Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Stuck at the airport

Hey y'all

This weeks letter is kinda all over the place and short I kinda forgot a lot of what happened….sorry.

Tuesday we went on exchanges and I'm convinced Sister Meily and I are the same person. It was a wonderful day. We were on a spiritual high and we laughed the entire time. We had some solid lesson and we are definitely in tune with the Spirit. It was awesome. One of the greatest things about being on a mission is the fact that you get to meet so many cool people and friends that will last a lifetime. Sister Meily and I will definitely be friends forever. She is from Alaska but she is planning on going to BYU I whoot whoot. Let's just say gramps, next time you go hunting or fishing in Alaska, I'm going with. But really, I'm grateful for STLs. I needed that day!! I feel like I can handle life again.

Wednesday I had to teach district meeting and let's just say we have some rambunctious Elders and it's hard to keep their attention. So I thought I would do my lesson based on something that would interest them and I used some of the things you taught me dad about sleds and what makes the difference from the guy on the top of the hill to the one on the bottom. I probably didn't do it justice but it kept their attention and I think they learned something or at least I hope they did. I used it as an analogy on how we can teach about the Spirit. I know crazy right but there is a connection. #thegospelappliestoeverything.

So Thursday was kind of a blur too but I know we saw Robin and Sister Watkins, which is good because we haven't seen her in a while and now we are going to start teaching her and her grandkids again! Go team! The Gospel is true!!

Friday was not anything to talk about, its been a weird week!!

Saturday we spent the day “finding” at the air show! We didn't mean to stay as long as we did but we got trapped in. They shut the roads down because they had some really cool planes and they thought people would be looking at the sky and not the road. Anyway, we made the best of the situation and we talked to some really cool people and we got to see some really sick airplanes and I don't even like airplanes but they were cool. And then we got to go to a baptism for a little girl in the Spanish ward. She does her best to teach me Spanish and it usually ends in her laughing at me but hey it's cool :) we have a really good relationship. She is so cute I love her and I told her I would come and she was so excited!!

Sunday is the best day ever or at least it has been for these past few weeks! Sacrament meeting was really good!! Funny story, as the sacrament was going around I was praying and when it came to our row Mr. Sheffield said to sister C, “you’re going to have to wake her up, she's sleeping.” I looked over at him and smiled and said “Mr. Sheffield, I'm not sleeping, I'm praying.”  Then he said, “oh is that what all the old guys are doing too?” He was dead serious!  Good times, good times!!   The meeting was about receiving revelation at stake conference, which is this week.  I'm so excited, I love stake conference!! One of the churches best kept secret is the adult session, Saturday night .  Oh and then we also got to teach primary. We told them how they could prepare to be missionaries and how they can be missionaries now. I love little kids!  They are so funny!! And plus I got to sing all the primary songs!!  We saw Mr. Sheffield that night too. Our lesson was on testimonies. I have this testimony tree object lesson. It starts out as a seed of faith and you need to water it with praying, reading your scriptures, etc. then it starts to grow into a tree. We have leaves that have what we believe in. He said that he feels different when we come over and we explained that is the Spirit.  He was crying and I was tearing up the spirit was so so so strong I love this old man.  He's the best!! We also put the invitation to be baptized out there but he didn't say yes or no. It was a GREAT LESSON!!!!

Anyway, that was the week in a nutshell.  I hope you all had a good week too and that you have an even better one this week
Love ya,

Sister Kendrick
Keep smilin

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