Wednesday, April 26, 2017

We laughed until we cried

Tuesday was a hard day!  I had to say goodbye to sweet Sister Silver!! What a great girl and an even better companion. I learned so much from her!  Super sad our time was so short!   I feel jipped, but it's not like I can argue with the Lord.  It was also a crazy day.  The transfer van broke down, so transfers lasted forever!  All of our appointments went out the window. It ended up being OK though.  I got to spend some time with Sister Tanner which is always a great time. 

My new companion’s name is Sister Hanson.  She's been out for about 4 months and is from North Carolina. She was adopted when she was eight from Liberia. 

Wednesday morning we woke up bright and early to go pick up the one and only Sister Sufia. She was supposed to go home on Wednesday but there's only one flight that goes from Hawaii to Samoa and it's on Friday night. Since she had a few nights to kill and she asked the president if she could come and stay with me.  When he said yes, I was so delighted and so excited. We picked her up and went to work. District meeting and a lesson with Michael. We've been working with Michael for a few weeks now but this week, something just seemed to click and he got it!! I love when that happens. We been teaching him a lot about the Plan of Salvation and about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We had some other lessons that night.

Thursday was Sister Sufia's last day as an official missionary in the field so we packed as much in as we possibly could. We started with Institute in the morning.   Michael came, and afterwards we were able to give him a church tour. It was so much technology… it's crazy! They have an app specifically designed for church tours.  It has videos of all the aspects of the church and prepares an individual or the investigator to be able to come to church without any fears what's to come and all the procedural things.  It also helps us better help them to know what the Mormon Church is all about. It's one of my favorite things to use. It's set up is perfect for introducing and taking them into the Chapel where we talked about the Savior and his atonement and the sacrifice that he gave and how we can remember that during the sacrament and we can do that each week, and come closer to Him and have strength to overcome our weaknesses and our sins. Michael really enjoyed the church tour and was able to learn. I think he felt more comfortable too. Later that day we are able to go and visit with a recent convert named Marilyn. She was baptized earlier this year on her 81st birthday. Crazy, right?? She’s probably got more spunk then anyone I know. It was so fun to be with her.  She is such a hoot, a little salty and sassy, so fun to be around. I love Marilyn for the fact that she's a perfect good example that the gospel can change anyone. Who would've thought that an 81 years old would ever join the church and change their whole life completely around? I love working with Marilyn and helping her come closer to her Savior and understand what this life is really about and who she really is. What an amazing blessing she is. She really loves Sister Sufia, as does everyone, so it's was really hard for her to see her go. 

Sister Sufia is the one that started the temple tours so she wanted to go on one last one, which was perfect because Sister Hansen needed to learn the ropes for this coming week. We have quite a few tours lined up. We were practically running around with our heads chopped off, but what's new.  

Amongst the other things Sister Sufia wanted to go say goodbye to a family in the ward and that's how we ended the night. Well we really didn't end the night.  Sister Sufia had to be at the airport at 4 AM and for fear of not waking up to our alarm and her missing her flight, we thought we would pull an all-nighter. That meant reminiscing about the good old days and all the things that we've been through together.  We sang and danced until we were too sore to move, then we laughed until we cried.

Friday morning came way too soon!  I was fine up until we took her to the security gate and she walked away, then I lost it.  Words cannot describe the way I feel about that sweet girl.  We truly have become sisters through a lot of hard things on the mission and in life in general.  Sister Sufia was there for a lot of hardships.  She was the one that kept me going, keep me smiling, and kept me laughing when no one else could!! I will be eternally grateful to have been able to serve, become friends, and to become sisters with Sister Sufia. I've heard it said that people come into our lives for bringing something we must learn and we are led to those that help us most to grow, if we let them. And we help them in return.  Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true but I know I’m who I am today because I knew Sister Sufia!! Because I knew her, I have been change for good... it was by far the one hardest days!! We went home and slept a little bit and that night we had a few lessons.

Sunday Michael came to church.  He seemed to really like it.   We had a few
lessons that day.  One in particular was with a girl that is starting to be a nurse and is taking a world religion class.   She needed to interview some Mormons.  She came to the right place. She was pretty amazed by our doctrine and how friendly everyone was and how willing we were to serve.   It's funny, but I'm pretty sure she felt the spirit and was a little frightened by it. I asked if she would learn like to learn more.  She was really intrigued.  Makes me think we might have a chance.

What a week it's been.  I hope that you guys have had just as much fun as I have!! I love you and I hope you have a great week!!
Keep smilin
Sister Kendrick

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Endless Stories

Happy Easter !!!

