Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Gospel Will Go Forth To Every Land

Hey how are you all doing? Hope you had a great week!! 
We've all been there
After district meeting we had the opportunity to go on exchanges and help some sisters that have been having a hard time. It’s always so fun to be able to help.  The mission is a hard hard thing and it’s not for the weak. I've loved watching as missionaries have their ups and downs but and then as they are triumphant in overcoming the hard things. 

Once we switched back from exchanges we tracted all night with some results.  We were sharing the Easter Video that I'm sure you have all seen by now the #PrinceofPeace. We shared it with a teenage girl and her aunt. She loved it.  Her face just lit up as she watched it. Afterwards we were asking her questions and she was just so enthusiastic about the message we were sharing she asked us to come back and the aunt was all for it, so we will see how that goes!!

Tracting Fails
It always an adventure when you go tracting. Sister Silver got attacked by this little yappy dog.  We learned all about Buddhism from a man that at first was super upset we were there, but I was able to find some common ground with him and then I asked him about his beliefs. Very educational, seeing how we have met many people from India that practice Buddhism. The best was a black lady that came to the door and when she realized who we were, she was like OH NO! OH NO! It just took me off guard and I couldn't stop laughing. Good times Good Times.
We had a great big Zone Conference Meeting. We talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and the key role it plays in conversion! NEVER GIVE OUT A CLOSED BOOK.  I always walk away from those meetings in such awe of a few things 1. The things still need to improve in 2. The amount of things I don't know 3. How good a teacher President Bingham is. I wish that you all could learn from him!! Maybe one day I’ll be able to gain the amount of knowledge that he has. I left the meeting thinking, I don't have enough time left. It’s that last 100 meters of the race and I just need to run like I've never ran before. I have all the tools, I have the area, I have the companion, and I have I conquered all the Fears!  There should be nothing holding me back and with faith this will be the best time of my mission. In honor of the Cubs starting back up this week...I’m rounding third and I’m coming in Hot!!

I got to Face time Karla this week!! For those who don't remember Karla was one of my first people I taught on my mission and she was baptized while I was in my first area!! I Love her so much! It was so good to talk to her!! We had a short lesson with her.  We found out she has been going to school and she’s almost done with her GED and she got Liam in a daycare last week so now she can start working and she’s doing things we never thought possible. She’s still got a lot of things to work on but don't we all. She really helped me prepare me for the rest of my mission and really the rest of my life. I love that girl! We are going to have another lesson this week.  She could use a lot of prayers right now too. Even though she has a lot of good things happening to her, that’s when it’s easy to step a little off the path.

 Last MLC of the transfer was really good, as always. I feel like the whole dynamics of the mission have changed since President Bingham came. I've been  an STL long enough to see some of the things as a mission in general we struggled with have disappeared, and  are  no longer a problem, but I've also seen things that we had gotten rid of, resurface. Most of MLC was going through those things and seeing as a mission how we can improve on the little things. The mission is just growing despite the amount of missionaries we have. From the time I came out to now, the amount of missionaries has almost been cut in half. Yet the work is growing despite all of that!  Its super fun to see and be a part of!

SUNNY (one of the payday moments you get on a mission)
We have been teaching sunny this past week before she went back to China and it’s been such an amazing experience. I don't even know how to put it into words! I wish you all could have been there. It truly was one of the best experiences! We taught her how to pray, mind you I don't speak Mandarin and she only knows English if it is written down. It is just hard for her to check everything if it was said aloud, so we had to write down everything. The spirt was so strong. We taught her how to pray and the sweet sweet person she is, she just kept practicing. We said 9 Prayers with her just repeating until she got it down. The next day, she sent us a text:  SISTERS I pray night and morning. I feel so good! So much peace. So good. Thank YOU for TEACHING ME. We got her information and she’s off.  We will be teaching her while she is in China until we can figure out how to get someone to come teach her. President is getting in touch with Salt Lake to see how we can make this work seeing how where she lives is closed down to Missionaries! China also doesn't allow Facebook so we got some Chinese account app thing called Wichat so we can keep teaching her! We’re going to make this work! The Gospel will go forth to every land!  What an amazing experience it is to help others understand that they have a Father in Heaven that loves them and an elder brother that died for them so that they can become clean. It’s such a cool experience! Words don't do it justice!  We were able to get her pamphlets and a Book of Mormon in her native tongue so she can keep reading and growing until we can get someone to teach her in China

My heart was just so full with the amazing experiences that I’ve had these past few weeks and with conference and then Easter this Sunday.  I’ve really been studying the Savior this week also.  I was already on the stand because I have been the chorister, so I was tried to bear my testimony but there were so many people I literately could not! So many people where sharing their testimonies and it was just a really spiritual meeting! That feeling is still is there and my heart is so full with the love I have for my Savior. As we approach Easter Sunday, I can't help but feel so grateful for the knowledge that I have of the Savior’s resurrection that He lives today!! Such simple words, but what an impact those words have!! I am just so happy and so grateful for the blessings and for the knowledge I have. "For all the things that I've been given it would be a disgrace to God not to be happy". Not to share this simple message with all the world, HE LIVES. 

I love being a missionary. I know I say that every single week, but I honestly don't know how I could ever live my life without being a missionary. There are just some experiences that I would never in a million years dream about experiencing. Hard, funny, scary, incredibly uplifting experiences that are building me into the person that Heavenly Father needs me to become. It is especially fun to be a missionary at Easter time to be able to just bear testimony that HE LIVES. So so so grateful!!

I love you all and I hope you have a great week.  Make this a week to study the Savior and his life, to celebrate his triumphant victory over the grave!! I hope that you have a wonderful Easter Sunday

 Love you all 
Keep smilin 
Love Sister Kendrick 

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