Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Raise the Roof

Hey transfer updates..  Sister Sufia will be going to North Shore and I will be training again!! I'm so sad but it is what it is!  I love Sister Sufia and I'm so sad to see her go!! 

This week was kind a crazy we had to take some STLs responsibility and try to take care of our Hebron sisters. So on Tuesday thru Saturday, we were in a trio with them. 

So, let me tell you about Tuesday. We had to help one of our members, she was really struggling, so we spent some time taking care of her and making sure that she was able to cope with the death of a love one and making sure she wouldn’t do anything stupid. At the same time, we were trying to coordinate and fix and split the Hebron sisters so that they could be productive and work. One of the companions, Sister C is going home.  Sister C was one of my past companions. I'm sad to see her go but I hope she still continues with all that she has learned and that she strives to push herself to achieve more.  She is an awesome girl and I love her so much I just wish her the best. There was a lot on our plate that day. In an effort to get the Hebron sisters where they needed to be, that night we had to take them up to Chicago Heights (1hr 15mins) and come back down, and then Hebron is 40 minutes away from us, so you can get an idea of how long this took:) haha road trip !!! We ended up getting home really late. Good thing we didn't turn into pumpkins!!  Just when we thought we were done with the craziness, one of our recent converts text us and she said that she was having a really rough day. All and all Tuesday was a crazy day.  When it rains, it pours!! 

Wednesday Sister Sufia had a doctor’s appointment in the morning. We are trying to get everything worked out so she can feel better. They did a scope of her nose and her adenoids were the sizes of two LARGE GRAPES... ahahaha they gave her some medication and they hope that it will help to shrink it. 

We also had district meeting and it was really good. We went over how to teach the restoration so simply, so that it will be easier for investigators and members to understand.  

Later that night we had a lesson with Sue. She's preparing to go to the temple and we are helping her with the temple prep classes. This lesson in specific went deeper into the plan of salvation. Then we went to try to figure out the logistics of Skype so that we can start using it for our lessons. We figured out all sorts of cool things and we're excited to use it. Before you know we will be having four way Skype lessons with members and investigators. It's gonna be so cool!! The mission is really embracing the technology and the information given to us from the First Presidency. We are taking missionary work to a whole new level. 

Thursday we were able to go and help at the Salvation Army!! They do a thing call the Angel Tree. Families that are in need are able to be give Christmas presents for the little ones. We as missionaries became elves in Santa’s workshop! There were presents out the wazoo. It was so much fun to serve and to give. It’s always so rewarding when we are able to serve our Heavenly Fathers children. "17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." 

Saturday was the highlight of the week!! We were on point with the #LightTheWorld. We didn't intend on what happen to happen but we're so glad that it did. Our plan was to go and visit Sister Vickers and sing Christmas carols with her and help her to have that Christmas spirit. So, about 30mins into doing this I went outside to check on something and she heard some music playing.  Ok rewind for just a moment… When we walked into the nursing home we noticed that they were having a little get together.  When we got to Sister Vickers room we asked if she would like to attend the Christmas party… she was completely against it. After I heard the music I came running back to the room.  I insisted that she come out. With the sense of urgency and excitement we helped Sister Vickers to get down to the party. This is where the Light the World comes in. We took helping others to walk to a whole new level. We got Sister Vickers to start dancing. It was the best thing in the world. Then our toes started to pop to the beat and we just couldn’t contain any longer. We started a train with a bunch of old people around the room in a big line. I've never danced in a line so slow (everyone had their walkers and cane).  You know you’re on a mission when your Saturday night out on the town consists of a dance party with a bunch of 90 year olds. It’s the most excitement you get all week!  But for real though Sister Vickers was getting it on! She only lasted 15mins until she had to sit in her walker. But that didn't stop her.  She had her hands clapping and her hips swaying from side to side. We were asked to come back and do volunteer hours anytime. #lighttheworld #raisetheroof #foundaNewClub. 

Later that night we had a great lesson with Bev. She has so many good questions. We got really deep in the plan of salvation and we were able to help her understand some questions she has had for a long time, and how to help her brother to understand. Beth is doing amazing. She's seriously the sweetest person that you will ever meet. It's crazy to see that Light that has started to glow within her. I feel like she's a completely different girl from the first time I met her. She's still the same happy, sassy, girl, but you can see that she's figuring out the Light of Christ and what her purpose is. She’s definitely helping me grow. 

Sunday didn't end up being a normal Sunday at all! We woke up early to go to Ward Council.  Half way there we received a txt message that church had been canceled. We have received a snow storm and the news called for everyone to stay in. Everyone but the Missionaries that is. We grabbed our snow shovels and went to work. There are very few individuals that we knew that needed help in this winter wonderland!!! Wasn't typical Sunday but you can be sure that we felt the spirit and shared Christ’s love. 

Hey I wanted to share Sister Sufia's testimony. I'm am truly grateful for her. " I know the World is being Light because of all of our testimony and all of our Smiles. Keep shining and keep the Faith. "  

I love you all! Have a great week! Keep smilin 

Love Sister Kendrick 

Sister Parke is going home 

Thank you to the Ercanbracks for the package!!  So sweet of them!

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