Friday, May 26, 2017

Adventures and Sue

Well… shout out to Brodee for graduating today!! How I wish I could be there :( Who thought this day would ever come. It's funny before I left on my mission we were talking about time and how right about the time I come home Brodee would be graduating. That seemed like a lifetime away, and here we are. It seems like I'm always chasing time! At the time I was excited to miss out on the graduation that seems to last hours and hours but how I really wish I could be there today!! You done good Brod!  I'm proud of ya!! #longlive

This week was full of adventures!  Starting off with exchanges with the one and only Sister Tanner!! Man we had quite the exchange! It's always an adventure. We were able go to the high school to teach their world religion class for two days this week.  It was a blast. It was really fun!  To put it into perspective for you, there are only 4 kids that attend that school that are members and they are all from the same family, so these kids knew next to nothing about the gospel.  They had all heard all the crazy stereotypes. It still dumb founds me some of the things that people believe about our religion.  We shared The Restoration with them and answered all their questions. There was one or two that got me tripped up but other than that it wasn't too bad. 

 Remember Tyler that walked into the church two weeks back that we passed off to the YSA sisters? Ya while we're on exchanges I got to go and teach him with Sister Tanner and set up his baptism for this weekend so that's exciting!! Stranger things have happened! He's having all of his friends (recently returned missionaries) come and do the whole program so it'll be really neat to attend! Chalking that one up to member missionary work!

I got a call this week from Sue ( a recent convert from Indiana ) and she was so excited to tell me that she would be going to the temple this week to finally be sealed to her husband!! It was such a tender call. The temple and the sealing was the one thing that sealed the deal when she was learning about the gospel. She had been waiting for this day for quite some time.  After getting the call we made arrangements to attend this wonderful event. I called the temple to see what time here session would be so that we could attend (Sue only knew the time she was to be there) I was so excited. When we were just about to go into the session I mentioned to the temple worker my excitement to be there for this sweet friend of mine for her first time. She looked at me puzzled and said oh no I think we have a mix up. Long story short, the temple had told us the wrong time and Sue’s session was half way over. I was so upset but we made the most of it. I remember from the Ogden temple that if you were to do any ordinance that afterwards you could go to the celestial room, so I grabbed some initiatory names and we were able to go and surprise Sue.  When she came in, we were there waiting for her. It worked out great!  She came in and then many emotions were felt!  She couldn't hold back any longer and the tears started to flow. She was moments from her long awaited goal. She was able to be sealed to Russ. Although he had already passed on, she said she could feel his presence there. It was a really neat experience.  I’m so grateful to have been there with her. She wished that the sisters she loves could have been there too ( Sister G, Sister Grant , Sole )  She wanted me to share with you all her appreciation for helping her to learn of this gospel and for helping her get prepared for that day :) 

So, as I mentioned  last week, our investigator Rory got into some anti and that we would be having a lesson with him to discuss some of his questions and what not. Well the day that we had set he cancelled. We tried calling him throughout the week to set up another lesson and nothing, no response. So I thought that we had for sure lost him. I was super sad because as much as we would like to act like anti isn't a thing and that it doesn't persuade individuals, it does! Well, our week went on and then Thursday night rolled around and we got a call from Rory asking if we would come over the next night. We agreed and that was it.  The call was short and abrupt. It had me worried, that's for sure. Well I studied my little heart out and I was ready. As we arrived at his house I have to admit I was nervous but we had brought some stellar back up, a very very knowledgeable member.  As we started the lesson, we asked if we could pray and then the first two questions out of the cannon were hard! The member and I were sharing reasons and answers and bearing powerful testimony of all that we believe and this went on for about 40 minutes then he thanked us for answering his questions and being so patient with him as he strived to learn and understand. He explained, “Early this week I had decided that I was done learning and that I would just take the knowledge I had and move on and I was fine with that up until the night before last.  I was sleeping and I had a dream of which I learned that I needed to give you a chance to explain and answer my questions and that I was to continue to search this religion out and that I was to call the missionaries and I was to learn. So I don't know what this is about, but I'm going to continue to learn. So thank you for coming tonight and sharing your testimonies, and I will continue reading the Book of Mormon and seeking an answer.  In the meantime, I'm going to continue to learn so would you come back and teach me."   That took me for a loop to say the least and I'm excited to help him continue to learn and to grow. Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways.  I'll tell you what, the Spirit was strong in that lesson for sure, I was eating it up!! 

Well there's a little look into my week. It's the last week of the transfer so I'm excited to see what will happen! I hope that I'll be able to stay here! There is so much happening right now! I just want to be able to continue to work here in North Shore.  But come what may and Love it, I guess. 

Well enjoy the last few days of school!! Love ya all

Keep smilin 
Sister Kendrick 

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