Monday, July 18, 2016

City Girl

Hey everyone,

So this is going to be a pretty short letter this week.  I was in the city today and this week wasn't very eventful.
Tuesday we had planned on going to the temple with the Cunninghams, but unfortunately they couldn't make it.  They had some family thing they need to care to, so we're just going have to wait awhile.  The food pantry people were so funny; they’re warming up to Sister Grant slowly but surely.

Best thing that happened this week was the fact that we got new beds!!  It was really bad.   I wasn’t even sleeping. And both our backs were in knots so the kind zone leaders brought us new beds and I threw a party!!

Wednesday we had zone conference.   It was so good.  We cover a whole slew of things: teaching not talking, stress management, plan of salvation, overcoming the natural man, Facebook, and the list goes on. This was the first zone conference with our new president and he killed it, it was awesome, I learned so much from him. It's crazy how much energy can be in such a little person haha... He went from pounding the pulpit to jumping up and down to super inspiring and spiritual all in the same breath!! It was great!

Sister Grant went to the temple this week for the last time with all those that are going home this transfer so I got to go on exchanges.   It was super fun.  I got to see Sister Trowbridge again!! WHOOT WHOOT I love her, anyways... They had an appointment set up to teach a 9 little girl and they were totally stuck on how to teach her.   I have a lot of little people in my life and so I was able to design a lesson for her and I felt like it went really good.  It made me really miss Bree though.  I felt like it was blessing that I was able to be there

We had lessons with most  of our investigators and new members this week Karla, Gail, Mr. Sheffield, Bobby and Robin  It's been a good week, a roll a coaster, but none the less a great week !!

Funny and crazy moment that happened we were in a lesson with Karla; I started to relate her situation to a rodeo.  While I was talking she had such a confused look on her face!! I asked her what was wrong and she then asked, “What’s a rodeo?”   I just about died!!!  I'm so far from home its crazy!!

Well it's always so good to write to you and to hear from you.  I hope you all have a great week
Keep smilin
Sister Kendrick

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