Sunday, March 19, 2017

If you didn't know there was a God

What a great week it's been. I'm loving the North Shore 2nd Ward.  There is so much potential here. They have so much going on, I've just hit the ground running.  The ward up here is so diverse!  We have met Jamaicans Koreans, Chinese, Mongolians, Hispanic, Filipino, Australian, Polish, African American, Africans I LOVE IT!!!  It is so cool to experience all this!!   I don't know if I told you this last week but my new companion's name is Sister Silver.  She is from Utah and she's been out for about 6 weeks.  She's  just awesome. I've been so impressed by her these past few days such a great girl :) We are going to be working so hard while we are here. I'm so excited. This week we got everything straightened out so that we can have a great transfer. So here's a bit of the cool experience I've had up her this far:)

On Tuesday I got up to the area and we went contacting.  We went to a outdoor mall and oh my goodness you'll never believe how happy I was.  There were people out and about and I was so excited to be able to do street contacting again!! I was like a kid in a candy shop.  I was jumping around with excitement. Just to put it in perspective, we were able to have contact with 12 people in 35 min and we had a good conversation!  We were able to teach a restored truth, bear testimony, and invite!!  We ended that time with 6 phone numbers I haven't had the  opportunity to contact like that for so long it's crazy !! Its so much Fun !! 

Well here's just a little thing about me. I have found that I can not feel the spirit if the room I'm in is messy or cluttered. This has been a great blessing to come to find out here, although its also a curse :) so That's why in every area I've gone to, I find myself cleaning. So needless to say we took a day to clean out my new apartment. 5 bags of trash and a car full of stuff later, we have a clean home. The Repair man came to look at the things that need to be fixed so now I'm able to feel the spirit and start off this transfer right :)

We had a really cool and spiritual lesson with a Investigator named Alma fancy that......such a sweet lady, I'll tell you more about her in the next  few coming weeks. 
I want to tell you about a couple that we are teaching.   Chloe and Jimmy are from China.   Their story is so cool. So about 4 weeks ago they walked into the church building on Sunday and asked if they could join the church.  When  they came over from China (about 2 years ago) they noticed how much religion played a role in the lives of Americans. In an effort to become American,  they decided that they too needed to get involved with a church so they pulled up google maps.  A ton of churches popped up and they were going through all the name s and chose ours, which  led them to come to church 4 weeks ago. And they haven't missed yet :) 
Some interesting things come with this one being the fact that in China they don't normally have a belief  in God or Jesus Christ. The sisters before me have helped them start to develop faith and now they are praying but its very interesting to me and a its already been a great experience. Can you even imagine going through life not knowing that you are a son or a daughter of a Magnificent God who Cares and loves you more than words can express. Can you imagine going through life with out knowing you have a loving Savior that is with you every step of the way, to know that you have a purpose in this life. The list just goes on and on, its been amazing to me as I have studied and really tried to figure out a way to teach them and help them. The magnitude of what this  gospel  and the knowledge that I've acquired has really done for my life. I Am so indeed grateful. This gospel is going to blow them away and its going to be amazing. I'm so grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord and I'm so grateful for this amazing ride I'm on!!  

I love you all Have a Great week:) 

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