Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pioneer Day

Baylee:  My 2 favorite states!!

Happy Pioneer Day to everyone I hope that you all joined in on the pioneer spirit this week :) thank you all for your love and support!

Tuesday we were able to see Cunninghams, We shared a message with them about the priesthood in preparation for Frank to bless and pass the sacrament.  They were both so excited.  It's so cool when they get excited because most of these things I've always known and they have always been part of my life.   I've taken these little things for granted and it's totally changing their life!! It's awesome!!  On Sunday Frank passed the sacrament!! Life is good!! THE GOSPEL CHANGES LIFES!!

There is a huge cancer hospital by us and there is a lady here that came from Arizona to receive treatments. Her Relief Society president reached out to us to let us know.  We spent some time down there, helping her, mostly just visiting her. She is battling Leukemia and she is not doing very well.  She was talking all sort of medical stuff and I was eating it up!! I miss the hospital!!  Sister Grant thought I was crazy haha.. She is going to receive a bone marrow transplant as a last stitch effort, so hopefully it works!!

Thursday we had interviews with president.   It was great!! It was like front porch sittin talk. It is like I've known him all my life :) I'm not really struggling with anything right now so we just sat there and laughed. I told him a few stories, he told me a few.  He commented on how he read the emails my mom posted on Facebook and how it seems I just jumped in feet first, and then I started running.  He was impressed with all that I've accomplished in so short of time :)  I asked him if he had any advice or what I could do better and he said, “Ask for referrals from those I'm teaching and then keep doing what I'm doing.” It was a good 30 minute visit.   He is a cool guy. We're going to get along just fine.  The Hermanas got in a car accident so after interviews on Thursday we had to take them to the doctors. It took 4 and half hours (the health care here is crazy) so most of our day was spent helping them with that and interviews our day was pretty much done.  We still had to finish up planning, but we got it ALL done.  It was Sister Grant’s 18 month mark Thursday also!! Crazy,right?

This weekend was the picnic that we have been planning our big friend push with and it went really well.  We were able to talk and teach a few people about our beliefs in a very relaxed, conversational way, hopefully we are able to start teaching some of them. The heat kept quite a few people away. It was 95 degrees with 90 % humidity, It was cool, NOT!! I was sweating like crazy haha tmi, but it was a great Pioneer Day celebration

Speaking of the weather this week has not been fun but it makes for
some pretty cool storms.  We've had to stay in because they’ve been
really crazy. We had a tornado warning it was so cool!! I'll send a

I also wanted to tell you about Bobby.   We met him at the beach. He's amazing! He’s been through a lot and has a very strong relationship with the Lord. He has a sister that's a member and she's been trying to convert him for a long time. He says he believes in a lot of similar things, just has a hard time with The Book of Mormon. Super great guy!! We have been teaching him and it's been great! He came to the food pantry with us and he came to the picnic and he came to church, it's supper cool! We are just working on the Book of Mormon thing right now.  He believes in everything we do but he is being stubborn, and he won't let his guard down, but when we first met him two weeks ago he said he would never go to our church and that changed so I have faith the BOM thing will pass soon too;)

And then Mr. Sheffield is doing great.  He's totally coming around :)  We have taught him a very broad amount of the GOSPEL and he is right along with it. I would bet that we get him to church in a week or so ;)

Karla is on date for August 6th.  She is doing great!! She loves the church and she loves the ward members. Her biggest concern was that she wanted to make sure she was ready and that she was getting baptized for the right reasons. She now knows that she is ready it's supper cool!!

Last, but not least, we got word today that Nick has met up with the missionaries in San Diego that they are going to baptize him !!! Whoot whoot I'm so happy that there is a happy ending to that story! I'm going to try to Skype into the baptism.

Well all is well here and I’m loving this mission thing ;) I hope all is well at home; you’re all in my prayers ;) Keep out of the heat!! Have a good week!! Love you all!!
keep smilin

Love Sister Kendrick

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