Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy Fathers Day

Hey everyone how are you??
First off, Happy Father's Day to all the dads, grandpas, and uncles in my life.  I love you all. Thank you for making such a big impact in my life.  I love you!!!

So Monday was a lot of fun.  We went to the city it was great... I love it so much. It's so much fun to people watch and to just walk around.  We went to the aquarium and then mural/ graffiti hunting it was great haha. We were so done by the end though.   We figured that we walked a good 10 plus miles #gottagetfit #week :)

When we got home Elder Woods called us and told us some sad news.  Nick had called and his girlfriend (the one who introduced him to the gospel) and her family wouldn't be able to make it to his baptism on June 11.  If they weren't there, he didn't want to do it. He feels like joining the church is something that he has to choose for himself but the date he chooses (aka when he gets baptized) they can decide together. It was a really sad day. But never fear, he still wants to join the church, more than ever actually, it's just a bump in the road hahaha...

We meet with the Cunninghams twice this week there doing really good. It's so exciting to watch them grow in the gospel!!! There so good at keeping their commitments too!  It's fantastic!! We introduced the Word of Wisdom to them and they actually took it better than I expected #prayersdocometrue

Our lesson with Nick this week consisted of explaining the set up of the church, and the fact that he can hold the priesthood.  The spirit was so strong, the whole lesson I was on a spiritual high.  It was fantastic!

We had zone conference this week and it was so good!! It was the last with President Woodbury.  It was really sad but really exciting too :) Sister Jones and I had to teach, that's a whole other story in itself haha ;) but it went really good!! I love the energy and the recharge that comes from zone meetings and conference.   It ignites me and makes me want to push 100 times harder ;)

Our friend initiative took off this week and the ward took to it really well.   I'm excited to see what comes of it.  Well that's all for today. I love you all and I'm grateful for your examples to me... Keep smilin

Love Sister Kendrick

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