Monday, December 26, 2016

Spreading Christmas Cheer

Hey y'all

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!! I’m going make this one short and sweet seeing how I got to talk you all yesterday!!

This week was really fun sharing the good tidings and the Joy that comes with the Birth of Christ what a better time than this to be serving a mission!  We were able to share this message with many people. What a blessing, with our hard work Heavenly Father blessed us with 5 new people to teach. None were from our own labors, which makes them even better Heavenly Father truly blesses those that are doing his work!

We got real creative on Christmas Eve and Christmas by passing out treats with the Light the world pass along cards, going door to door with the video of Christ Birth, and testifying to all who would let us in, to hanging candy canes and pass along cards on the crazy shoppers car doors.    (I still don't know if that was ok to do or not but hey what's done is done)  ;)  I watched as an older man walked out to his car and when he saw the candy cane he looked at it and then looked up and then looked at it again and read it and then with it in his hand, scanned the parking lot, I tried to act normal but he saw Sister Tanner in the act. He yelled as loud as he could, THANK YOU GIRLS!! MERRYCHRISTMAS GOD BLESS!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK YOU’RE RIGHT HE IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!!  It made it all worth it.  Hopefully we were able to share the Christmas spirit with many more than that sweet old man, but if not he was worth are every effort!! :)

Christmas is an amazing time of year for all that will let Christ into their hearts!! That’s the true magic behind Christmas and I TRULY felt that magic this year!!

Everyone here is doing pretty well.  Everyone is at their own speed coming to Christ and it’s truly just a blessing to be a part of their journey!!

Once again, thank you all that wished me a Merry Christmas and was so kind to me and my Companions!!  I truly am grateful!!  I’m excited to pay it forward one day!!

Love Ya!! 

Keep smilin

Love Sister Kendrick

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