Thursday, April 21, 2016

I'm not in Utah anymore

                                                                                                                        April 11, 2016

Hey...... How is everyone???? All is well here (other than the snow) haha... I miss you all!!!!!

Because I'm sure you all don't want a giant email to read, I'm just going to bullet point some of the big things that happened my last week in the MTC.  If you want detail I'm sure my mother dear would love to read my journal to you when she gets it later this week ;)

The last Week
My MTC stay seemed to fly by after the first week.   Time just seemed to slip out of my fingers.  It was like trying to hold a handful of sand.  I was truly sad to leave.   I enjoyed the MTC so much, and I learned a lot, but I was ready to get out in the field…. bitter sweet. The last week was jammed pack with things to do ....
In field training:
Yes,  this is as bad as everyone says.  The meeting started at 8 and it didn't get over until 5. They went over a lot of stuff but for the life of me I can't remember what.  It was so much information at one time.  I’m sad to say I think the only thing I got out of it was welcome to
in field orientation and Thank you for coming....

I ran into Elder Elijah Wilson.  I heard my name and I didn't even respond, in fact I think I forgot my first name;)

Thanks for sending all the letters and the calendar.  I was so happy to see your faces.   We sat and looked at it for about an hour.  (in the MTC that is a very, very, very, long time)
It was really sad to
say goodbye to my teachers after our last lesson. They taught me so much and helped me grow in ways I would've never thought.  I'm so grateful for the time they put in on my behalf to help me become the missionary my Heavenly Father wants me to be.  One of the last lessons we had was watching The District.  In this show, it was about two sisters teaching a family and then seeing the family grow, then one year later being sealed together.  I watch this before I came out but it didn't mean hardly anything to me but watching it on the last day of class, and realizing that was going to be me three days was a little different.   Was going to have the opportunity to bring souls to Christ and helping them receive the restored gospel and Endure to the end.  It really hit me hard.  I got scared and nervous but more
importantly, super excited!  I am so glad I was going to have this opportunity.  I don't know if you have access to it but if you do here's the link.  You have to find the whole version where you get to see them go through the temple.
District 2 - The Purpose of Missionary Work - Robles Family  You tube

Saying goodbye to my branch president wasn’t really that bad because I only got to see him twice given the circumstances I was in while in the MTC.  

Conference weekend was great… this is how the day went.  We woke up and ate breakfast, watched the morning session, went to lunch, watched the afternoon session, ate dinner.  Then
on Saturday, the Sisters watched the woman session while the Elders watched the priesthood session.   On Sunday, the only thing that was different was going in the morning and having departing devotional along with our Sunday devotional. The departing devotional was Vocal Point….which was great.  It was so good to hear music!!

I woke up at
3:30 AM to leave the MTC at 4:20.  We took the tracks from the MTC to the airport.  When we got to Chicago, The Woodberrys (the mission president and his wife) were standing at the bottom of the escalator ready to go.  They took our bags and gave us a Book of Mormon and a sack lunch.  They sent us with the STL'S  and the AP's on the train.   It was so much fun.   I loved putting my new skills to work.   I gave out a Book of Mormon and got 3
phone numbers for potential investigators ya!!!!   We went sightseeing around Chicago and ended up at the Mission home where we met all the senior couples and got to have a fun dinner with them.

Day two we went to church and got our iPads.   We had a few trainings and met our first companions.  Sister Jones is from Idaho and is amazing.   She has been out for 10 months!! We've had so much fun together.  I'm serving in the Zion, Gurnee, Wadswoth Winthrop Harbor and Waukgen areas.   I'm in the Gurnee 1st Ward.   It's the furthest north you can go in our mission, and is up against the lake.

It's been great!  For the majority of the time we walk around stores and talk to people and act like we're shopping, because it's too cold to go outside.... The end....
We're working with two investigators right now Crystal and Alex. I have yet to truly see where they are in their conversion so I will tell you more about them next week. The majority of our job here is to reactivate the Gurnee 1st and Gurnee 2nd wards.  They actually had to combine 2 months ago because of inactivation.   It's really sad.  But it's OK because we are near do our best to help them out, rebuild their testimonies and to bring them back into the fold.

So that's been my last two weeks in a nut shell.   Not a lot, so sorry if you wanted more but....
I love it here.  It's been fun to adjust and to see what this is all about. I'm growing and learning like never before but it's awesome.   I love every second of it.

It would be best if you wrote down questions so that I know what to tell you.  That would be great!!

I love you all and miss you so much!!!!

First week down yahoo!!!!
-Sister Kendrick-

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