Thursday, March 23, 2017

One year!!!

So this week was absolutely crazy AMAZING!!  So much happened I can't even put it into words, nor is there enough time in the day to share all the magnificent miracles and moments that took place this week.  I've tried to compile some of the best into bullet points in hopes to be able to get more things in….

  • Zone training…I had to teach.  The topic was on prayer 
  • Exchanges with Sister Robinson, she had only been in her area for 9 days, so needless to say we got lost on the busses and trains but it made for a great adventure.  We talked to so so so many people!!!! 
  • I did a lot of contacting on and near public transportation 
  • In one train ride I meet and spoke to 13 people, all of different nationalities 
  • We went contacting in Skokie which is a little city in our area. It's awesome for street contacting. As Sister Silver was telling me that, I made the comment that we should go check it out.  We got there and we started walking and talking for about 30 to 50 minutes, then the people started to disappear. Sister Silver started to lead us back to or car.  Little did I know, she had no idea where we were! An hour and half later, we finally made it to our car.  She just kept saying, the next light we'll turn.  Little stink… we had the blind leading the blind, but it made for some fun contacting and we got some solid potential new investigators!! 
  • Sister Tanner and Sister Silver surprised me and got me a cute little gift and balloons for my ONE YEAR MARK. So sweet of them!!

  • We also had the mission tour this week with Elder Anderson of the Seventy, which called for special meetings.  They are always amazing!! MLC and a multi zone training!!
  • He talked about faith and how we can do all that we want and have all the faith in the world, but unless we act on it, faith is nothing. He also talked about being a Child of God and understanding how important that is in our daily lives.
  • Elder Anderson  and his wife ate lunch with Sister Silver and I. We had a great conversation!! What a wonderful people!! 
  • We've had lessons out the wazoo which has been so much fun!
  • We taught this wonderful African family and we put them on date!!! I was so so so excited because you all know it's my one selfish goal and desire to bring an African family into the church while I'm out here! I was stoked.... and then we found out they were not in our area.  We had to give a whole family to the Elders and I wanted to cry!!! I was so sad that we wouldn't be able to teach them, in fact I'm still a little upset about it but either way they will be able to learn of the gospel!  Maybe I should stop wanting and wishing to be able to teach them and then I might be given that opportunity!! 
  • Sunday I had to speak in church with Elder Scott of the Seventy.   I think my talk went well.  Can anyone guess what it was on? Yup no other than temple work!! My favorite thing to talk on in the whole wide world, that and the Atonement but that will be the 7th talk I've given on temples in my life time!! 
  • I also had to lead the music in sacrament meeting.  That scared me more than speaking!! I would much rather speak any day then to lead music!

Thursday night we got to have dinner with the Fa'anunu family and Jimmy and Chloe, our investigstors. We made pizza, and Jimmy taught us how to make dumplings. They were super good. We then started teaching then about the Plan of Salvation and talked about our role on earth as we went into faith and repentance, we brought up baptism and Chloe was wondering what that was exactly.  We talked about it and explained a little about how important it is. AND THEN Sister Silver INVITED THEM TO BE BAPTIZED!! So Jimmy and Chloe are on date for the end of April, but that's just a goal for them because we still need to discuss with them either getting married or separating. I love being out here and sharing the gospel! Such a cool lesson though!! We had them watch a Mormon message that was in Chinese. I love the church media and I am so grateful for it. The spirit was so strong while I was explaining the purpose of life was to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ including baptism. Chloe said, “I do not know what that is”. As I explained it she said, “oh yes I want that!!  How can I be baptized”?  GOLDEN!!  Such a sweet spirit was present.  Then Jimmy offered such an amazing prayer. You would never know that over a month ago they didn't even believe in God!  It’s Crazy. I was a little worried that they were just in this for the culture but that lesson proved it to me they truly want the gospel in their lives and they are applying it and using the Atonement!! It's an amazing experience.

Alma has been sick this past week, but we are working on meeting with her sometime this week. 

Sorry my email is so jumbled!  It's been a crazy week, but there was just too much to share!!! Well, one year down and what have I learned?  I can tell you this much, I know that this Gospel can change lives. I know that it is the only way to find everlasting happiness.. I've learned more about myself and who I truly am as I've been out here and the more I turn out to others and the more I give of myself to Heavenly Father, the more I learn of who I am to him and the plan he has for me.  I've learned how the spirit works and I'm starting to understand the language of the spirit. I've learned what the Atonement is and what it can do. Ultimately I've gained such a personal relationship with the Savior and Heavenly Father. I've seen how blessed I truly am and what this gospel has done for me! I'm loving life and I'm living it up!! Here's to the next six months!  I'm going to work hard then ever!! I love you thanks for the support!  I couldn't ask for better friends and family!! 

Have a great week!
Love ya! 
Keep smilin!

Sister Kendrick 

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