Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Endless Stories

Happy Easter !!!

This week is transfers.  Sister Silver will be going down to Orland Park and I will be staying in North Shore 2nd.   My new companion will be Sister Hanson. I'm super excited but super super sad all at the same time. These past six weeks have been some one of the greatest times of my mission!! It’s been too good to be true really. I think it's time that I go back to growing and learning because there's no growth and comfort. Super sad to see Sister Silver go!!  I'm super upset that we only got to spend one transfer together but after all this is the Lord’s work and his plan. Nevertheless, this week has been awesome and super fun! I never would've thought I would have done the things that we did this week!!  Also would not have wanted to do them with anyone else!   Here are some cool events:

I'm not sure if I shared with you last week we have a new investigators, a family that is from the Philippines.  We have been able to teach them. We left the Book of Mormon last week and they have been reading it. There's nothing better than when you go to return appointment and they kept the commitment that we gave to them.  This might sound a little dramatic but I literally want to shout and jump for joy when they have done what we've asked of them because I know that's when they have the opportunity to grow and that's when they began to understand the Gospel.  I'm super excited to see what happens with them. They have a little girl that's 10 named Precious and she loves American girl dolls. I was talking to her about it this week is telling her all about my little sisters and cousins that have dolls and love them!! She is so cute!!

We got to go on a three day exchange this week with Sister Robertson.  She came and hung out with Sister Silver and I.   She is an awesome missionary, super utgoing and not afraid to talk to anyone!  I learned so much from her in the short time that we had her in our area!  It was a blast but it was super hard to teach with three people.

 Also went on exchanges with Sister Tanner this week. It was great to be back with her.  We had some interesting situations go down. Good times, good times! I really love her!!


We've been teaching this girl named Jane. Her dad is a member of the church but her mom is not.  Her dad just recently got a baptized about 3 years ago, but her mom is not for it, at all. So Jane has to wait until she's 18 to get baptized.  She had some really good questions about the plan of salvation, things I had never thought about before!! She has such a strong testimony and she has such a strong desire to join the church.  It's amazing to me, such a testimony builder for me.  She is such a strong girl :)

We gave a temple tour for a girl, Helen.  She is friends with Annie and Missy, President Bingham’s daughters.  She has a similar situation as Jane.  While in school she learned about the Mormons in a history book and it intrigued her (the spirit was nudging her).  She got online, looked it up, and started reading. Crazy conversion story!  Long story short, she met the Bingham family and the girls have been helping her and they have been teaching her!! She loves the gospel and wants to get baptized so badly but her parents won't let her.   They are very upset with her!!   It breaks my heart but she's got a strong conviction and she said she can't walk away from this.  We gave her a tour which was so fun she knows more than I do about the gospel!  I love it!  Such a sweet girl!

So cool…. this past week as you know was fast Sunday and there was a really cool experience.  So we have been trying to meet with Jimmy and Chloe more often and it's been really hard because they have been really really busy.    So that's what we fasted for, that we might know a way to meet there needs and know how to be able to teach them more. I kid you not there has been a night and day difference with them. It's been so cool. Monday night, they texted us out of the blue and invited us over for dinner.  Their whole desires have grown!   You can totally see a difference. I haven't ever had experience like this before, it was super cool! That was for sure the fastest any of my fasts have been answered, I love it!! Testimony builder truly a tender mercy from the Lord.  We went over there and they cooked this hot pot which is a Chinese dinner that is super spicy.  It was so good! I was fine with it but Sister Robertson was crying.  It was too hot for her haha.   I love getting to experience so many different cultures! They asked us if would talk about the plan of salvation and I loved it!  It was like watching a light come on for them!! They understood it and connected with it so well!! They’re coming along little by little.   Jimmy has really really good questions!! I love teaching!  It makes me so happy!

Well sorry for all the random stories.   I hope you liked at least one of them.  I hope you all enjoy this week!!  Oh last, but not least, I get to spend the rest of the week with Sister Sufia until she gets to go home!  I'm so happy!!!

Ok that's all!!
Keep smilin

Sister Kendrick

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