Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Temple Ready

Sister Grant, she is great! She goes home one month from yesterday, crazy right? She is from Herriman, Utah.  She is the oldest of three.  She loves Lacrosse and loves art.  She knows the scriptures inside and out.  It’s so cool.  She is teaching me a lot!! She is also a very hard worker and loves to give her all.  She has a lot of faith. I'm learning so much from her, I'm trying to learn all her tricks before she goes. She is itty bitty... She is awesome. I've been really blessed!

Another week has come and gone crazy right?? It's been another packed week.  I've just stopped trying to write all the things that have happened and my email is still forever long :( sorry   I hope you are all doing well.   I love you!!

      So last Monday was kind of lame.   In the city where I live, they did most if not all their July 4th festivities on Sunday so we didn't go to a parade or anything like that. We had to be in the house by 7 because it's one of the worst nights her in chi town....  But all is well.  We did get to see a few fireworks from our apartment.  That’s one thing that is crazy here. It's really logical but it didn't occur to me that there is so many houses/ apartments and so many trees and no open wide open spaces so you see can’t see any fireworks that are going off around you. Back home we would go out back or in front and watch fireworks from other cities.  Ya… you can't do that here #imacitygirlnow

      Tuesday we had so much to do here are a few highlights….We started off with a lesson with Trisha, she's the one from Belize. After our great lesson with her last time, her life just exploded and got really busy, so this was the first time we've seen her in a long time.  But it was really good.  We taught her about the plan of salvation. I think it's safe to say that we caught her attention!! She had never heard of the three kingdoms before and that really interested her. She also had a friend, just a few months ago, take her own life, and we talked about that and I was able to bear a firm testimony that I knew that she was on the other side learning about the gospel just like she was. Over all I think it was a pretty good lesson!!
      We also had lunch with Charlie!!! Need I say more? I love Charlie!!! He never ceases to amaze me! Among a lot of other things I asked him what it was like to be sealed to his wife (he joined the church after his wife had passed away)  Oh boy was that a good question to ask.  He shared a remarkable story with us of how he knew she was in that same room holding his hand over the alter, the spirit in our little booth was radiating ahhhhh... So cool... I love Charlie....
      Then we finished the night out strong with a lesson with the newest members of the ward;) (the Cunninghams) we are now preparing Frank for the priesthood so that we can take them to the temple to do baptisms for the dead !!!  I'm so glad the temple is so close that I get the opportunity to do these things.  Later on in the week we did family history with them and, you all know how much I love family history.  It was great!!  They want to do the work for their parents and siblings!!!

        Preface, I hope that I am able to put into words the events that took place on Wednesday in a way that y'all might be able to understand and be able to get the magnitude of this experience. This really happened and it counts as a huge miracle in my book...
I don't know how the story ends but I sure know how it begins!!! The story begins June 6th. It was a Monday and Sister Jones and I were on our way to the city for our p-day when the conductor came by.   We smiled at him and we greeted him.  He commented on how we were always smiling and talking to others and how cool he thought that was.  We continued to talk to him and told him we were sister missionaries.  We invited him to church to learn more about the gospel.  He said that he would look into it because he really admired us and thought highly of a church that would raise young women like us, your basic contact right...
            Ok now fast forward one month to the day!!  We were just closing up district meeting when this man, John, entered into the room and he said “peace be with you, I don't know if you guys can help me or not.  This is going to sound crazy, I know, but a month ago I saw two sisters on the train headed to Chicago and I was impressed to share with them this video but I didn't.  Ever since that time I have been think about how I should have shared it with them, and how I didn't follow that prompting!  Last night my toilet broke so I had to come up this way to get a part.  I thought maybe someone here could help me get this video to those sisters so that I can follow through with that prompting!"
       Ok so side note.  When the man first came in I had no idea who he was but once he said he was on the train to the go to work, I saw his face.  My mind was taken back to that day and I remember seeing him sitting in his seat a few rows back.  As soon as he finished talking, I asked him, “was it June 2” and said, “I believe I was”  Then I asked, “do you remember those sisters talking to the…” He finished my sentence “conductor?”  I told him that yes indeed we could help him get in contact with these sisters.  I told him that it was me and Sister Jones...He had wrote up an email, so that someone could pass it on.  This is what the email said:

Peace be with you.

There were two young lady missionaries traveling like the 70.  (2) disciples to Chicago on the Metra.  God compelled me to share this video with them.
Please forward this email to them.

This video shows physical evidence of the events in the bible.

The Holy Spirit will guide you.

God bless you,


So we were with our whole distinct when this happened and I was the only one talking because the rest of them minus Sister Grant had their chins on the ground.  After all, I was the only one that knew what the heck was going on!! After it was all said and done and John left the room it, was dead silent for a good minute.  We were all just trying to soak in the experience!!

Ok so,so crazy!!  Am I right???
1. We are never at the church
2. That fact that he found the church (I still don't know how that happened)
3. The fact that the spirit worked on him that hard (I mean this guy
has shaking and he was all blotchy and pale, he was nervous)
4. We as missionaries go find people they don't find us!!    (this is like riding my bike down the road and the spirit tells someone to stop those two on a bike, but this is even better!! Haha;) )

We took Sister Schroeder to Karla's lesson and they clicked so well.  It was such a good thing, totally inspired. I love love love Sister Schroeder she is the best!! I will be friends with her for the rest of my life!!

We have been teaching a lot and trying to build up this area as much as we can!! We're working hard.  There's a fire lit here and we’re fanning it like crazy ;) nothing can stop us :D

I'll end with kind of a funny story.  Sunday after church one of the sisters locked both sets of keys in her car, haha and I walked into all the commotion.   They were trying to figure out how to get in.  The police won't do it and she didn't want to pay an arm and a leg, so one sister said, “Just go ask the next G that walks by the church, 10 bucks says he can do it in a minute”.  Well you all know that I had to get in on the action, I told them that was ridiculous and we are not waiting for a G  to walk by to break into her car.  I said, “at least give me 5 minutes to try it myself”, they all agreed that it wouldn't hurt.  All the men laughed at me... ;)  I grabbed a hanger and went to work.  Less than a few minutes later, I had it unlocked.  Thanks dad for teaching me some good tricks;)  everyone was amazed haha... They said why would you need a straight up G when you’ve got Sister Kendrick.  

The best part of yesterday by far is the fact that Frank received the priesthood and Shelly was crying because she was so excited for him!! She said that she has always known that he is the best man, but now she feels like everyone will know that... So so so cool he was so excited jumping up and down again;) We are taking them to do baptisms for the dead tomorrow so so excited!! I LOVE THE TEMPLE!!!  I hope that they will too.

Well as always I'm doing so well!! It's been nothing but blue skies and the gospel is amazing, it’s so cool being able to see it change others lives as they dive into it and really begins to understand it. Not only does it change others lives, but it changes mine too. The simple truth of the gospel has the ability to bring so much joy and happiness into lives. I love it!!

Well thanks for all the support I love you all!!
Keep smilin

Sister Kendrick

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