Friday, March 10, 2017


Hey everyone! 
So before I tell you about my week...I'm getting transferred!! Goodbye Indiana, I’m going to CHICAGO!!! I will be going to the North Shore 2nd Ward.   I'm super excited!!! Pretty stoked about it! My new companion will be Sister Silver.  She's a new missionary so I'm super excited to train again. That will be fun. I'm also going to be an STL again, so it'll be a very busy transfer again!! I'm super stoked to be in the city :) The temple is in my area so I will be able to give tours!! I couldn't be happier!! I love love love the temple!!  I am bummed to leave all the people here in Indiana. I've gotten really close to this ward it feels like family, but it will be okay!

We worked really hard this week and it was a really fun week. We did some door to door knocking in trailer homes and that was interesting. Some guy fell in love with us and I'm pretty sure he was on drugs. Ha. We also had new missionary training on Tuesday! It was really good. We learned how we have the power to change the culture in the mission and to make the mission successful. We also learned how our mind is a powerful thing and we have control over it! We have the power to stay focused and make goals and don't let our minds tell us we can't do it. Only Satan is telling you, you can't do it!

On Wednesday we helped the Elders move this non member out of her house. Her husband kicked her out and said he wants nothing to do with her. How sad....she was super upset that day and trying to be productive but she was torn. I felt really bad for her and we shared a message of how God's plan for us is so great, and even though we might think nothing is going right in our lives, he has something even better for us right around the corner. She was super appreciative.  She is starting to take the lessons and she's coming to church next week and that'll be awesome! I know the gospel will help her so much!! 

On Saturday we were trying to find former investigators to see if they would still be interested. We ended up getting lost.  For lunch I was craving street tacos and I said "man I could really go for some street tacos right now, let’s go inside this restaurant see if they have any!" Sister Tanner was like you dummy street tacos are on the STREET. Haha but anyway I went inside and asked if they have street tacos and they looked at me and smiled. They said yes we do! Haha I was thinking what the heck these people probably think we are the whitest white girls ever. Oh well we got some tacos! And they were bomb.
We also talked to the waitress and she was in her teens. She said she loves to do service and if she could help us whenever we do anything! I thought this girl was amazing and so cool. Not many girls in their teens want to do service. Hahah but we got her number and the new missionaries will have to get into contact with her!

Anyway, this week was amazing! Now we are just packing up and saying goodbye to people. My favorite family in this ward is taking us out to eat tonight! That should be fun. I'll keep you updated on downtown! Wish me luck!! 

The weather this week has been super crazy 

Spiritual thought: Have you thought of the Savior today? What does the ENABLING power of the atonement mean to you? Most times we think of the atonement as a healing power when we've sinned. But we should remember that we can use the atonement in everyday life! Christ knows us and knows our struggles. We need to remember the Savior everyday and strive to do so! Love you all have a great week!

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