Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Gunshots or Fireworks??

Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!  I hope you all are having a magnificent day!!

So another week down its crazy!!  But as always it was a great one;)
Tuesday was a crazy day.  We woke up bright and early to take Sister Jones down to the city.  I said my goodbyes and she was gone just like that. I'm gonna miss her. So much good came from our companionship.   So many lessons learned, so many unforgettable stories and moments. We were definitely meant to be together :)

 And then the waiting game... I told Sister Jones and all the missionaries I know, not to tell me one thing about Sister Grant!!! I didn't want anyone painting a picture of her; I wanted to decide for myself :) so really while I was sitting at the church, waiting to pick her up I was regretting that decision.... Hahaha it was pain staking.   I didn't even know what she looked liked, let alone if she was going to be a hard working missionary. All of that came to a rest when she arrived.  I grabbed her bags we said goodbye, and we were off. I remember thinking this could really be the longest car ride of my life, but in that exact moment she said, “so Sister Kendrick tell me about the work that's going one up in Gurnee”!!! I was so excited haha and she has been great ever since.  We are gonna do wonders here I can just feel it :)

We had a crazy busy day ahead of us (we didn't even eat lunch or study!!) We taught Karla a killer lesson on the plan of salvation. She is awesome she asked us if she could get baptized, and she wants to know exactly what she needs to do so she can be... #miracles it might be a long road but never fear!!!

We went straight from that, to do some service/ preparation for the nights event. The Relief Society did a fire fly fireside.  It was so cute!!! We were all able to share a quote or scripture or thought that has brought us strength.  It was really good!!! Shelly has a hard time with the Relief Society and it was like pulling teeth to get her there.  Frank practically pushed her out of the house. All was well and she was having fun until I introduced her to Sister Grant.  She lost it. (because she is trying to quit smoking she has been having a hard time) she was so sad that Sister Jones had to go. She kind of got attached to us, because we have been on such a long journey with her.  After she pulled herself together, the rest of the night went really well. And it was so good for her!

Wednesday: For about four weeks now President has been saying goodbye, this will be the last time we see you sorta thing, but then they turn around and either set up another meeting, or invite us to go somewhere on P day to see them.  The list goes on, right.  So I just stopped listening to him (that's so bad to say) haha but it's true I was like OK President whatever you say.  But

on Wednesday I knew for a fact when they said they wanted to meet with us one last time that they meant one last time. We gathered together by zone we sang 3 songs said a prayer/was given a blessing. (1) Cast out the adversary (2) That we would have success like never before and (3) He called down the powers of heaven to assist us, that we might have angels attend us in this work and that we might be able to feel them. Then they were off for the last time.  That was sad and really hard. Even though I've only know them for a short amount of time, they have really impacted my life. It was a hard day...

Later that night the Cunninghams had their last interview and we got the a ok. We gave them the jumpsuit to try on and oh my goodness Frank was in heaven.  He was dancing and singing and moving and a grooving.  He was so excited he was literally jumping up and down, and striking all sorts of posses, I was laughing so so hard!!!

Thursday we meet with Karla again and taught her about the Ten Commandments.   It was so good and then she opened up to us and what we thought was just going be a short lesson turned into a 2 hour lesson, the spirit was so strong!!! It's so crazy but one of the most amazing feelings I am able to feel as missionary is the love God has for each one of his children and I was able to testify of that to Karla. It's truly one of the most incredible feelings ever!!

Friday we met President Bingham and his family.  They are awesome!! I instantly gained a love and a respect for him as he came in those chapel doors!! He and his family came around to great us and when they got to me and it was really fun but really sad at the same time. Sister Bingham grabbed me and gave me a huge hug and she whispered in my ear “I've hugged your mom since you have and I'm passing it on”!! President grabbed my hand and said, “|Sister Kendrick it’s so great to finally meet you in person.  I've seen your picture, I've heard your voice and I've even talked with you a little but it's so great to be able to do it all at once”!!  Then they shared with us their story and how they were called and the events leading up to that.  They all shared their testimonies and their faith with us in a very uplifting and motivating meeting!! They are going to do wonders for this mission!!

Saturday was a great Big Bang!! Ok , um rewind just a bit.  So we went to the church at 7:30 to fill the font and make copies of the program and to set up. The Cunninghams were supposed to be there at 9:30 so that we could go over any last minute questions and so they could get dressed! All was well until 9:45 came around and there was no one from the ward there and there were no Cunninghams. Ok all was good. I was fine; we had 15 minutes and Mormon standard time right? Ok so now its 9:50 still no Cunninghams, no members but we do have the baptizer Brother Eagar, ok let’s just say I started to panic (we will leave it at that) I thought they were going to ditch us.  I was nervous for just a bit. But finally at 9:55 they got to the church and members started filling in for what turned out to be a full house and an amazing baptism. It was truly spectacular!! The spirit was so strong and they were so happy!!!

Sunday was just a great as Saturday!! The Cunninghams received the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and there was a baby blessing (this will come into play in a bit). Gail got a new calling as the gospel principles class president ( aka welcomer and attendance taker) it was great!! She thought that I told bishop to give her that job so she was so mad at me haha I love her!!!  She did a great job though I wish I could have taken a video of it!! #priceless
Ok but the best part of the day was that Karla came to church. That's all good and all, she's been before but this time there was something special.  She was asking about all the blessings that were taking place in sacrament meeting, and why they were happening! We were able to tell her about the power of blessings and what their purposes were.  Then she asked, “Do you think I could go up and get one next”? Haha we told her the same Elders would more than happy to give her one after church ;) So, after church we went and got her little boy, Liam, out of nursery. He was beaming.   He was so so so happy!!! We headed over to the Elders and they gave her a powerful blessing. Afterwards she was crying. I asked her what was wrong.  She said she felt weird. Immediately I said “what do you feel like”?  She answered, “I think I feel happy”!!!  It was so crazy.  It was the first time she felt happy in years!!! I was also able to tell her that that is what Gods love feels like.  She was in awe.   Such a cool experience!!!

Ok so funny story, every once and awhile we play this game gunshot of fireworks and we go back and forth trying to decide if we are hearing gunshots or fireworks. Tonight I will be able to say for sure fireworks!!! hahahaha Happy Fourth of July

Well those were just a few highlights from this week.  Life is going good here. I'm loving life. I hope all is well back home!!! Enjoy they summer!   Love y'all!   

Keep smilin

Love Sister Kendrick

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