Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Real Intent

Hey Y'all
 So I’ll jump right to it  :) 

On the 2nd Monday of the month, all the empty nesters and all those who don’t have family, get together and have a dinner and a family home evening.  I think it’s pretty cool!  This week they invited us and some recent converts over.  It was a fun evening and we didn't even have to teach the lesson :) haha that doesn’t happen too often.

We have been doing a whole lot of less active work here. In our area we have 5 active families and a little more than 250 less actives!!!  We could have a whole ward in just the amount of less active families that we have. The majority of Tuesday was just going around and trying to find out if these people are even still at the address we have and inviting them to our ward Halloween party!! We had a lot of success in getting in with people and also some return appointments which is always good :) 

We had zone training and president interviews which took most of the day. I love zone training.  We talked about planning and setting goals, my favorite! There is nothing better than a check list and worthy goals and then not losing the fire that came with opening our calls, (which is really hard some days). President showed a picture of his grandkids and they were wearing Future Missionary name tags on and the biggest smiles on their faces!!  So Cute!! He asked us to remember that feeling and never let go it. He asked others to share the day they opened up their call and it brought back all those fun emotions again. It was a good time.

We went on exchanges. Sister Bott and I had a good old time. That night Sister Grant came back!! It was so good to see her! 

We had a few appointments during the day and a few more stops at less actives and then we were able to go to dinner at Ashley's with Sister Grant and Sister G :) We had a solid lesson with them and then we had a mini testimony meeting!! I missed Sister Grant so much!  It was so good to see her again She was and is such a great missionary!! I never did call her by her first name!! She will always be sister to me

We did some hard core family history!! whoot whoot A recent convert has a ton of family that she wants to take to the temple but first we had to enter it all into Family Search!! Let’s just say I was very happy on Sunday.  Also, fun fact, did you know any member of the church gets a free membership to Ancestry.com?  Just go to Familysearch.org/partneraccess .  Learn something new all the time.   Also check out Wiki on Familysearch.org.   It’s really helpful.

Story Time!! 
It was 8:00 and needless I was done with the day.  We were trying to find one home in particular.  It wasn't working out so well because you see it gets dark at 5:30 and its pretty much pitch black at 8:00.  We parked the car and got out to walk to get a better look at the mail boxes. We couldn't find the dumb house.  As we were walking back, I had seen a house with the lights and T.V.on and toys in the window.  I thought Sister Kendrick, you should go knock on that door.  Of course, I was thinking "no it’s a school night and its 8:00 there probably going to bed" ... the excuses went on.  We didn't go and knock on the door. We got to the car, I opened my door  and Sister Sufia said " hey Sister Kendrick, did you see that house with the light on, I just got the feeling that we should go and knock on the door what do you say we should go?" Well, I got that same feeling I guess we better go!! 

So, pause the story for a minute. If you don't listen or heed to the whisperings of the Spirit or if you’re not willing to do the Lord’s work, he will let you pass by and wait until a dependable servant comes along. I had stopped feeling or stopped listing to the Spirit. After that first initial prompting, nothing else happened.  Only one prompting and done.  I wasn't willing, so he passed me by. I’m grateful Sister Sufia was willing to listen to the spirit

Back to the story, we did go and knock on the door and we set up an appointment to go and teach this cute family.  Whether it turns in to anything or not, I don’t know and when it comes down to it, it really doesn't matter.   What matters is the fact that we are willing to act on the promptings we are given. As we got into the car after talking to that sweet family Sister Sufia reminded me that earlier that day we had asked our Heavenly Father to guide us where to go and we promised him that if he put people in our paths that we would share the gospel with them.  I learned a valuable lesson that night.  We had prayed.  I thought I was praying with faith and with a sincere heart and truthfully I was, but I was missing the real intent.  I dad lacked in my responsibility to act. I lacked real intent!!  Moral of the story…. Learn from my mistake. Follow the spirit always!! Most of you don’t have an awesome companion that will pick up where you slack off and you might miss out on the blessings and the experiences that could have been yours!

I Love You All!! I hope you have a great week!! 

Keep smiling 
-Sister Baylee Kendrick-

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