Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bringing in the Harvest

I'm not sure if I mentioned it but Saturday was transfers :) I will be staying here in Portage and I will continue to train sister Tanner  and then I have also been asked to be a STL on top of training so this will be a really Fun Transfer :)  I'm excited to see what's around the corner! 

Well things are starting to look up here in Portage. It was a great week and we were able to have quite a few lessons, two of which are with new investigators. So that’s really exciting. It’s been a struggle here ever since the winter hit but its slowly getting better.  Side note: this week seemed as if it were summer! I didn't even have to wear a coat! It was 45-50 degrees for most of the week and it was amazing. Well let me share with you my week :)

I'm not sure if I told you this last week or not.  Monday was such a great day!! We went down to a member’s home in Hebron. They are so sweet and had invited us down to teach Sister Tanner how to make bread :)  Although making bread was supper fun, it wasn't the best part of the day for me. They have little girls that are 11 and 9 and there wasn't school so they were running around all day. It’s been a really long time since that been a norm for me. It was like I was home again!  I loved it!! Next to having the girls home and running around Ashley brought me a present. She is a science/ Medical teacher and in her classes they have been dissecting. And Guess what she brought me A Cow Eye!! I was on Cloud 9. So Gracey, Ashy and I went to town. It was so much Fun!!! Sister Tanner wanted to throw-up but other than that it was great!! Later that night we had a lesson with Sister Vickers. All and all it was a great day.

 We got up and went to Seminary….Which by the way, we are so spoiled in Utah.   The youth out here are so committed!!   They are awesome!! Seminary starts at 6 and many live 40 mins from the church!! They such good kids! Anyway, we are working with a few youth that are struggling, and one of them decided that she would give seminary a shot this semester. So we are making the most of that….whoot whoot!! We are only going 2 times a week but it’s been really great. We are also striving to build relationships with the youth. The Stake President here really wants us as missionaries to invite and bring the youth out with us so that they will be ready for their missions.  After seminary and studies we went with the Valpo Elders in our district back over to give some service to a recent convert Nedra.  We helped her finish paint a rental house that was thrashed.  It was a good time. (I’m so grateful for all the skills that were been taught to me as I grew up… even to the littlest things, it’s amazing to me how many handy things I’ve been taught. For example I taught Elders how to putty, how to sand, how to patch, and how to paint. I am so grateful for the examples of all those that were around me growing up that took a second to teach me there skills) We then had a great Zone Training. We emphasized the importance of building up our wards and what great roles we must play in helping our wards become Zion. Tuesday was a really long day but it was great one:)

We did a lot of teaching. We started off with Anna; she is one of our new investigators. It was really cool to teach her. She has many beliefs that go right along with the Gospel.   She would say something like I believe this….  and we would be like yes that is what we believe and this is how we know that it is true... It was really cool; we were able to back up everything that she has believed and everything that she has been searching for. From all of this it just helped to emphasize that Gospel just makes sense…. It’s just logical. We then had a lesson with Antoine.  This has a cool story…. so back in October we had received an online request for a Bible.  Sole and I dropped it off but he wasn't interested in learning more. So fast forward to last week, the church followed up with him to see if he got the Bible and if the missionaries came by, because they followed up, he was then able to tell them he was willing and now interested in learning more. We taught him the Restoration, and invited him to read and come to church… so we will see if this is his time.   For me, this was really cool though because many times I think the whole “we are planting seeds" phrase drives me crazy!!! I don't want to be planting seeds, I want to be teaching the Gospel, but in reality we ARE planting seeds…and it worked for Antoine. Later that night we had a fun lesson with Beth and Cort, about applying the scriptures to your lives!! It was more of a reflection lesson but a good one none the less. Cortney is one of the youth in our ward that we have been working with quite a bit we are helping her to prepare for her mission!! She is a great girl!! 

 I went on my last exchange with Sister Trowbridge!!  It was such a great exchange but so sad all at the same time. Sister Trowbridge was my first STL and we've been close ever since!! Time flies!!  Her mission has come to an end, its crazy! We had a lot of fun on Friday, lots of stop bys and finding!

We really focused on cleaning out our area book.  We had a lot of potentials that we weren't able to get any action with or they were back and forth. The area book was a mess though, so needless to say we did a lot of stop bys and a lot of dropping ;) 

Well Sundays are really hard  when you are training or being trained. It’s hard to fit it all in with all your studies and all the meetings :S Let’s just say you do a lot of sitting…but church was really great! It’s always a blessing to be able to partake of the Sacrament and to be edified at church each and every week.  

 Well, that sums up my week  I’m sorry, I try to make my emails interesting and think of fun ways to tell you about the adventure I’m on and it always seems to be really dull so I’m sorry. Basically I've been doing the same things as always. I’ve been bringing in the harvest for the Lord.  Well here's to another Great Transfer( 6 weeks) 
Love yall 
Have an Amazing Week
Keep Smilin

Sister Kendrick

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