Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Life Is Good

This week was great with so many good things and so many blessings!! It's hard to put into words how amazing the mission truly is....

 We were able to see Crystal on Monday night, yay !!! We went over the story of the stripling warriors with green army men as a visual, and talked about how much courage they had to act on their faith.  In the closing prayer she gave she said "thank you for the missionaries and their powerful message..." Yay hopeful she is going somewhere!!! A little background on her,  she is in a part member family.   Her husband has been a member his whole life but when he got married he stopped going.   He was one of those kids that felt like he was forced to go to church,  so the moment he didn't have to go to church, he didn't.   The grandparents (also missionaries in our mission) had each of the little kids baptized, but none of them come.  Now Crystal is being taught and has been since 2014.   She has slowly progressed.  She actually was on schedule be baptized at the end of 2014.  Something happened and she said that she no longer wanted that.  They stopped teaching her for about 6 months.   The missionaries started up again so we're at at the point that she should be a member. She only wants to move forward if her whole family is going to do it with her.  They don't want to :(  so we have just been trying to help her start moving towards baptism again and it is a very slow slow progress.  President told us to ask her tonight to be baptized and to invite her husband to get worthy to baptize her!!!   So that's why it's so exciting to have her say the things she did in our last lesson. 

Tuesday ahhhh this day was crazy !!!!   Service....we organized all the odds and ends of donations.  It was crazy!!   There was stuff everywhere but when we left it looked beautiful with labels and all!!   Hurray!!   It was great and I felt so accomplished.  It was my kind of cleaning!!  Then we went to lunch with Charlie.   He is this old guy in our ward and the sweetest thing you'll ever meet!!  He has some crazy cool stories.   His mother and father in law were in the consecration camps.  Crazy right??   I loved hearing all his stories,  I eat them up.  Anyways, he took  us to a restaurant  so that we could meet a nonmember waitress  that he has been teaching the gospel to.   It was so so cool.   We met with Breanna and taught her the second half of the restoration.  She's moving right along and I love it.  She is so excited to learn and she has so much faith!!  I love it!!

Nothing really exciting happened on Wednesday just finding :D

Thursday was a off day but a great day!!  We did studies and we started weekly planing and then at 11:00 we headed to the church for president interviews!!!! :D President was a little behind on interviews (3 hours behind) haha It was a long day at the church but it was fun because we got to talk with a lot of the missionaries! We got our planning done and we had a extra second to take a breath and had time for some extra study time.  It was wonderful!!! It was finally my turn to talk with President.   He is so awesome!   We talked about the work that was going on and how I as a missionary can better help these
people I'm teaching.  I feel so bad for him.  You can see in his eyes the weight of the mission.  I think his job is a hundred times harder than a bishop.   He has to help so many people and all the Sisters and Elders.  He is truly amazing, but he has so much on his plate.   When he asked me if I needed anything and how I was doing personally, it was so great to be able to say that I am doing so so so good, I'm loving life, and that I knew my purpose and why I was here and what job was before me and that he didn't have to worry about me.  The smile that came to his face when I said this was great!!  He gave me many promises. If I continue in my path, the Lord doesn't have a choice, he has to bless me!!!  He is so sad that he won't be able to see the blessing that I will be to the mission.  These will be the last months of his mission.   This was the last interview:(   Next interview will be with the new mission president.  I'm super excited for that but I'm sad to see the Woodberry's go.   They are amazing. 

 That night I went on my first  exchange with Sister Trowbridge.   I had to drop Sister Jones off and pick her up.   Mind you,  we don't have a gps and I was driving on the highway which I had never done at 9 o'clock at night.  I had to figure out how to get home ahhhh.... But no worries I made it with out having to turn around yay!!!  It was so much fun with Sister Trowbridge.  I got to teach Gail and we taught her spiritual Jenga.  She loved it.  We focused a lot on fasting.  She is moving right along and I love it.   She is understanding little by little and it is so cool.   We also taught Robin.  We shared the stripling warrior lesson with her, the same one we did with Crystal.  She loved it!  She stayed on topic the whole time:D and she took a lot out of it.   She said in her prayer, "thank you for this very enlightening message that the sisters shared with us"  (They both came to church!!!)   Then we did a lot of contacting and Sister T loved it.   She was amazed at the amount of people we shared the gospel with!  I really had fun but I was so glad to get Sister Jones back.   I couldn't wait to tell her all of our adventures that went on that day.  It was the same way I feel with Bree.   I just wanted to tell her everything about my day!

Saturday we visited less active for the majority of the day.  We took Maren, the sister that just got home from France, with us.  We went door to door and we had a lot of success too.   It was great.  It's hard to see all these people that have fallen away from the church.  All but one them said,  with out being promoted,  that they know the church was true and they know that is where they are supposed to be:( I've got to help them!!!

Sunday. church was great!!  We have a unique ward and it's so much fun to see how the gospel has touched each of there lives.   Robin and Gail were at church.   It's sooooooo exciting. They are doing so good.   We contacted at the park and and we met this guy.  First off,  I didn't  really want to walk over to him, but Sister Jones was leading the way.   He was smoking something, and I thought,  well this is going to be fun.   We started talking with him and we found out that his mom is in the cancer hospital with stage 4 cancer.  I felt impressed to ask him if his mom would like a blessing.   I hesitated because he didn't even know what the priesthood was, and he probably would think we were crazy.   It came to me again and I knew I couldn't deny it.  I asked him and the joy that swept over his face was amazing.  He said his mom could use all the help she could get  and that he would love that!  He told us to call him tomorrow at 11:00 and we could set up a time.  Throughout the rest of the conversation,  he kept confirming that we were going to call him.  So, that story will be continued but it was a really neat moment!!

 Because there is so much diversity here,  it is not uncommon for someone to ask you where you are from.  I asked a man at the grocery store if they sold scone dough.  He asked me where I was from.  I told him I was from Utah and his mouth dropped.  He said he thought I was an Englishwoman with a southern hick voice.   hahah   So,  I guess you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl.    It just made me laugh!!

Life is so so good!   I love teaching the gospel with others!!  I love talking to random people in the shampoo aisle and sharing my testimony with the
strangers walking down the sidewalk.   I love it all!   Being a missionary is great!!

Challenge for the week:   Bear your testimony in church on Sunday, and this week really study it out in your mind.

I love you all!   Have a great week!!
Keep smiling!!   Keep believing!!
Love, Sister Kendrick

This is where I write my emails every week
We heart attacked the Senior Missionaries going home..Crystal's in laws

This lady wouldn't let us talk to her until we bought a red nose for $1

1 comment:

  1. I love your enthusiasm! Keep up the good work! 😊