This week is transfers.  Sister Silver will be going down to Orland Park and I will be staying in North Shore 2nd.   My new companion will be Sister Hanson. I'm super excited but super super sad all at the same time. These past six weeks have been some one of the greatest times of my mission!! It’s been too good to be true really. I think it's time that I go back to growing and learning because there's no growth and comfort. Super sad to see Sister Silver go!!  I'm super upset that we only got to spend one transfer together but after all this is the Lord’s work and his plan. Nevertheless, this week has been awesome and super fun! I never would've thought I would have done the things that we did this week!!  Also would not have wanted to do them with anyone else!   Here are some cool events:

I'm not sure if I shared with you last week we have a new investigators, a family that is from the Philippines.  We have been able to teach them. We left the Book of Mormon last week and they have been reading it. There's nothing better than when you go to return appointment and they kept the commitment that we gave to them.  This might sound a little dramatic but I literally want to shout and jump for joy when they have done what we've asked of them because I know that's when they have the opportunity to grow and that's when they began to understand the Gospel.  I'm super excited to see what happens with them. They have a little girl that's 10 named Precious and she loves American girl dolls. I was talking to her about it this week is telling her all about my little sisters and cousins that have dolls and love them!! She is so cute!!

We got to go on a three day exchange this week with Sister Robertson.  She came and hung out with Sister Silver and I.   She is an awesome missionary, super utgoing and not afraid to talk to anyone!  I learned so much from her in the short time that we had her in our area!  It was a blast but it was super hard to teach with three people.

 Also went on exchanges with Sister Tanner this week. It was great to be back with her.  We had some interesting situations go down. Good times, good times! I really love her!!


We've been teaching this girl named Jane. Her dad is a member of the church but her mom is not.  Her dad just recently got a baptized about 3 years ago, but her mom is not for it, at all. So Jane has to wait until she's 18 to get baptized.  She had some really good questions about the plan of salvation, things I had never thought about before!! She has such a strong testimony and she has such a strong desire to join the church.  It's amazing to me, such a testimony builder for me.  She is such a strong girl :)

We gave a temple tour for a girl, Helen.  She is friends with Annie and Missy, President Bingham’s daughters.  She has a similar situation as Jane.  While in school she learned about the Mormons in a history book and it intrigued her (the spirit was nudging her).  She got online, looked it up, and started reading. Crazy conversion story!  Long story short, she met the Bingham family and the girls have been helping her and they have been teaching her!! She loves the gospel and wants to get baptized so badly but her parents won't let her.   They are very upset with her!!   It breaks my heart but she's got a strong conviction and she said she can't walk away from this.  We gave her a tour which was so fun she knows more than I do about the gospel!  I love it!  Such a sweet girl!

So cool…. this past week as you know was fast Sunday and there was a really cool experience.  So we have been trying to meet with Jimmy and Chloe more often and it's been really hard because they have been really really busy.    So that's what we fasted for, that we might know a way to meet there needs and know how to be able to teach them more. I kid you not there has been a night and day difference with them. It's been so cool. Monday night, they texted us out of the blue and invited us over for dinner.  Their whole desires have grown!   You can totally see a difference. I haven't ever had experience like this before, it was super cool! That was for sure the fastest any of my fasts have been answered, I love it!! Testimony builder truly a tender mercy from the Lord.  We went over there and they cooked this hot pot which is a Chinese dinner that is super spicy.  It was so good! I was fine with it but Sister Robertson was crying.  It was too hot for her haha.   I love getting to experience so many different cultures! They asked us if would talk about the plan of salvation and I loved it!  It was like watching a light come on for them!! They understood it and connected with it so well!! They’re coming along little by little.   Jimmy has really really good questions!! I love teaching!  It makes me so happy!

Well sorry for all the random stories.   I hope you liked at least one of them.  I hope you all enjoy this week!!  Oh last, but not least, I get to spend the rest of the week with Sister Sufia until she gets to go home!  I'm so happy!!!

Ok that's all!!
Keep smilin

Sister Kendrick

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Gospel Will Go Forth To Every Land

Hey how are you all doing? Hope you had a great week!! 
We've all been there
After district meeting we had the opportunity to go on exchanges and help some sisters that have been having a hard time. It’s always so fun to be able to help.  The mission is a hard hard thing and it’s not for the weak. I've loved watching as missionaries have their ups and downs but and then as they are triumphant in overcoming the hard things. 

Once we switched back from exchanges we tracted all night with some results.  We were sharing the Easter Video that I'm sure you have all seen by now the #PrinceofPeace. We shared it with a teenage girl and her aunt. She loved it.  Her face just lit up as she watched it. Afterwards we were asking her questions and she was just so enthusiastic about the message we were sharing she asked us to come back and the aunt was all for it, so we will see how that goes!!

