Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Feeding Hundreds

What a week!  It was crazy busy!  I'm so glad its p-day because I'm tuckered out.  We had a lot on our plates this week, but that's the way I like it

We had exchanges with the Griffith sisters. Sister House came to our area. We had a lesson with the Oaks family, then tracked basically the rest of the day. Sister House is going home next week so it was fun to be with her and learn all of her tricks

Was basically just one all day long nothing really exciting.

Thanksgiving!!   We had a packed day.  We started helping at the Salvation Army around 9:00.  We served about 100 people there.   It was a smaller gathering but it was really fun.  We met some really sweet people, both those that were volunteering and those that came in for lunch. After cleaning up, we headed over to the middle school here in Portage and
started round two. All the churches and religions in Portage minus the Salvation Army get together and feed dinner to the whole community.  Anyone who wants to come is welcome but it's mostly for those that can't afford or the shut ins and homeless. The first part of it I literally deboned 15 turkeys by myself and Sister Sufia, 5 hams. Plus there were like 50 other servers, so let's just say there was a lot of food.  After the preparation,  it all started and we were able to start serving the people. It was after 6 o'clock by the time we were done, then to do the dishes, we were there until 8:30.   It was a very tiring day, but I was super super excited to be there I haven't had a crazy busy day like that for long time.  It was good for me. We are literally doing something every minute and I had so much to do….. I loved it!!  We came home and Sister Sufia crashed. We helped feed hundreds of people. It was awesome I loved it!! I think I want to start a new tradition.  There's not a better way to feel the Thanksgiving spirit than giving to those who don't have anything.  It really makes you appreciate what you do have!!

Friday morning we had MLC.   We had to drive to the city. We spent most of the day there. We went over the big meeting that we just had the week before and the new policies with Facebook and Skype and things like that.  Also the #light the world! It was really good.  I love being a Sister Training Leader and having the opportunity to go to these mission councils.  I learn so much! I'm also so grateful for the opportunity to give service to those Sisters in my zone.  It makes missionary work easier for me, when I'm able to help others including these sweet sisters. Later that night we had to exchange with the Chicago Heights sisters.

So I had the opportunity to go with sister Parke.   I love her.  She's awesome. I think that she's my soul sister. We did so much work and we found some new messages and have a ton of referrals and I was basically just really really happy because I was in South side and there's a lot less white people there which makes it so much more fun to do missionary work (I don't know if that's OK to say please take it out if it's not thanks mom, love you) Sister Park is going home this coming week, and I'm super sad!  I always connect with sisters right before they leave!! She is so sweet though, but I'm glad I don't have to think about going home anytime soon, its way stressful! It was such a successful day!! I loved it!!

Well that about sums up my week, sorry nothing very exciting, no stories... I need to do better with my emails. I get to Monday and it's like a blur, I forget so much it's all one foggy imagine in my head.  One thing that I do remember though is that you all need to get on board with the #lighttheworld ordeal that is going to take place on December 1st until Christmas!! It's going to be a great opportunity to bring the light of Christ and the true spirit of Christmas into your life!! Look it up and check out all the sweet videos at

Well I love you all! Have a great week!  Happy December!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

So I don't have a lot of motivation to write a group email so I am going to make it short and sweet 
This week was strange!  Everything was everywhere so I'm gonna try my best to let you in on what happened.

Here are the highlights…..
Tuesday we planned and we did some killer finding ;)

Wednesday our district got together and we did some service which consisted of us raking a lot of leaves! It was super fun to be able to all serve together!  We got a lot done. Later that night a very sweet less active family had us over for dinner they were so sweet! They really made me miss home, the parents reminded me so much of my own.  It was such a good night. We then took an opportunity to share the things that mean the most to us, the things that we are grateful for.  It's always in these moments that I reflect on all that I have and it brings me to my knees with thanks giving to Heavenly  Father for all that I have been given. It always brings things back into perspective.  That night the Hebron sister (Sister Davis and Sister Christiansen) came and slept over, in preparation for the next day.

Thursday ah man this day was crazy, in all aspects. It was so jam packed full of stuff and so full of the spirit, it was a little overwhelming.   We had the opportunity to have a conference with some pretty amazing men, Brother Donaldson, and the mission president from the district, both of which are he heads of the missionary department of the church. The problem was there was only enough time to have half of the mission go so all the younger missionaries went. That meant the companionships that I'm over had to split, it was really crazy...

