Monday, September 19, 2016

Super Pumped

6 months baby!! Whoot!! Whoot!!  It’s been another terrific week!!! 

was a wonderful day, we got to spend some time with some other Sisters in the Zone. We also went to Joanns for the first time since I've been here.   It was like coming home!  Since I can't sew cause I don't have a sewing machine,  I bought some yarn and a hook and I'm knitting myself a blanket for 2 reasons. 1. I need to be able to create something. 2. It keeps me busy while Sister Christiansen is learning how to drive on Chicago roads. It keeps my mind off the road. It works really well. I've been better at not yelling at her in the car. Let's just say after this experience, my 16 year old kid will love me. 

we did a lot of service! We went to the food pantry and because I have been here for 6 months I didn't know if I was going to be here another transfer so we said our goodbyes. That night our ward had a progressive dinner put together by the Relief Society.  We were able to help out a ton.  It was a really cool idea. We made pumpkin soup out of an actual pumpkin! #ineedapressurecooker. 

we had district meeting, the last one of the transfer. Super, super, sad. I have grown to love this district. We didn't know what was happening with transfers but it we knew a least one of us was leaving. We had a great meeting.   Afterwards, we were able to have a lesson with a less active member that no one knew!! It was an awesome lesson, he told us he still reads the scriptures and all, but he just hasn't been out for a while.   In my head I was thinking, well that's what everyone says, but the more I talked to him, the more I realized that he had been reading.   He knew the scriptures up and down. Come to find out, he just moved here about 7 months ago and he's only been a member for 2 years so that was kind of a fun lesson ;) #findingthelostsheep 

was a packed day!  Amongst the planning, we saw Gail in the morning and sister Watkins in the afternoon and attended a wedding that night for one of the elders recent converts.  With Sister Watkins and her granddaughters, we did the fun little brown paper bag books that Bree sent us.   We are going to use that in all our lessons with them.  It was super fun!!  Gail is doing great!! She is driving  uber and she is loving it!!  haha... she's the best!! She told me she talked to you, mom.  She was like mmmmmummhh that's where you get it, you sound just like her, Kendrick !!! Haha she loved talking to you!!

We had a fun district lunch.   Like I said before I've grown to love this group of people and the Woods.  We did some online training with Sister C, and we met this really cool guy.   He asked me if I knew anything about Excel and for 2 hours, while Sister C was doing her new missionary training, I taught him how to use Excel.   He said he wants to hire me to work at his office.  He's a nurse practitioner, but he was going to school for a higher degree or something like that.   Anyway, I helped him do his homework.  He was so cool!! He was 6' 7'' a huge ball player. It was good stuff!! That night we had a lesson with the Cunninghams.  It was so good.   For a while it's been a real struggle with them  I don't know where they have been but there back.  Our lesson on Friday was great and they were happy and Frank was jumping up and down, it was so good!!! I've missed them :) 

Not much to report on other than stake conference was amazing!! That night we had transfer calls and I'm leaving Gurnee.   I'm headed down to Indiana.   It should be very exciting!   It's crazy stuff, I don't want to leave Gurnee and all my beloved people here but I'm excited for what's to come. My new comp is Sister Sufia.  She's from Samoa so I'm super pumped!!! 

Conference was amazing!! I have a great love for our Stake Presidency. They are awesome and President  and Sister Bingham spoke so it was a win win!!!  Elder and Sister Woods invited us over for dinner for the last supper!   It was bitter sweet!!! I love them so much!   They have been a great example to me!! They had some of the sailors over and 2 of them were not members so we were able to have a great lesson on the restoration and they agreed to meet with us again.  That was cool but the crowning moment of that day was our lesson with Mr. Sheffield.   He prayed for the first time and it was the sweetest pray I've ever heard!  After wards, he sat there and sobbed and I was crying because it was such a rewarding moment!! It was a great way to end my stay here in Gurnee !! I know I've done what I was sent her to do!! I've worked hard and I've done all I knew how to do!! Hearing Mr. Sheffield pray was the most gratifying moment yet!!!

Well I have a lot to do today, a lot of people to go see and a lot of packing so I'm going to wrap it up!
 I love you all 
Keep smiling

Sister Kendrick 

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