Saturday, March 4, 2017

Expect the Unexpected

This week flew by I can't believe it’s Monday already! We had a great week!! 

Monday was awesome!! We had Family Home Evening with one of my favorite families out here!! They had us over for dinner and then we had a great lesson on the Atonement. I love when we go over there because I feel like I'm at home!!  What a great family I love the the Dumas family!!

Tuesday we had a great Zone Meeting. That night we had dinner with a sweet family. They have a 17 year old daughter we have been working with.  At dinner we gave her a hard time for skipping out on church activities and Sister Tanner was able to get her to commit to coming to early morning seminary again, and she actually came the next day!!  I'm so grateful that I never had a rough go throughout High School!! I'm so grateful for great friends and family that kept me pointing in the right direction. That night I went on the last exchange to good old Hebron.  It’s just a bit different from Chi-Hights and Gary haha but it was great all the same. 

WednesdaySo Hebron is nothing but corn fields!! It was so pretty to drive around in. We did a lot of stop bys and we taught some solid lessons. It was a great day! I’ve really enjoyed being an STL this transfer. We have some amazing sisters in the Valpo Zone and it’s been really fun getting to know all of them and getting to work with them. It truly has been a great blessing. I don't know if I mentioned this in any of my last emails, I can’t remember, but we have started a Book of Mormon class on Wednesday nights and it’s been super fun! It was my turn to teach and I loved it!! One thing I’ve learned on the Mission is how much I really love studying and teaching!! I learned a lot and I hope everyone else did too.

 Friday we spent most of the day doing service which is always super fun.  We had a lot of members reach out to us asking if we could lend a hand to some of their friends, which of course we love helping out. We got to throw in a few lessons with non members and let others see what the "mormons" are really all about.  The ward had a family dance which sounded like a lot of fun, we of course didn't go but it was a great thing we were able to invite people to. Instead, we went to go and teach a potential new investigator that is living with a less active family. This week has been good!  We've been trying to build our teaching pool for quite some time. This week we got a glimpse of our work. We've had a lot of members and just individuals in general, interested in learning.  We have a lot of potential new investigators to work with.  Just when I'm about to be transferred!! Well at least the next sisters will have a chance to teach.

 Saturday we had a lesson with Beth on recognizing the spirit.  It was a great discussion we read scripture after scripture in an effort to help recognize the ways the spirit speaks, or gives promptings.  Explaining how to recognize promptings has been one of the hardest things for me to teach on the mission. You can only share ways that the spirit can work and how it can give prompting. You can’t really teach how the spirit will work with each individual on a personal level. And most of the time that’s not much help.  But I hope help we were able to help Beth. 

Sunday was Elder Ward's birthday and we wanted him to have a great day, so as we were putting balloons on their truck 40 mins before church started. A young guy drives up, gets out of his pick up, and asks is this is where the Mormons meet?  Confused and excited we told him yes it is but you're a little early.  Well he told us his name was Robby and he would like to attend today. Long story short he's been going around to every church in a 40 mile radius and the Mormons were next up on the list. He's just looking for the true church. OK SO THIS NEVER HAPPENS.... I dropped the balloons and took him in to the chapel; you always have to expect the unexpected! Hopefully we will be able to start teaching him.  Does his story sound familiar to anyone a young kid looking for the truth?  Ya, we are going to jump on that. 

All and all this week was great 
I hope all is well back home!!  I love you all 
Keep smilin 
Love sister Kendrick 

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