Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Happy Pioneer Day

This week was great!  I'll try my best to remember everything! So John and Funmi are doing fabulous. They are seriously the best people ever! We taught them about the sacrament and about the covenants they will make at baptism. They said that they really want to get baptized and make those covenants with God! We put them on date!  We had to teach them about chastity. Ha! There's something funny about a 20 year old girl teaching someone that could be her parents about chastity. It was comical, but the lesson turned out great and the spirit was totally there!  I kept thinking how am I going to approach the fact that they were not married and nor did I know if they wanted to be. I did know that they definitely didn't have the ability to have one of them move out. They are just trying to make ends meet as it is.  I really had no idea how to approach the situation. As I said a little prayer in my heart asking Heavenly Father to guide my words and inspire me what to say, (this was about half through the lesson) I really needed to know there personal situation.  I began to speak and John spoke up and asked, “Sisters, this thought just came to me, what does the church say about our situation? Is it ok for us to be living the way that we are?”  It was the exact thing that needed to be said. I was truly grateful that God had directed John’s thoughts and answered my prayers. It was a great lesson!! They want to get married but can't right now because of legal issues. We've been praying like crazy that we can get that all figured out so they can take that next step in their conversion. John also said, "My soul’s desire is to come to church on Sundays but because of work I just can’t." How perfect is he, am I right? Please pray for them that something will come up so they can come to church! It truly is a privilege to teach them.  I wish you could all meet them!  They live just down the road from us 3 minutes and so every night we go over and have a family scripture study and prayer. It's truly my favorite thing I look forward to it every night!! I love love love them !!!! 
So on Tuesday morning we get in our car to leave and the whole dashboard isn't working. Our blinkers won't work, our AC is out, windows won't roll down, power steering is out, the whole 9 yards…AND it was about 95 degrees outside.  Our car had been baking in the sun. Luckily, the dealership isn't too far from our house because it was a near death experience, haha just kidding it was that bad.  I just remembered that if your steering goes out speed is your friend, or at least I hope that was the right thing!  haha.  It was scary but we made it! So, it ended up that the main computer module failed which I'm so grateful that it didn't happen while we were driving. That is why I got to drive a truck for a bit Whoot Whoot!! It's a lot harder here than back home though that's for sure!

I think I might have said something about this before in my last email, but we started teaching a lady named Rosa and she is awesome! She is a taxi driver and she just happened to be driving a member of the church. He told her all about the church and got her contact info for us. (I love love love when members do that). We taught her the Restoration and answered many of her questions this week. She was like, “this sounds familiar.” It was so cool to teach her something that sounds so familiar because she actually has heard it before. She is so prepared! It is amazing! She has been through a lot of hard times. I'm excited to see how much the gospel will change her life!  She reminds me a ton of Karla.  I'm So blessed!!  Her questions and comments where just perfect and she is feasting for knowledge! She even came to church this week so that was grand too. We took the Bingham girls to her lesson and it was very sweet. The spirt was strong and those girls just kept testifying of the gospel. It was perfect for her! 

You also asked at the beginning of the mission to tell you crazy things that happen, so here you go. We were walking out of the lesson and this cop pulls up. He says to us, “what are you white girls going here?” Mind you, it is a nice place and it was 10 am. He went on to say how it was not a safe place for us to be, and we should be careful to keep our eyes open and consider finding a different place to hang out. The funny thing is, it is probably one of the safest and nicer places I have knocked at. To top it off, my area is the safest this side of Indiana. Haha 

We started using a new finding method that Sister Pruitt and I came up with in the outdoor malls and it's been working really really well. It has been so much fun! We have talked to so many amazing people! It has been miraculous! I love talking to people I love being a missionary!

Happy Pioneer Day! I hope you take time to remember those that came before us!  Also to remember those who have paved the way for you personally so that you could be a part of this great faith.  Take time to thank those who come to mind and last but not least, go and listen to a little Nashville Tribute Trek and Joseph you won't be sorry!! 

I truly know this is the Lord’s work and that he is a part of it every step of the way. I have truly seen his hand this week! So many miracles! I love you all! Have a wonderful week!

Keep smilin 

Sister Kendrick 

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