Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chicago Summers

I have a love hate relationship with the Chicago summers but this week was pretty cool. They have probably the best rain storms I've ever experienced!!  There is so much water at once, it is a flash flood. It's really cool to watch from the comfort of your home.

Tuesday were transfers and in the zone I'm in right now, there are only 4 companionships that have cars and about 20 companionships. Even though we were not getting transferred, we had to help get the Sisters who were to the right places. It's not too much fun dragging 100  plus pounds of luggage on the train and walking for a good long while (speaking from experience that is #Boston). It’s crazy to watch the different phases of the mission. I can count on one hand the missionaries that are left in the mission that I knew from the start of my mission.  But, all is well. As of late, we have been getting some amazing missionaries coming into our mission!! It's excited to see their fire and their enthusiasm for the work. Along with new missionaries this transfer, Elder and Sister Bingham came in.  After 16 months they FINALLY made it out to Chicago and how glad we are!! They are by far the sweetest people I've ever meet. They came to a lesson with us this week and man I wish they had been here the whole time!!  

It's funny to me also when we get someone that comes from a farm town out west. The way they talk just makes me chuckle at their little saying because you don't hear it at all out here!! In fact you hear things like this:  We were out trying to find an apartment the other night and as we were walking and talking to people. We came across this mom and her girls and we told them we were trying to find a women by the name of Irina and then we always segway into we're where headed to her house to share a message about Christ and the restored gospel etc...  but before we could even start to segway one of the little girls that couldn’t have been much older than 6 said "she white?" (Referring to the women named Irina)  Sister Pruitt said, “um we don't know, we have never meet her before” and the little girl was like "ummmmmmmhum she white... with a name like that she white!" We lost it!  haha if you can only imagine this little girl she had the hips and the finger moves from side to side! It was so funny!!  See what I'm saying, no funny hick talk out here!

That same night we were contacting and we got out of our car. There was a whole lot commotion and people. They all had candles so I asked if there was a vigil of some sort taking place. The women I asked said, “yes” and continued to tell us that her sister had been shot on the south side and she was running away from the gunmen. It was so sad she just cried. She had a little 5 yr. old. It broke my heart. I was so grateful that I could share a bit about the Plan of Salvation with her. This was the first time Sister Pruitt had experienced this in Chicago. It's terrible and yet it happens all the time here, especially in the summer months. I'm truly so grateful for the knowledge we have of The Plan, the big picture!! I went home that night with a grateful heart that I was able to be there at that time and that place to share that truth with those who truly needed it. 

We had a lesson with Fummi and John this week.  As we were teaching outside, there was a rainbow that came overhead and for whatever reason, Fummi felt the spirt and she just kept saying that all of this was from God that He had a hand in all of it and the rainbow just topped it off for her. It was exciting to see her enthusiasm. I was so happy!!

This weekend the Valpo stake had Youth Conference and they all came up to the temple, so I got to give them all temple tours and see some of my favorite people.  It was a lot of fun. 

Yesterday when we got to church I told Sister Pruitt, “I think I know that guy” while I was looking at the back of this guy’s head as he was walking into the church and then he turned around to hold the door open and sure enough it was Brother Keeler!! I practically ran to him!  By the time I got to him, he was already sitting in the chapel!  So So fun to see him.  Such a fun mishap! It did get me thinking though, I've have had so many great people in my life that have shaped me.  I will forever be grateful!

Quote for the week, "you just have to be as good as you can be, and God will magnify you and make you more than you alone could ever become" 

Ok keep smilin 
Sister Kendrick 

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