Wednesday, April 26, 2017

We laughed until we cried

Tuesday was a hard day!  I had to say goodbye to sweet Sister Silver!! What a great girl and an even better companion. I learned so much from her!  Super sad our time was so short!   I feel jipped, but it's not like I can argue with the Lord.  It was also a crazy day.  The transfer van broke down, so transfers lasted forever!  All of our appointments went out the window. It ended up being OK though.  I got to spend some time with Sister Tanner which is always a great time. 

My new companion’s name is Sister Hanson.  She's been out for about 4 months and is from North Carolina. She was adopted when she was eight from Liberia. 

Wednesday morning we woke up bright and early to go pick up the one and only Sister Sufia. She was supposed to go home on Wednesday but there's only one flight that goes from Hawaii to Samoa and it's on Friday night. Since she had a few nights to kill and she asked the president if she could come and stay with me.  When he said yes, I was so delighted and so excited. We picked her up and went to work. District meeting and a lesson with Michael. We've been working with Michael for a few weeks now but this week, something just seemed to click and he got it!! I love when that happens. We been teaching him a lot about the Plan of Salvation and about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We had some other lessons that night.

Thursday was Sister Sufia's last day as an official missionary in the field so we packed as much in as we possibly could. We started with Institute in the morning.   Michael came, and afterwards we were able to give him a church tour. It was so much technology… it's crazy! They have an app specifically designed for church tours.  It has videos of all the aspects of the church and prepares an individual or the investigator to be able to come to church without any fears what's to come and all the procedural things.  It also helps us better help them to know what the Mormon Church is all about. It's one of my favorite things to use. It's set up is perfect for introducing and taking them into the Chapel where we talked about the Savior and his atonement and the sacrifice that he gave and how we can remember that during the sacrament and we can do that each week, and come closer to Him and have strength to overcome our weaknesses and our sins. Michael really enjoyed the church tour and was able to learn. I think he felt more comfortable too. Later that day we are able to go and visit with a recent convert named Marilyn. She was baptized earlier this year on her 81st birthday. Crazy, right?? She’s probably got more spunk then anyone I know. It was so fun to be with her.  She is such a hoot, a little salty and sassy, so fun to be around. I love Marilyn for the fact that she's a perfect good example that the gospel can change anyone. Who would've thought that an 81 years old would ever join the church and change their whole life completely around? I love working with Marilyn and helping her come closer to her Savior and understand what this life is really about and who she really is. What an amazing blessing she is. She really loves Sister Sufia, as does everyone, so it's was really hard for her to see her go. 

Sister Sufia is the one that started the temple tours so she wanted to go on one last one, which was perfect because Sister Hansen needed to learn the ropes for this coming week. We have quite a few tours lined up. We were practically running around with our heads chopped off, but what's new.  

Amongst the other things Sister Sufia wanted to go say goodbye to a family in the ward and that's how we ended the night. Well we really didn't end the night.  Sister Sufia had to be at the airport at 4 AM and for fear of not waking up to our alarm and her missing her flight, we thought we would pull an all-nighter. That meant reminiscing about the good old days and all the things that we've been through together.  We sang and danced until we were too sore to move, then we laughed until we cried.

Friday morning came way too soon!  I was fine up until we took her to the security gate and she walked away, then I lost it.  Words cannot describe the way I feel about that sweet girl.  We truly have become sisters through a lot of hard things on the mission and in life in general.  Sister Sufia was there for a lot of hardships.  She was the one that kept me going, keep me smiling, and kept me laughing when no one else could!! I will be eternally grateful to have been able to serve, become friends, and to become sisters with Sister Sufia. I've heard it said that people come into our lives for bringing something we must learn and we are led to those that help us most to grow, if we let them. And we help them in return.  Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true but I know I’m who I am today because I knew Sister Sufia!! Because I knew her, I have been change for good... it was by far the one hardest days!! We went home and slept a little bit and that night we had a few lessons.

Sunday Michael came to church.  He seemed to really like it.   We had a few
lessons that day.  One in particular was with a girl that is starting to be a nurse and is taking a world religion class.   She needed to interview some Mormons.  She came to the right place. She was pretty amazed by our doctrine and how friendly everyone was and how willing we were to serve.   It's funny, but I'm pretty sure she felt the spirit and was a little frightened by it. I asked if she would learn like to learn more.  She was really intrigued.  Makes me think we might have a chance.

What a week it's been.  I hope that you guys have had just as much fun as I have!! I love you and I hope you have a great week!!
Keep smilin
Sister Kendrick

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