Friday, August 5, 2016

Let your light shine

Hey y'all,
How is everyone?? I hope all is good!

Well I'm just plugging along out here life has been good:)

Tuesday we had exchanges, I stayed in my area once again ;)
nothing really to report on ;) oh I guess I could. Say that the Cunninghams came to the food pantry and helped set up so that was cool and oh ya and I lost the car keys in the church.  I seriously walked into the church, walked to the primary room and sat down so Sister Diether could do interviews with some other sisters.  Somewhere along the way I lost them!!  So we literally tore the church to pieces to look for them. Eventually we found them, and we were late to our next lesson but what the hay life happens haha...

Wednesday was packed.  Sister Bingham and the Zone Leaders came to a district meeting just out of the blue and we had to teach.  That was fun and the pressure was on, then we had a lesson with Karla, and planned to have a lesson with a pni, who
actually had to reschedule, then a lesson with Bobby and Robin:)
All the eggs in a basket, right?? We had great lessons with
everyone they are all doing great!!

Ok quick story though, so we asked Gail to come with us to the pni but she was getting her hair done so she couldn't but that night she called us in a panic wondering if we were alright.  Well, we had arranged to have our lesson with the pni at the library, and the neighborhoods on the other side of the road had some shootings bad enough that they had to block the roads off.  I wasn't very thrilled that we had to move the appointment, but Heavenly Father works in strange ways. Who knows, we could have just been in a really bad situation but he was watching out for us!!

Friday, we had a lesson with Gail, I don't know If I told you guys or not but we gave her a children's book to read out of and she
absolutely loves it.  She calls it her BOM comic book.  We had a great lesson with her about the anti Nephi Lehis.  It was great (she says that they people in the BOM had to be black because they name their kids crazy names just like black people today haha) oh and she let me take more pics whoot whoot

 We also had a great lesson with Karla it ended up being like a two
hour heart to heart, about her baptism
this Saturday.  It was really really good!!!

Saturday we took bishop to meet Karla, and to finalize some things and later that night we taught the Cunninghams with music ;)  we taught them using How firm a Foundation and Helaman 5:12. We talked about making Christ our foundation ect.... and then we
ended with The Wiseman and the Foolish Man.  They loved the actions.   It was a good time ;)

Sunday we took Charlie with us to Mr. Sheffield’s and we had a great lesson about the Atonement and repentance.   Mr. Sheffield is coming around.

In my studies this week I came a crossed this quote and I thought I would Share ...
“Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps you are the light sent by Heavenly Father to lead another safely home or to be a beacon from a distance to show the way back to the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life? Your light is a beacon and should never stop burning or mislead those who are looking for a way home” (“That Ye May Be the Children of Light)

Maybe it will get you guys thinking idk, but I hope that you'll use
your light to bless the life of those around you, let your light so
shine!! (Matthew 5: 14-16)

Well I love you I hope you have a fantastic week!!

Keep smiling
Love Sister Kendrick

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