Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Melting My Heart of Steel

Hey everyone
Thank you for the emails and all of your love and support!!   I love you all!! This week, for the most part, was really good ;)

Tuesday- we went back to the food pantry and Chief told us a story about his past and how it was growing up and living in the ghetto.   I love him!  He's the best!!  He goes on the list of the best people I've ever met! Later that night, Robin took us out to lunch.  She is so sweet.  She is really doing well. She's even been wearing nice clothes to church. She normally wears a t-shirt and pants, not that's a bad thing, but it just goes to show that she is trying really hard and she's making a great effort!
Wednesday- we had district meeting and we mainly talked about finding.  After district meeting, we saw Gail again. She is a wonderful!   I'm in love with her!! She really has been a bit of heaven sent for me my whole time here but more than ever, these past few weeks. I'll just say yesterday I had “a moment”, in the words of Gail. She gave me the biggest hug, was rocking me back and forth, giving me some very wise council.  When it was all said and done she had tears in her eyes, and obviously I was crying because, first off, the mission has melted my heart of steel and because Heavenly Father has sent me so many tender mercies! Man oh man how grateful I am for them!!   I'm convinced that the only reason that Gail was baptized was for me.  So selfish but I'm convinced!!
Thursday- that was a day… We went to see a referral who requested a Bible and we were just going to get to know her a bit and use “how to begin teaching".  She was super cool!  She was not raised with religion and she just wanted to get to know God a bit.  She is currently attending some Bible studies at some different churches, so we may or may not be teaching some Bible classes in the near future :)  Afterwards, I had a heart to heart with sister C.  It was really good and we met up with the Elders in our district so they could give her a blessing.  We were waiting for them at the church.  The Spanish ward had mutual. There was a girl there with her mom and a sister that was Bree's age!! She needed help with her math homework and the mom was saying, “I can’t help… I have no idea what they want you to do…. you know the usual… I've been out of school for years.  So, I ended up helping her!   It was great!! I felt like I was home :) I still need to work on my Spanish!! It's so bad, but I do my best!  Afterward, we put some pass along cards on cars in the church parking lot. There was a swim meet across the street at the school so if they are going to park at the church, they are going to get a pass along card!   There were at least 100 cars!  Being a missionary is the best!!
Friday- we saw Karla and we started playing Testimony Jenga with her.  She brought up a subject that is too fresh to tell you just yet, maybe in a year or something, sorry. But I tried to figure out what we could do to help for a good hour maybe more. We decided we couldn't help just yet so we are just trying to get through this. After that, we went finding.  Sister C did a lot better.  I think I finally figured out how to help her :) don't worry it only took me 4 Weeks ;( We didn't have a dinner appointment that night so I decided to make fajitas and baked potatoes.  We needed to clean our oven big time!!  I didn't know that you needed to clean the inside of the oven.  I think I've said it before but I live in an apartment that the elders lived in before, and let's just say I find new surprises all the time!!  So here's the story of how I found this one out ;) I turned the oven on and the
apartment started to fill up with smoke. Nothing caught fire but it was a good 20 minutes before we could breathe in there and the smell is still in the walls. Right before we left, we started to hear sirens. There is a school right next to our apartment and 2 fire trucks pulled in there and the fire chief's car too.  Sister C was kind of freaking out because she thought it was going to be SO humiliating if they were there because of us. I on the other hand was laughing her so hard. Let's just say, after setting the fire alarms off in are apartment and waving towels in the air for a good 15 minutes, I decided I need to invest in some oven cleaner and kick some Elders butts ;) the best part of all, was all that night we kept hearing and seeing fire trucks and ambulances I was having a hay day.  It was like they were following us because I'm sure you could smell the smoke!  My hair smelt so bad haha!!!

Saturday- we had 3 appointments that day and they ALL cancelled on us! Two of which we had members there and the last one was the Cunninghams. They are having some problems right now and we want to help but we
don't know the whole story! So we did a lot of finding that day. We went to stores and the beaches. I have some pictures and it looks like an ocean! I am not kidding what so ever! It is HUGE!!!!!!!!  But I was pretty bummed out I hate when people use their agency, in a way I don't agree with!   It is, for sure, the hardest thing!

Sunday- we had a good study session that morning, That night we saw Mr. Sheffield again and taught him about the Ten Commandments.  At the end of our lesson, he wanted to give us some of his wife's clothes which is a big step for him because she died last October and that is the first thing he has given away that was hers.  I really didn't want them but I I'm not kidding when I say it was a huge step for him!  The dishes she last ate off of are still in the kitchen and have not been washed!!  We took a few things that I think a few people in the ward might like. He is the best!! I love old people. I miss being a CAN.  They have so many fun stories and they have learned so much in their lifetime.  I honestly could listen to them go on all day long. Oh guess what!!
He has one of those chairs from Up on his staircase and he let ME RIDE ON IT!!! Dreams do come true!  It was so much fun even though it moved at like 2 miles an hour!  Dad, do you think you could turbo that?   It has a motor!! But really though that has been the closest thing to say that I‘ve been able to ride here!! I just want to go driving in the car through the mountains as fast as I want without having tiwi yelling at me, or jump on a boat on Lake Michigan or go through a big mud puddle on the four wheeler!! So needless to say when I get home
a year from now we have to go a trip of which we can do all of this!! Okay, I'm done ranting but I have a need for speed and loud music!! Ok I'm done

Today- we got to go to the Chicago Temple! We went because a couple in our ward that joined the church not too long ago was getting sealed. We went through the endowment session and then right after, we got to witness the sealing.  It was beautiful!  I love going to the temple!!  I wish we could go more often!!

Ok sorry this is so long but in just wanted to leave you with some quotes I ran across this week in my studies!!

“Compare this unique accomplishment with that of other scriptural translations. The King James Version of the Bible, for example, was produced by 50 English scholars who accomplished their work in seven years, translating at the rate of one page per day. Expert translators today do well if they can also translate scripture at the rate of one page per day. "In contrast, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon at the rate
of about 10 pages per day, completing the task in approximately 85 days! …

"Think of that in terms of what it implies. The coming forth of the Book of Mormon preceded the restoration of the priesthood. It was published just a few days before the Church was organized. The Saints were given the Book of Mormon to read before they were given the revelations outlining such great doctrines as the three degrees of glory, celestial marriage, or work for the dead. It came before priesthood quorums and Church organization. Doesn’t this tell us something about how the Lord views this sacred work?”

Ok challenge: read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year!!

If those quotes don't say it well enough, I’ll add my two cents!  The Book of Mormon is so powerful and so important!   It is truly an inspired book given to us from our loving Heavenly Father!  Read it, find out for
yourself what I have come to know!!  The book a Mormon will change your life and deepen your testimony of Christ and of this church!!

I love you guys have a great week
Keep smilin
Sister Kendrick

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