Monday, June 20, 2016

Work Hard....Play Hard

I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day!!

This week has been a world wind.  We were crazy busy all week, going from one appointment to the next. Sister Jones says this is the busiest she has been on her whole mission!!   It is wonderful.  I love it!!!

Just a little example of how crazy it was, each night we are suppose  to report how each lesson was and what we taught in our area book.  At one point in the week we had 10 lessons to report on :) GO TEAM!!
Well I’m going to try to fit this week into an email that's not horribly long, but bear with me :)

We had a super fun zone activity last Monday so we got to have a good time with all the missionaries in our stake. I love being a missionary and being with other missionaries! We had a scavenger hunt and we asked this kid to hold the Book of Mormon and skateboard...he did it so we could take a picture, but he didn't want to keep the Book of Mormon oh well :). We also had to find things that didn't have to do with being a missionary, and we played the game signs, with all 30 of us! It was a good time :).
Tuesday we went on exchanges, Sister Trowerbidge and I went to town...
We started off at the food pantry and everyone there was so mad.  They thought Sister Jones had left (we have been preparing them, since transfers are this week) they proceeded to tell me that they were going to call the big man in charge "whoever that Is" and request (aka Demand ) that we never leave.  They all want to come to Utah.  They are all planning a trip for when I get married... (aaaa that might be a little scary) hahaha

Amongst a lot of other things the highlight moment of the day is when we taught the Cunnighams. For a good 4 days I had been trying to prepare a lesson for them, and nothing was coming. I knew that I wouldn't be able to rely on Sister Jones either; I was kind of on my own. I had planned on going over their thoughts and questions about the word of wisdom and really helping them see the importance of it, but that's really all I had planned. Totally meant to be... Bishop Jones ended up coming to the lesson and it was so good. Half way through, he turned to me and asked would it be alright if he shared some of his thoughts?  Had I had a huge lesson, like usual, Bishop would have never had an opportunity to share with them.  It was really good too. I ended up asking them if they would like a blessing and Bishop was able to give them one right then and there.  It was so good. They both said later that they felt the spirit!! hip hip hooray!!  They are doing so well. They kept almost every commitment we extend and they started reading the Book of Mormon on their own! They love church and they are SO excited to get baptized! 

On Monday we got a self-referral, her name is Karla and she’s 19.  We were so excited we were able to set up a time to meet her on Wednesday for the first time.  She is awesome!! She is a young mom and she really wants to know how to be happy again. She has some really good questions and really wants to know the truth!! It was such a good lesson and she was so happy at the end.  She told us that the church was something that she really was interested in she loved the feeling that she felt when we were with her. She was actually really upset when we had to go, but it’s ok because we set up an appointment for Friday. We taught the Restoration.  She was really interested and she wants to learn more. She came to church on Sunday too!!  We promised it will bring her so much joy! She brought her little boy Liam with her to church. Someone asked "is this your first time here?" and Karla said "yes, but it won't be my last!" We are excited to continue to teach her! 

Wednesday night at 8'ock we got a text from the AP's that we would be having a new missionary training the next morning at the mission home... Ahhh,,, so we had to call all of our appointments.  We only got 12 hours notice! So we hurriedly rescheduled everything and went to bed. New missionary training was great though!  It was wonderful to spend one last meeting with President and Sister Woodbury before they are released.  I asked president for any last words of advice, and he said "Heavenly Father has blessed you with many talents that will greatly bless this mission, write them down and figure out how to use them.  And if you do you will greatly bless this mission" so now in need to go back to the drawing board and figure out what my talents are... this will be fun ;D (I feel like that time when my mom made me stitch my positive attributes onto a pillow) hahaha

We also were able to arrange for one of our investigators, Christina, to receive a priesthood blessing that day! It was a big step for her to actually accept and come to the church to receive a blessing.

Friday we did some service for Sister Booth and met with Gail. She is doing so well! She is reading all she can about Joseph Smith on the Gospel Library app. She just cracks us up every time we see her.  On Sunday, Karla needed a ride home from church and we were scrambling to find someone....and then we asked Gail. Karla lives in the completely opposite direction as Gail, but she was so kind to drive her home! We tagged along to help Karla feel more comfortable, and it was a good time :)

Saturday we did LOTS of planning and then we had dinner at the Eagar's, and they invited Frank and Shelley as well as two other members of the ward! It was great. They spoiled us with good food, friends, and fire. I even saw fireflies in their backyard for the first!  I was like a kid in a candy store going all over the place, jumping up and down. It was awesome!! We had a lesson with everyone there and I loved hearing everyone share their testimonies. 

This week has been crazy and that was just brief insight of it. One thing that has been in my head all week is something that Sister Trowbidge said to me on exchanges. She said that about 2 or so months before I came out President was looking to shut down a sisters area, for lack of missionaries.  The STL that was a big help to president suggested and insisted that he shut down our area because nothing good was happening here and many sisters thought that it was a waste of time and effort. Well President proceeded to tell the STL's that this area wasn't even a candidate for him—there was no way he was going to shut it down. They thought he was crazy... but then Sister Trowbrige told me that she believes the reason he didn't shut it down was because he knew the good that was going to happen when Sister Jones and I got together.  I almost started crying. It was so cool... the spirit told me once again that I was where I needed to be and that I was supposed to be here. President is a truly inspired man and I’m sad to see him go but so excited for a new experience and a new chapter to begin.

Sister Jones and I have tried our hardest to make a difference in this area, and until that moment I had not realized what a difference we had truly made. I love the mission and I’m so grateful to be part of this work!! The work of bringing joy to others has truly been a wonderful experience.  Well, I love you all have a great week:)

Keep Smilin
Sister Kendrick

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