Friday, February 17, 2017

God is Good

Well, this week has been great as always. Were just working it down here and lovin every second!! We've been up to the same old same old for the most part so I just want to share the highlights of this week:)

Exchanges with Sister Mattinson:
I love this girl so much she is one of the hardest working missionary I know!! It was such a great day with her!! This exchange was filled with tender mercies for me. Coming in strong at the start of the night we went to a Bible referral.  The church has these ads that pop up on the computer and on phones that offer a free Bible and then the missionaries get notified and we go and drop it off.  It's really neat and we are able to teach a lot of people this way especially in Chicago, they get so many Bible referrals it’s hard to keep track of them all.  Anyway, we went to meet this man and his wife and low and behold he was from Africa!! Nigeria, actually.  So after giving individual the Bible we then transition into introducing the Book of Mormon.  When we gave him the Bible he said "no I know about this book! I would like to know more about The Book of Mormon!" Not something you hear all that often!! To make a long story short,  growing up the government would not let the church build a church in Nigeria for a very long time, and when they did they pushed them to as far away from the people as they could (mind you, this is all out of his mouth) they pushed them right into his home grounds.  He said when he was in high school there were missionaries that went out and about and he remembered a lot of white people haha:) His cousin was interested in the new building and the white people so he went and found out for himself.   He said that his cousin was baptized but he never had an interest.  A few years later his brother met the Missionaries and decided to join the church and he currently lives in Utah.   He said that his cousin is now "in Charge of the church or something " aka Bishop haha So we were able to teach him.  He is now at the age of 60 he is able to learn more about the church after all of his interactions with Church before.  Also I loved it because I love Africa!

Skyping Sue:
So Sue has been down in Kentucky these last few weeks so we have been skyping her while she was gone:) it’s been so much fun!  We taught her about the temple which she is preparing for and had some pretty funny conversations.  She is hilarious!  I love her!

Fun Hobby Lobby Experience:
So I normally like to give people compliments when I see them in stores and on the streets because I know that it brightens their day and mine.  Also I think it makes it less awkward to start a conversation as well.  So we were in Hobby Lobby to get some things that we needed and I saw this older lady and just said, "You look pretty today!" I had no idea how much this would mean to her, but later on in the store we bumped into her and she asked us if we Christians.  We said yes and that we were actually missionaries.  She then went on to tell us how she felt like she looked like a rag doll today and then we talked to her she knew it was an answer from God to be told she was pretty and she just wanted to tell us God is good.  I had no idea it would mean so much to her, I was just being kind and God knew what she needed and met her need through such a simple act of kindness.  God is good.

Thank you to everyone that sent me an email this week! I appreciate them so much!  I am working on writing letters and responding to emails!  I love y'all!
Keep smiling!
Sister Kendrick

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