Tuesday, January 17, 2017

10 Month Mark

!!!! 10 MONTH MARK !!!!
 Whoot Whoot
Well the majority of my email is going to be that of Zone Conference.  It was something that  was really neat to me so I wanted to share it with you….so here we go

 We had Zone Training from 9-4. It was so much fun!! The spirit was so strong!! I Learned so much! I wish that I could teach you all that we were taught over email!!  I just wish that you all could be here
and just experience all of this wonderful adventure!! One thing that I really loved was a segment done by President Bingham and the Assistants.  They shared some insights on 2 Nephi 15: 26-37.  Man such a cool Missionary Scripture!! In 2 Nephi 15 Isaiah is prophesying of the last days.  Try reading it with these insights:

26-27 Here Isaiah is speaking of today where men will be able to travel quickly from place to place.  He would not have understood our technology so he used words from his day saying things like we could
travel quickly without even undoing our shoes like when we travel quickly in cars and planes from place to place

28. In this scripture Isaiah is speaking about how strong the testimonies will be in the last days when he talks about the arrows being sharp and the bows are bent representing we will have the skills and tools and we are ready to spread the gospel.  The Savior is the Lion of Judah and we roar like a lion when we represent the Savior as His missionaries as we share His Gospel. (Rev 5:5)

29. We will continue to roar like lions representing the Savior. We are able to bring others into the gospel and protect them like a lion would protect their own cubs like babies in the gospel we teach them
and bring them into the protective gospel.

30. The roaring waters in this verse represent the fears that we have as members and missionary the fears the world brings us and also their mocking, but the roaring of the lions are greater and will overpower
the weak roars of the world

 31. The world sits upon the waters and looks upon the things that we do as members and missionaries and they mock us for not drinking and partying etc.

In Hebrew the English word roar comes from two different Hebrews words. In verse 28 roars in Hebrew is Shaag which means voice of warning and invitation.  In verse 29, roar in Hebrew is Nahame which
means growl, groan or complain

Well now that I’ve shared this with you, I hope haven't butchered it. But I have to say when you understand what the heck Isaiah is saying; it’s really inspiring and really great!!

The rest of the week was really great too!! We got so much done! We also did a lot of service that included painting a house so that was really fun!  We worked a lot with less active and man oh man am I pumped I’ll let you in on what's going on next week :)  we also got a new investigator so let’s just say it’s been a Great Week!!

I Love You All!!
Have a great week
Keep smilin
Love Sister Kendrick

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