Monday, August 21, 2017

A testimony from Nigeria to America

Hey y'all
Not gonna lie, it was a pretty  good week 

Sunday night we got a text from Funmi that said “Sisters are you coming tonight? I have a testimony to share.  We had not planned on going over that night and we had another lesson set up for that night so we had to wait until Monday to hear this testimony. We sat down Monday night as she shared with us the sweetest story. So, as you already know Funmi's daughters are members in back in Africa.  She has not told them that she has been taking lessons while she has been here in America. In fact, she hasn't talked to her girls since she met us because she doesn't have any good news about getting the girls to come over here, that's beside the point. Anyway, she called them, recorded the phone call, and told them that she has been taking the lessons. She told them that we have been coming over and that we are remind her of them, that she loves the gospel, and that she is going to be baptized. You could hear the daughters in the background just sobbing.  Funmi asked, “are you ok?” and they say “yes mom, I'm okay these are tears of joy…... mom, I have fasted for 5 years that you would soften your heart the first 1 1/2 years was so that you would soften your heart to allow me and my sister to go to church. I also hoped that there would not be any contention surrounding our decision to join the church.  For the rest of the 4 1/2 years I have fasted that the Lord would soften your heart to accept the gospel. Somehow and some way the Lord has answered our prayers”.  The whole time this recording was playing Funmi had a smile from ear to ear she was so so so happy. The recording got over and Funmi said this is a testimony from Nigeria to America. This gospel is true! There is no other way would I have come to accept this gospel had it not been for my daughter. The Lord hears our prayers and your cries. It was something else.  I am so happy me Sister Pruitt and I get to be a part of this.

A member hit us up on Sunday and asked if we could do a church tour for one of his coworkers that he had been introducing the gospel to. It was awesome! Not only did he come on the tour with a desire to learn, and an open heart but he came with a lot of
questions which led to a lot of good discussion. He ended up have many questions on our beliefs, on the purpose of life, and what happens after death.  We left him with a few answers but told him how he could find out the rest. He not only read, but he also came to all 3 hours of church which was awesome!! It's was so neat!  I'm grateful for this great ward and the individuals reaching out to share their testimonies with others.
We had zone conference this week.  As always, it was good!  I wish there was a way to let you all sit through one. There is definitely nothing like it. The amount of learning and spiritual inspiration that comes is crazy. We talked a lot about planning and being the most effective. We also spent a huge chunk of time learning about faith and fore ordination. Both very in depth topics but good. I’ll just share one thing I took from it.
               "Faith is kindled by hearing the testimony of those who have faith"-bible dictionary. As simple as it seems is was a little aha moment, I was like duh Sister Kendrick that's why we have fast and testimony meeting. That is why I am charged to share my testimony a thousand times a day, so that I can help kindle or help jump start other individual’s faith. (if you want a good study this week just go and read “faith” in the Bible dictionary and take something to mark and each time you mark, ask yourself why did I mark that.  What's significant about that, what am I learning)

           This weekend we had mini missionaries.  The kids that are going into their senior year have the opportunity to spend 3 days with us. It's really neat. We got the one and only Annie Bingham, one of President Bingham twins. It was a hoot! She is an awesome girl! We had a lot of fun. Sunday night we had about 40 minutes before we needed to take her back so we went contacting in our favorite complex. No one was having it though, which was okay.  We decided we had time for one more building before we had to leave. We were wrong. As we walked to the next building, there were some young kids out and little girl who was about 8, came up and asked us "what is yous doin”?  We told her we were missionaries and that we taught people about Jesus Christ.  She aside, "Oh really? All about Jesus? Is you goin to go in my house and talk to our gram?"  We told her yes.  We exchanged a little talk with the other kids that were about 12 and 14 and we headed up to knock the apartment building. We talked to her grandma and set up a time to come back. As we were walking out, kids stopped us and asked "wheres you goin, aint you gonna teach us about Jesus"  we told them that we had to go because we were going to be late, but that we would come back when we were going to teach their grandma and we would share something then. The little one said, “but you told me you teach everyone that wants to know about Him and I want to know, what kind of missionary are you.”  Well indeed those were my very words and so the three of us looked at each other, now having been roasted by a 8 year old we decided we better teach her about Christ. All of the 6 children gathered and just started drilling us with some really intense questions. A lot of them pertaining to the plan of salvation. The youngest had been playing with chalk, so I used a small piece and I drew it out for them.  We had quite the talk. We were late to the meeting but a little girl had the opportunity to learn more about Christ.  It was a wonderful way to end the night.

Well, that was a quick look into my week. I hope that you all had one as great as mine!! It was filled to the brim and I wish I had time to tell you it all.  Really, I wish that you could just be here with me!

Quick quote and I will be done:

"Come as you are, A loving father says to each of us BUT HE ADDS: but don't plan to stay as you are" - Elder Holland

I came across this and I feel like it's a good way to sum up everything about what I feel I have become and what I have watched others become.  God can do more things than we could imagine with individuals like us if we will only come to Him and let Him change us into something far more magnificent and capable then we thought possible.

Okay, that is all!   I love you all! Thanks for everything and I truly mean it!! Have a good week!!
Keep smilin

Sister Kendrick

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