Tracting Fails
It always an adventure when you go tracting. Sister Silver got attacked by this little yappy dog.  We learned all about Buddhism from a man that at first was super upset we were there, but I was able to find some common ground with him and then I asked him about his beliefs. Very educational, seeing how we have met many people from India that practice Buddhism. The best was a black lady that came to the door and when she realized who we were, she was like OH NO! OH NO! It just took me off guard and I couldn't stop laughing. Good times Good Times.
We had a great big Zone Conference Meeting. We talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and the key role it plays in conversion! NEVER GIVE OUT A CLOSED BOOK.  I always walk away from those meetings in such awe of a few things 1. The things still need to improve in 2. The amount of things I don't know 3. How good a teacher President Bingham is. I wish that you all could learn from him!! Maybe one day I’ll be able to gain the amount of knowledge that he has. I left the meeting thinking, I don't have enough time left. It’s that last 100 meters of the race and I just need to run like I've never ran before. I have all the tools, I have the area, I have the companion, and I have I conquered all the Fears!  There should be nothing holding me back and with faith this will be the best time of my mission. In honor of the Cubs starting back up this week...I’m rounding third and I’m coming in Hot!!

I got to Face time Karla this week!! For those who don't remember Karla was one of my first people I taught on my mission and she was baptized while I was in my first area!! I Love her so much! It was so good to talk to her!! We had a short lesson with her.  We found out she has been going to school and she’s almost done with her GED and she got Liam in a daycare last week so now she can start working and she’s doing things we never thought possible. She’s still got a lot of things to work on but don't we all. She really helped me prepare me for the rest of my mission and really the rest of my life. I love that girl! We are going to have another lesson this week.  She could use a lot of prayers right now too. Even though she has a lot of good things happening to her, that’s when it’s easy to step a little off the path.

 Last MLC of the transfer was really good, as always. I feel like the whole dynamics of the mission have changed since President Bingham came. I've been  an STL long enough to see some of the things as a mission in general we struggled with have disappeared, and  are  no longer a problem, but I've also seen things that we had gotten rid of, resurface. Most of MLC was going through those things and seeing as a mission how we can improve on the little things. The mission is just growing despite the amount of missionaries we have. From the time I came out to now, the amount of missionaries has almost been cut in half. Yet the work is growing despite all of that!  Its super fun to see and be a part of!

SUNNY (one of the payday moments you get on a mission)
We have been teaching sunny this past week before she went back to China and it’s been such an amazing experience. I don't even know how to put it into words! I wish you all could have been there. It truly was one of the best experiences! We taught her how to pray, mind you I don't speak Mandarin and she only knows English if it is written down. It is just hard for her to check everything if it was said aloud, so we had to write down everything. The spirt was so strong. We taught her how to pray and the sweet sweet person she is, she just kept practicing. We said 9 Prayers with her just repeating until she got it down. The next day, she sent us a text:  SISTERS I pray night and morning. I feel so good! So much peace. So good. Thank YOU for TEACHING ME. We got her information and she’s off.  We will be teaching her while she is in China until we can figure out how to get someone to come teach her. President is getting in touch with Salt Lake to see how we can make this work seeing how where she lives is closed down to Missionaries! China also doesn't allow Facebook so we got some Chinese account app thing called Wichat so we can keep teaching her! We’re going to make this work! The Gospel will go forth to every land!  What an amazing experience it is to help others understand that they have a Father in Heaven that loves them and an elder brother that died for them so that they can become clean. It’s such a cool experience! Words don't do it justice!  We were able to get her pamphlets and a Book of Mormon in her native tongue so she can keep reading and growing until we can get someone to teach her in China

My heart was just so full with the amazing experiences that I’ve had these past few weeks and with conference and then Easter this Sunday.  I’ve really been studying the Savior this week also.  I was already on the stand because I have been the chorister, so I was tried to bear my testimony but there were so many people I literately could not! So many people where sharing their testimonies and it was just a really spiritual meeting! That feeling is still is there and my heart is so full with the love I have for my Savior. As we approach Easter Sunday, I can't help but feel so grateful for the knowledge that I have of the Savior’s resurrection that He lives today!! Such simple words, but what an impact those words have!! I am just so happy and so grateful for the blessings and for the knowledge I have. "For all the things that I've been given it would be a disgrace to God not to be happy". Not to share this simple message with all the world, HE LIVES. 

I love being a missionary. I know I say that every single week, but I honestly don't know how I could ever live my life without being a missionary. There are just some experiences that I would never in a million years dream about experiencing. Hard, funny, scary, incredibly uplifting experiences that are building me into the person that Heavenly Father needs me to become. It is especially fun to be a missionary at Easter time to be able to just bear testimony that HE LIVES. So so so grateful!!

