Friday, June 9, 2017

Knockin On Doors

So this week was wonderful!! I got my new greenie Sister Pruitt!! She’s from Arizona, love her!! She came trained, for sure! She's awesome!! We are rebuilding our area right now.  We did so much finding but we had some pretty cool experiences and other than that not a whole lot happened this week. Here are a few of the contacts we had... sorry there's not more! 

1.       We went to the temple so I could show Sister Pruitt how to do tours and while we were there, the workers were planting flowers. We started to talk to them. Come to find out one of the workers wasn't a member. We talked to him and asked if he wanted to learn more. He said "sure come back tomorrow I'll still be planting flowers!" So we came back the next day and taught him the restoration! He's super solid and is learning more with the Elders where he lives.
2.       We met his girl from Camaroon, Africa. Super sweet had a dope life. She literally does so much service and is head of organizations. Teaching kids and helping them become great people. She came to America to do more good, so we invited her to do service with us! She's amazing. 
3.       We knocked in to quite a few Jews. I love leaning about others beliefs. This week my go to question to them was "can you tell me about your prayers" really interesting…. loved it. 
Well sorry not a whole lot of interesting stories for this week, but I love ya all. 

Well I love ya hope you have a great week 

Keep smilin 

Sister Kendrick 

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