Thursday, June 29, 2017

No Group Letter

Baylee emailed and said she was too busy to write a group email, but luckily I got her companion's letter.  Thank you Sister Pruitt!!

This week was good.  A lot of up and downs, but overall was good!  We have two new investigators!  We didn't even find them, they found us!  Their names are Funmi and John.  They are both from Nigeria.  Funmi has two daughters that still live in Nigeria and they joined the church not too long ago.  They have been telling their mom to find the missionaries so she can join too.  She was super against it, but is all about it now!  When we first met her, she wouldn't even touch the Book of Mormon.  I guess in her native language, the word Mormon means devil worship....YIKES!!  But after we started teaching her the Restoration and then one of my friends in the ward, Sarah shared her families' conversion story, she took the book and agreed to read it!  She is already 15 chapters in!!  So, John is her roommate and he is awesome too.  They are both here trying to establish themselves so they can bring their kids over here.  It's a hard situation. Definitely makes me feel grateful for all that I have been blessed with.  Another obstacle is church attendance.  They want to come to church but their job is all day on Sundays and work is hard to find, especially in their situation.  Please keep them in your prayers!  We are really hoping to figure something out!  We are teaching this other lady named Ebelle.  She is pregnant and doesn't have any family here.  It's so sad.  She says that she's just been relying on God because He truly is the only one she has.  She's awesome!  There's still a few more peeps that we are trying to have lesssons with but with their busy schedules, it's hard to find time.  So, I'm hoping and praying that we can all meet some of the others!  We went out to eat like nobody's business this week!  The members spoil us here!  I sure do love them!  Sister Kendrick and I went downtown today and it was so fun!  Chitown is the bomb!  

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