Tuesday, October 18, 2016


 Another great week here in the boonies :) 

We spent a good portion of the day helping a lady pack up her belongings for a move. Rewind just a little bit… a member called us and asked if we had time to help her friend.  We were like ya we would love too.. she told us that she didn't particularly know anything about the church so it would be a great opportunity for us to share with her as we packed.  Sweet!!  Right?  That's what we were thinking:) ya let’s just say it was an interesting day.... she was super stressed about the move and her divorcee.  It made it really hard to share a message with her but all is well because we got to do some great service for her;)  
We also had a fun lesson with a less active later in the day.

We had a dinner that night at the one of the elders investigator’s home with a recent convert.  She invited one of their friends/ coworkers to dinner.  Afterward, when we were sharing our lesson with them, she opened up and wanted to know everything!!   It was super cool!!  She is a very devoted orthodox catholic. It was really awesome for a number of reasons……1.  was the fact that the inv. and the recent convert were testifying over and over again about the church and the Book of Mormon   and second from the outside looking in it might have seemed like a bible bash but it wasn't the spirit was so strong.  We taught her about the restoration and a little bit of the plan of salvation.  After it was all said and done she didn't take the Book of Mormon and really wasn't interested but she was very grateful to us for sharing our faith.  She said she really enjoyed it and wanted to meet up again to talk a little more. I’ve learned just as much about other religions out here as I have about my own, its really neat!

We started off the day with a little service.  We got to dress up like pioneers and give a guided tour of a old farm house and also of the portage museum.   It was super fun!  The people were so surprised at how much I knew about the 1850 to 1900s and it was fun to share with them how I gained the knowledge…. Genealogy, church history, and of course things like Brigham Young's home and Nauvoo.   It was so much fun, and at the end, the people that actually work there were like hey Sister Kendrick, you really know your stuff.   I learned a lot from you today.  Your church really has their heads on straight,  haha!!! Mathew 5:16 whoot whoot!!  I’m so glad that we treasure our history and our Families!!

Later that day we had a lesson with Michelle and her kidos.   They’re adorable! We taught the little ones what it meant to be a child of God and we asked Victoria if she would sing I’m a Child of God at her mom’s baptism. At the end Sister Sufia asked her, “who are you again”?... just being funny.   She was like Sister you know who I am; I’m Victoria Oaks a child of God!!  On Sunday Michelle was showing me a something on her phone and she came to a video of Victoria singing I’m a Child of God!! It made me so happy Paycheck moment!! 

So about 8:45 at night president called us.  We were in a lesson, so I excused myself and called him back. The Hebren sisters (Sister C) had been in a car accident and they totaled their car.  We were the closest to them so we had to go get them.  The sisters were ok, but they were pretty banged up!! The car was squished and totaled!! Anyways the paramedics and the mission wanted the sisters to go get checked out so at 10 we got to the hospital!! (this is really bad but I was so happy to be back there, nothing else was open so we had to go to the ER!! I was on cloud 9).   Sister C got the most banged up she had some awesome bruises!! After the X-ray and the discharge work we left at 1:00 am, so we decided to sleep over at their apartment :)  So minus the accident it was a great night!!

The rest of the week wasn’t too exciting:) we just did the same old same old haha:)

Well I’ll leave you with a fun quote that I’ve tried to live by, both here and in just life in general!!
 It’s from President Monson 
             "If you want to give a light to others, You have to glow yourself"

Have a great week everyone I love you and the Lord loves you :)
keep smiling 

-Sister Baylee Kendrick-

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