Sunday, July 3, 2016

Is it dead??? Let's fill the font!!!

Hey everybody! Sister Jones is being transferred to the South Side! I’m thinking she may never return home ;) jk I'm so jealous!  She will be in Morgan Park to serve with Sister Mattinson as a Sister Training Leader. She is going to be great!!!

This week was great! We met with Frank and Shelli a few times.  We were concerned about their baptismal date being so soon (July 2nd!) because they have to quit smoking, but when we came to our lesson on Saturday they said they had kept the Word of Wisdom completely since Friday night! They are amazing. I am always blown away by them.  It's so crazy how far they have come in just so little time.  They are SO determined and excited to be baptized this Saturday and I'm so happy for them!  It's been so fun to become friends with them :) so, in other words the font is being filled!!  whoot whoot!!! High-five heaven high-five

On Wednesday we went to the park to contact, and we stopped to talk to a man and his family. So, just imagine this, a big scary African American man, aka straight up G and his fam. This will be important in a minute, or it will just help paint a better picture for you. They were fishing for their first time! #straightouttachitown…..His little girl caught a catfish and they put it in a bag to take it home to eat it...but they didn't kill it. So I was trying to teach this guy how to break the fish's neck. We couldn't find anything to hit it over the head with, so he resorted to hitting it on the curb. He smacked the fish against the curb then turned to us and said "He dead??" ...but right after he said that the catfish moved! He shuddered, I started laughing so hard!! Here is this big tattooed man scared to of a little fish, he was dancing around because he had the heebie jeebies so bad... He hit the fish over the curb again, and the fish was still alive! His wife was freaking out! She was saying "he's a survivor, you better throw him back! I think he's not meant to be taken home!" They took the fish home anyway, and I tried to tell him how to gut it ( I knew having friends that worked on a fish farm on your soccer team growing up would help out as some time in my  life!! haha) I finally gave up and we told him to YouTube how to gut a fish! He said he could do that. :) Oh man, I am neck deep in city folk here and it freaked me out!! I mean who doesn't know how to kill a fish back home??   No one!! It was really funny.  It had me laughing for a good hour.

We got a Bible referral this week (requested a free Bible online) from a man named Kayode. We called to ask what time we should drop it off, and it was really hard to understand him.  We had a bet, Sister Jones thought he was Jamaican and I told her he was from Africa.  After all, we have been though this; she still doesn't trust my African intuition but that’s beside the point. We successfully set up a time to come by. We show up and Kayode and his friend Isaiah let us in. They are so kind! They are both from Nigeria and both preachers. We had a good discussion about the Holy Ghost and receiving personal revelation! We testified of a modern prophet but after that they were concerned for our salvation. At the end all four of us each said a prayer. While one was praying, the other one would interject things like "amen", "Thank you Lord!" and "mmhm!" It was a good time.

We met with Karla this week as well! She said she really enjoyed church last week! She just needs a lot of love so we are doing our best.

I am so excited to see what this new week will bring.   Sister Grant will be my new companion and I'm really excited.   She has been out for 17 months.   I'll be her last comp, so I'm so excited to learn from her!!

President Woodbury and Sister Woodbury are leaving this week and President Bingham and his family is coming. So this week is going to be crazy but I'm ready to ride the wave and take the energy and let it push me to places I haven't even thought about yet!! The work is going forth!!

We had a district finding activity and then we went to lunch after, and someone in the restaurant was so sweet and they picked up out tab... I am so grateful for sweet strangers.   It made me so happy... We tried to figure out who it was so that we could say thank you but the waitress refused to tell us because the person that paid for us insisted on being anonymous!!! Ah ah I love people :) happy day!!!

So Nick is getting shipped out tomorrow.  That's so sad but he is still going strong  with the church, once he gets settled he will be baptized in Sand Diego!! I'm so excited for him :)

Ok well, I love you all keep smilin and have a great week love you!!  

 Sister Kendrick

P.S. Challenge this week: serve 5 people! Just imagine if each person you serve serves 5 people...pretty soon thousands will be served!

And if you have Facebook, share this post:

"Tag you're it! Here's the challenge: serve 5 people in the next 24 hours, and post how you served! Share this post and tag five friends, let's get this rolling! #startwithfriendship #pic [add your story here]"
We visited with a widower this week and helped him fold a fitted sheet!

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