was us and it was his father D&C 18: 10 and 19: 16-19. He then shared that it is worth every effort to have him be our focus and to gain the joy that comes from that. 

Elder and Sister Nattress 
They spoke about the impact we are making here on our mission and how our success is going to take time to measure. Elder Nattress shared a story that I will tell I bit later in my letter, but the whole idea was we are effecting generations with the message we are sharing.  No effort is wasted. Sister Nattress said something I really liked "Every day you serve your mission, you are treading on sacred ground" I thought that was a pretty cool way to look at it. 

Sister Renlund
We were assigned to read 3 talks before we came to the meeting and to study them out deeply. They were “Fourth floor last door”, “Joy and spiritual survival“Faith is not by chance but by choice”. We had more of a discussion with her rather than her just speaking to us. It was really good, too much to share. She is super sweet are really funny!!

Elder Rendlund
He started off by reading D&C 4, and he said it doesn't say serve with you prefrontal cortex and your right atrium!! He won my heart right of the bat! He speaks my language.  By the way, he's a heart surgeon, if I remember correctly.  He spoke about our effort and our attitudeboth must positive for miracles to take place. We need to be in the top right quadrant.  As he was drawing, it I was thinking, great I'm definitely the top left quadrant.   I'll work my little butt off if that's what needs to be done, but my attitude isn't always there. As I was getting on myself for this imperfection of mine, he pointed to that very corner and said to be honest this is where the natural man in me falls and it's a daily struggle to overcome it! That was neat for me to see that he too has struggles,that he's just a man but yet he is doing all he can to follow in the Saviors footsteps. He knows where his true strength lies, that was neat!! The rest of his talk he focused on the success of a missionary is measured by his/her commitment and his/her desire.  In Preach my Gospel on pg 10 it says this, but its so much more powerful hearing out of the mouth of an Apostle.  This toowas very comforting to me coming to the end of the lineI often wonder if I'vedone enough, if I've been successful and I was once again reminded that I've done a good job. He ended like all special witnesses do with a profound yet simple testimony of the reality of the Savior Jesus Christ and our role is to bring ourselves and others home to Him. Man, the spirit was so strong!! 

Over all the experience was amazing!  It was a great dayI felt so blessed to hear of their words and to be spiritual recharged and ready to press forward with the last little bit! So blessed!

Saturday was my 18 month mark!!! Crazyright??   I can hardly believe it!! Sowe celebrate! Ashley came and took us to lunch

Ok, last story. Sunday was Stake Conference. None of the buildingare big enough, so we had it in a school which was really fun…not the point of the story though. Nazaret was able to come! Bless her sweet little heart! It seemed to me that the whole conference was just for her.  Call me ridiculous but it was all things that pertained to her!  Man it was awesome!! The last speaker Elder Nattress got up and said, “I have received the prompting 3 times now to share a story with you. I'm hesitant because I've already shared it a couple of time while I've been here on my trip but when the spirit prompts me I obey.  Hshared a story about his great grandma who at the age of 11 saw the missionaries and began learning from them in the town square.  She desired to join the church. Her family, and especially her dad was not happy about it but after much fasting and prayer on behalf of her and the missionaries they felt it would be the right time to ask her father for permission. After some conversation, he consented. She was baptized all by herself and after being baptized and confirmed she walked home in her wet clothing by herself on a cold night, yet she said she had never been warmer.  Later, she left her home with the Saints, once again by herself. She went to help a widower raise 8 children and after a bit of time was asked to marry him. She consented and they had 8 children of their own. Shortly after, her husband died and around the same time another man visiting the town of Bear Lake had just recently lost his wife.  They dated and too were married. He also had 8 children.  They had 2 more children of their own. He began to share his gratitude for his sweet sweet great grandmother, for the choice she made to act on the feeling she had and to follow the Saints. The last child born, was his grandmother. He called it his testimony line. All because an 11 year old girl chose to have courage, chose to have faith and chose to make convents that he was stand before us.  There was more to his talk but that hit me and it hit Nazaret. Her story is so similar,she being only 14. It brought her to tearsAhhhh God truly knows his children! It was just what she needed support, reassurance a little nudge!! Man I love her!!

Sorry for such a long email I just wanted to share all the wonderful things that took place this week!! I hope you made it through all the words and that hopefully you to learned something or felt just a little peace that the spirit brought to me

Closing in on another great week here!! 
Love you all 
Sister Kendrick 
Keep smilin