Friday, January 13, 2017

Frost Bite??

What a week!!

We Had a great lesson with Sue.  She’s getting there!  I'm excited for her to go to the temple at the end of this month :) It’s fun seeing her progression:)

We had an Awesome District Meeting.  We are really stressing and focusing on working with the members and there was a lot of great point of views.  Prayers were answered.  The church is true. Now maybe we will be able to get something going down here.  Stay tuned

Thursday :)
We went down to the city for new missionary training, which is one of my favorite meetings in the mission next to MLC. We talked about all sorts of good things.  My favorite thing was applying Mathew 14
when Peter walks on water. We all have those moments when our faith wavers when we have to reach out to the Lord and cry out for help.  It’s in these moments we decide who we really are. Our true character shines through. Those who choose to rely on the Lord, who call out in times of need, are raised up out of the deepest waters. I really liked how they applied it to us as missionaries when we are having a hard time, or when we are not seeing the successes we wish.  Then they applied in to our investigators and those we teach and help! Love IT!! At the end of the meeting we had a true testimony meeting.   Small and simple testimonies but so pure we were asked to share simple what we know!!  The spirit was so strong I loved it. I have been so surrounded by the sprit on my mission and in my life that sometimes it’s hard to distinguish when Its actually really strong so I treasure moments when it hits my heart and I know that the spirit it is present, that day it was!!

We had an opportunity to do a district finding opportunity. We did service at the soup kitchen. It was supper fun!! And were able to help so many I truly love doing service I can’t get enough of it.

not  much to report  we did a lot of tracking in the freezing cold !!

We got to teach the 9 and 10 year olds about the Restoration and the Apostasy ! I love when we get to teach the Primary. It’s one of my favorites, but it makes me miss all the little ones back home :)

Were just working hard here!! Bound and determined for success
I Love you all!! Have a great week!!
Keep smilin
Sister Kendrick

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