Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Comfort Zone

Well it's already been another week that's crazy!!

Tuesday I went to my last zone conference and man that was hard. I love
zone conference the spirit and the growth that comes in that simple meeting.  I am really gonna miss it!! A few things come with my last zone conference, one being giving a departing testimony, and
then having my exciting interview with president. I had a lot of time to reflect on my mission both sharing it with the missionaries and with president and it felt so good!! I know that I've done all that I could. It was awesome to look back on the hard time and see how I overcame them and seeing the Lord’s hand in my life. It is has been so cool to stand as a witness of Christ. I've had so many amazing experiences because of it. It was such a sweet feeling for sure but after it was all said and done it was a hard day, to say the least.

Friday night there was a baptism and Nazaret came.  I love her!! She's so cute! Afterwards she was so happy and giddy I asked her how she felt. She couldn't put words to it all she could do was smile.  She did say, “well you know, I ask my mom every Sunday if I can be baptized
and she tells me I've already been baptized, then I tell her mummy I want to do it this way so I can chose it and it needs to be done the right way”.  Then she said “I want to be baptized so bad”!!

On Sunday, she wasn't at church which is super weird. She has been there for 13 weeks straight. So we texted he and asked her if she was ok. She responded back that he parents wouldn't let her go anymore, her stepdad, I was so sad, I can only imagine how hard this is for her and her family. One step forward two steps back but she's on date now and she's almost done with Jacob.  She's amazing.

I wanted to share a short experience with you. On Saturday, we drove to drop of a Bible. Let me just paint you a picture of what we pulled up to, with the help of one of my favorite movies…..Blind Side. Sandra Bullock desires that she wants to meet Big Mike’s mom and so she drives down to the hood, right and what she finds is a ton of people just sitting around, up to no good.  The second she drives up all the attention is on her because she sticks out like a sore thumb and it's quite the sketchy situation.  People are yelling at her and the whole shebang.  Okay, got that scene in your mind? That's the best way to explain how I feel most time in this area, but it fit perfectly with what took place on Saturday. In fact, Sister Cuacut said to me “I don't know if I feel comfortable here”. I returned the respond with “is it you feel uncomfortable or unsafe because if it's the first, remember that there is no growth in comfort (only because that's what I was telling myself). After a split doubt, I knew God needed us to be there, so I got out. We walked down the road past some a bazillion people I was set on the Bible referral. When we found the apartment, there were to gates and you had to be buzzed in before you could even get to her building.  As we were sitting there trying to get a hold of her and figure out how to get in without looking like we were just hanging out, a little boy popped his head out the 3rd story window. I waved at him. He waved back.  After a few minutes of us sitting there, he called out “yous want me to letch ya in?”  Long story short, he let us in and we went to the house that requested the Bible. As we were walking out, the same little boy was out of the window and I waved at him and thanked him again.  As we were about to get to the gate he yelled out “you live here?” We walked back and explained to him we were missionaries and we were dropping of a Book of Mormon and a Bible to someone.  In the sweetest little voice, he asked if he could have a book about God. It melted my heart.  We walked back to the car to get him a children's Book of Mormon and the group of people I was afraid to talk to on the way up stopped and asked if we were giving free teachings of Christ.  So in the middle of the street with a whole group of people, we started teaching, handing out Book of Mormons right and left it was awesome!!  We went back and gave the little one the Book of Mormon and he held it next to his heart and my heart melted!!  We took a selfie with him it was great!! I'm so glad that I got out of my comfort zone!!

Well it's been a week I'm excited to finish this one out strong!! 

I love ya all
Sister Kendrick

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