I love you all and I hope you have a great week.  Make this a week to study the Savior and his life, to celebrate his triumphant victory over the grave!! I hope that you have a wonderful Easter Sunday

 Love you all 
Keep smilin 
Love Sister Kendrick 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Lesson in Spanish

Hope you all enjoyed conference this past weekend.  Here are a few highlights from last week:

 One of the sweet Senior Missionaries Sister Medina took us out to lunch, bless her heart! I am so grateful for the Senior Missionaries in our mission. They do so much for us! My area right now covers the Mission Office, so we get to see them quite a bit, a lot more than down in Indiana that's for sure!! It was super fun to be with her!   Right after we headed on exchanges with The Hermanas.  What an adventure. Last week when I was with the Hermana Marple, she was in my area so I didn't have to speak Spanish, but the tables were turned this week and for 24 hrs I stepped in to the Spanish Program. 

 I got a little taste of what it’s like to have to speak a different language.  Let’s just say I’m grateful that Heavenly Father knows me because I don't know if I could have done the whole mission thing and learn a language.  I mean I would have done it in a heartbeat but it would be so hard!! As I’ve been out on the mission I’ve picked up little tid bits a Spanish here and there, so I could understand some things that were being said throughout our lessons, but I couldn't say hardly anything!!  It was a lot of fun!! The Hispanic people are just so sweet and so fun to be around. We visited lots of members and had 3 Setas.  All in all Sister Borrows and I had a great exchange.  I have so much respect for missionaries that have the opportunity to speak a foreign tongue!! 
Thursday: Weekly Planning and nothing else exciting

MY first temple tour!!   It’s finally getting warm enough out that we can start doing them! I just love to see the temple. There's nothing better than being at the temple!! What a better place to teach about the wonderful things that happen inside than at the temple itself!  The spirit was so strong and we were able to testify of the wonderful opportunity we have to become worthy and prepare ourselves to enter into the doors of the temple to partake of the many blessings the Lord has in store for us! We had quite a few lessons.  It’s hard to balance everything!! It been so long since I’ve said that!!   We are being so blessed right now!!  

We mainly just watched conference all day and then a sweet member took us out to dinner.  It was the first time Sister Silver had eaten at Giodono’s which is a big place here to get Chicago Pizza, so that was fun and exciting!! Then seeing how it was April 1st, Sister Tanner decided to play a prank on me but it totally backfired on her!! It was definitely journal worthy!! Let’s just say, don't try to play pranks on Sister Kendrick because you'll be sorry you did.

For the Morning Session we were able to go to a members home (The Fa'anunu's) and they invited Jimmy and Chloe to come and watch Conference. We had a good old time! I’m not sure how much they really got out of it, but they felt the spirit. It’s hard to take in that much at one time.  So many things are talked about in conference.  We asked them if they had any questions afterwards, but I’m not sure everything sunk in haha:) I’m sure we will have a Q and A session at our next lesson. Their Aunt Sunny has not been feeling well these past few days so we haven't been able to meet with her.  We will for sure stop in this week.  They are coming along little by little.

The Afternoon session we watched at the church with an investigator.  So many good talks!!! I’m so grateful that we have a Modern-day Prophet and Apostles on the Earth today that teach us divine truths that help us come closer to Our Savior and our Eternal Father.  I thought about sharing with you my favorite talk but they were all so good I can’t pick a favorite!! I just loved them ALL!!

After Conference was all said and done, we had dinner and then went to the hospital to visit some members. All and all it was a great day, other than the fact that walking in to the hospital just reminds me how much I miss it!!   We came across a cool find as we were driving home.  Has anyone ever been to a Hindu Temple? I have not, but we found a HUGE one in our area.  So, now that President has given us permission and encouragement to go to other religious worships, we are going to go check it out this week, let you know how it goes:) 

 What a great week it was! The weeks are getting shorter and shorter!  Somehow it seems like it was just Monday!! It’s Crazy! My time is ticking and I’m not about to waste any time!! We are running hard and fast!!  It’s been such a blast!  So grateful for Sister Silver!  She has been so good for me!!! I’ve truly been blessed with the best companions!!

I wanted to end with President Monson's Challenge

If don't have a firm testimony, don't fret and don't run from the challenge!   Do that which is necessary to obtain one!! If you don't know the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God, read it and find out. If you don't understand who you are or your purpose in life, study the Plan of Salvation!! If you have a Question that seems to shake your faith, go back to the basics, and I’m sure you'll find the basics aren't so basic after all and that they will truly help you!  Study the Doctrine.  Search the scriptures.  Have faith and do all things that are necessary to obtain a testimony of the Savior and the Restored Church. Whatever the time, whatever the effort, I promise you that it will be the best investment you’ll ever make!!

I love you all!!
I hope that you'll go back and reread thought Conference and apply the teachings to yourself!
Here’s to another Great week!


Sister Kendrick!!