Thursday, February 23, 2017

The week I turned 20

Happy Valentine's Day!!  Thank you all for all your kind notes!!  I love them so much!!  On Tuesday we were able to do so much service and help people feel loved!  We made hearts and notes to put on 15 people's doors in our ward.  It was so fun to do and to know we were putting a smile on their faces and helping them to have a good day. We also were able to go to the nursing home with the YSA and give out homemade cards we made for the residents and the workers.  It was super fun to talk to all the elderly and show them how much they are loved and appreciated even thought their family or loved ones may not be there with them.

On Wednesday we went on exchanges with Griffith which was so super fun!  They have like 15 investigators which is a lot and so we were busy from the time we woke up until the time we had to go and exchange back.  Seriously it was amazing to be in nonstop lessons.  I haven't been in nonstop lessons for literally forever.  Teaching is so fun on the mission and I have missed it so much!  It was such a blessing to be able to teaching talk with people and help them come closer to Christ.

Thursday started out a normal day with service at the museum and then planning.  I was thinking we would just be planning and then we would go finding.  Well I was wrong.  Around 5pm we were finishing up planning and our apartment door just opens up and its 3 members that
are coming to kidnap me for a birthday dinner!  I was really surprised!  They took us to Albanese Candy Factory and Store and had fun getting candy and then we went to Red Lobster which was super sweet of them and then we were going back to teach a lesson.

  I was literally clueless and had no idea that weren't going over there for just a lesson.  We were going for a little surprise birthday party. They made me a cake with Africa on it which I love and the whole apartment was decorated.  Sister Tanner is so sweet and got me a cute dress and then I was able to dissect a sheep heart which was a gift from a member that knows me too well. Lol. I also got to take everyone's blood pressure which I was so happy about.  Then of course the surprises weren't over!  When we pulled up to our apartment the Hebron Sister missionaries had broke into our apartment a decorated it for my birthday.  Then on top of all of that I got so many wonderful cards and letters and emails!  I felt so loved on my birthday and the day before as well.  Thank you to everyone who sent me gifts, cards and emails.  It meant so much to me!

Friday was my actual birthday haha.  In the morning we did service at the museum and I also helped give tours to people who were visiting all by myself.  It was basically like serving in Nauvoo.  Super fun! Then we went to Senior Prom at the nursing home because we have some sweet members that live there.  We got to dance with them and help them have fun with all the music.  It is so funny to watch all the elderly get their dance on!  After that we had MCM and they were so sweet and surprised me with ice cream! 

 Wow I am one blessed missionary!  I had so much fun these past few days.  Thank you again for all ALL of you do to make me feel loved.  

Saturday was a lot calmer of a day.  We spent a lot of time reaching out to less active members and trying to clean up the records we keep on the less active members and investigators.  We also visited the sweetest old man, Brother Ackley.  He is so precious.  We played a gospel testimony game and it was so amazing to hear his testimony that he has been growing for the past 70 years that he has been a member. He is a convert and his wife just passed away so we try to visit him every week so he doesn't feel lonely.  Then on Sunday he bore his testimony which was pressure.

I love you all!!

Keep smilin!
Sister Kendrick

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