Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Something is in the Water

 Hey so it's been a different week to say the least... 

*We got a media referral this week for a man named Rory. We have taught him 2 times in the past 4 days and we are meeting with him again tonight. He has been a Born Again Christian for about 40 years and then he got diagnosed with a tumor near his spine that could potentially paralyze him or kill him.  He had a really hard time with that diagnosis. He thought it wasn't fair and that God was punishing him so he has been blaming God for the past few months and that's been solving nothing but he is still really hurt. We had this big long conversation why bad things happen to good people and why we need to turn to God and not away from Him. It's in moments like this, we need to have faith more than ever. As we were talking, I shared Kennedy’s story and it brought him hope and peace. The next time we had a lesson with him, he shared a quote out of Our Search For Happiness and he loved it. He was able to get passed his hard feelings and listen to the message of hope we have to share. He has been reading the Book of Mormon so we’ll see where this goes but I'm excited!! 

*Jimmy and Chloe are trying to buy a house right now so they have been really busy and Jimmy has had finals so that's not been fun.

*Sister Hansen has also been sick this week, so that left me with some time on my hands.  I got some good studies in, which was great.  Even though we study for 2 hrs a day, I don't ever feel like it's enough.  Most of the time it is not for ourselves, it's always for the lessons we are teaching and our investigators.

 *Sunny is doing well.   She's planning on traveling to Hong Kong to meet with the missionaries and get baptized but there's some preparations that still need to be made 

We went on exchanges this week and I was able to spend some time with Sister Tanner.  Man alive did we have a crazy day, one to remember. Let's just say we shouldn't be allowed to be within 100 miles of each other because whenever time we're together, something crazy happens haha. We had a great lesson with a guy named Gabe about the tree of life, always a fun chunk of scripture to teach.  Sister Tanner keeps telling me I need to be a seminary teacher, and every time she does I laugh so hard I cry!! But we had a good time!! Love her!! 

Oh here's a good story for you.  There is something definitely in the water and I love it!! 

So yesterday we had got a phone call and a text from the 1st and 2nd counselor of the bishopric so I looked at the text first and it said “sisters we need you to come to the church as soon as possible there is a man here that wants to get baptized no joke".  I called them and they told me the same thing, not many details. We live about 20 minutes from the church. We grabbed our stuff and ran over.  We got there and we met Tyler.  He was dressed up white shirt and tie, and some work shoes haha;) 

Ok pause for a second and let me tell you want I was thinking. I was positive that the elders were messing with me. They have been giving me a hard time about people just walking into the church wanting to learn more ever since Jimmy and Chloe walked in. I think they feel jipped. If it wasn't them teasing us, I thought this guy was going to be crazy, and if it wasn't that then for sure he had to be a fluke guy that just wanted to get baptized at the first church he saw and it just so happened to be ours. Ok not one thought that was good!   I know!! Where was my faith?  I am a terrible missionary. 

Ok so back to the story: 
Me:”Hi Tyler I'm Sister Kendrick. How are you doing today? What brought you to the church? "  
Tyler: “Well I came to be baptized into the church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that is” ( ok elders, good one) " I've been learning about the church and I want to join" 
Me: "Ok well let's sit down and you can tell us what you know and how you got introduced to the church" 

He went on about how he had a friend that hired a man and "there was something different about him".  He couldn’t put his finger on it. Well about a week or so went by and he somehow he came to the conclusion that it had to be his religion. He didn't say that they had a conversation about it or anything like that so I'm not sure how he learned that he was Mormon.  Regardless, he somehow must of, and he took it upon himself to start studying this religion because he wanted to change his life and it looked like this guy had it together.  So this all started about a month ago.  Since then he has been studying the about the church. 

Me: “Wow Tyler!  That's so cool.  What all have you learned and what all have you studied?”

Tyler: “Well I know about the word of wisdom and I love it!! I have been clean from all of that since the day I read about it.  It just makes so much sense. I know that there is a prophet named Monson and there's 12 men under him what are they called again?" 

Sister Hansen: “Apostles." 

Tyler: "That's it and under them is the seventy, so I got the organization down I could keep going if you want me to. haha. I also know that today is Fast Sunday and that's why I'm here. I've picked this day out and I'm actually fasting for my baptism. I thought that might be a good thing to fast for.  I'm not even hungry and I feel great!  So I was so excited to get baptized today" 

Ok now I knew for sure that I was being pranked! What person fasts for their baptism before they have met with missionaries? 

Me: “Wow Tyler that’s great! You've learned a lot about the church, but before we get too far, I have to explain something to you.  I don’t want you to get your hopes up. You won't be able to get baptized just yet. We have to have a few lessons with you to make sure this is what you really want and also so you know what you’re getting yourself into. Baptism is a big commitment and we want to make sure you’re ready. It sounds like you've done your homework but we still have to share a few lessons with you, starting with the restoration of the gospel.... 

I got half way through the very first part of the lesson and he stopped me and said 

Tyler: “I know all of this. I know you don't believe me but I do" 

Ok reality check! Maybe this guy is being real right now. Maybe he really wants to join the church. 

Me:  I closed the pamphlet "ok Tyler let tell you something. It's pretty rare this happens and so we just want to make sure you understand, but it sounds like you got it all. One last question I have for you. Have you heard about the Book of Mormon before? 

Tyler: He pulls open his phone “yes I know what that is.   I have the gospel library app and I've been reading it I'm almost done with Neffy ( Nephi as we would say it)  and I read that I should pray about it and I have  and I know that the book is true. My prayer was answered. 

You can only imagine my expression. Then it accrued to me that I have no idea where he lives. When I asked him my heart dropped.  He lives outside of my area. He is a  YSA…  Sister Tanner!!   I told him the bad news that we wouldn't be able to teach him but that I was going to call the missionaries that would and have the come and meet him.  I called Sister Tanner and I told her that she needed to come to my church ASAP and come meet her new golden investigator. She to thought I was joking but after awhile she realized I was completely serious!!   When she got there, we all went to sacrament meeting. As soon as fast and testimony meeting started, he leaned over and asked if it would it be ok if he went up there and shared his thoughts.  A little nervous, I said sure.  He went up and shared just that and told the ward he was excited to be baptized and came back down.  Long story short, the sisters are going to teach him. It will be Sister Tanner’s first Baptism! Whoot! Whoot! Well deserved. He was super upset that he couldn't be baptized yesterday and even more upset that he has to wait 2 more weeks but he said it's worth waiting for haha!!  So crazy things happen, I should just start planning on it especially up here there's something in the water!!!

Have a great week!

Sister Kendrick

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