The day started super early.  I had to drive to every area in my zone, pick up and drop off sisters and be on the road by 6:45 haha ya it was crazy. But once we finally mat it there (30 minutes late) it was so amazing!!   We learned so much and we were given some really cool insight and I'm excited to take it into action.  It is really going to improve the mission!!   I'm excited!!   It was a day long day.  It was great but a little overwhelming, then I had to get everyone back to their companions and back to their areas later that night

The rest of the week was uneventfully we just went finding and did stop bys.   It was ok……

Well seeing how this week is Thanksgiving I just wanted to say I'm so grateful. I'm grateful for so much, for the opportunity to put a name tag on my chest and be a representative of the Savior, to be able to teach and to be able to grow! I'm so grateful for the life I've been given I have been so blessed with the family that loves me and has given me everything I need to succeed. I'm grateful for the love that I'm enveloped with. Most of all I'm grateful for the testimony that I have of this the restored gospel, of the prophet of Joseph Smith, and of the Book of Mormon. I love this gospel!!   I'm so grateful for the influence it has in my life.

Don't eat too much turkey... Have a great week!!

Keep smiling

Pictures I received from her 3rd companion....Ashley.  Service project Saturday afternoon.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hide and Seek Blindfolded

Hey    J

We had to teach Zone Training for an hour.  That was an adventure in and of itself!!   We planned and prepared and planned and prepared the days leading up to it in hopes that we would be able to teach all that was assigned to us in a way pleasing to the Lord. We wanted to help those missionaries learn and grow, not by what we were saying but by the spirit, so it took some time. Monday night we went over it so many times. Let’s just say that I'm so glad that I am speaking English. Sister Sufia was trying so hard, but sometimes the language barrier is a real thing. I understand her perfectly (most of the time) now and I know exactly what she is trying to say but other people sometimes have a hard time. So we went over it so that we all could understand.  Then we taught it to Ashley and we finally got it down. So when Tuesday came it went pretty smoothly.  I hope that we did a good enough job. I hope that someone learned something from it.  We had to teach about 3 day planning/nightly planning.  It was a good review for me, it’s funny I’ve been doing this mission thing for 8 months now and I still am working on improving the basics... you think by now I would have it down.  How frustrating it must be for Heavenly Father to have to work with such an imperfect person such as me. The rest of the night we went finding, and we found a family that invited us to come and teach them so that’s exciting, stay tune to see what comes of that one.

Wednesday we spent the day planning because our Thursday was going to be crazy. Later that night we stopped by some potential new investigators.  We are trying to pick the work up but it’s like trying to play hide and seek blind folded and I'm the blind folded one.  It doesn't work, or let’s say it’s a slow process.

Thursday was Sister Sufia’s 21st Birthday!!  First off thank you to everyone that was so kind in making an extra effort to let her know your love for her and for wishing her a Happy Birthday!! In her words “It was the Best One Ever" She was so cute.  She didn't want me to do anything for her birthday; she didn't want me to worry...any of you that know me know that that's not going to stop me.  With the help of a few members we were able to have some fun surprises for her!!  She loved every minute of it!! She even started crying because she was so grateful and so happy. (Oh and she never cries) We took her to Red Lobster where she ate her favorite…..shrimp.  She was in Heaven.  For whatever its worth I’m super glad that I was able to be her companion on her birthday.

Earlier that day we had a great lesson with the Oaks Family!! They are doing so well!! We read Joseph Smith History with them. The First Vision is so powerful.  It brings the spirit into the lesson like nothing else. Brother Oaks was able to be with us this lesson.  His testimony is growing brighter throughout the whole conversion of his wife too. It’s so fun to watch the two of them share testimony with one another.  They are growing strong and they are planting their roots firm. It’s so fun to be a part of it!  Their family is so amazing.  The little ones made a card for Sister Sufia for her birthday!! They are so sweet. One thing that has been fun for me is to hear all the things the little kids call us. The Oaks children call us "The Church Girls" and also by our names but it’s fun because as soon as they see us the let everyone know loud and clear…… The Church Girls are here :) 

Friday morning we did some service at the museum and we helped set up the Christmas decorations.   You all know how much I like setting up Christmas decorations haha but it was good.  Sister Sufia sang songs as we decorated the tree I just laughed hahahaha... We went and set up some volunteering opportunities at the local nursing home. I'm super excited about that.  Later that night the YSA had a concert, Calee Reed and Stephanie Madsen came and shared their stories with us. It was a great night. The spirit was so strong!!  I love music!!  The best part about it was that Micaela came!!! She is a recent convert that's had a lot going on in her life and we haven't seen her for some time!! It was so good I was so happy.  All and all it was a great night!! 

That morning was the ward clean up and we raked leaves for 3 hours.  There are so many leaves here.  The rest of the day we did less active stop bys and findings. 

That's about all for this week….. Funny story, so we were in the store contacting and this old grandma grabbed my arm and was like, “what's wrong with her face”? Talking about sister Sufia, and I responded, “I don't know is there something wrong?”   I totally forgot that she has a massive burn.  It's just become normal.  I told her about it and we both laughed for hours :) 

Ok Challenge…… share with someone or on face book why you are grateful for the gospel in your life.

Well I love you all!!   I hope that you have a good week!! 
-Sister Baylee Kendrick-

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fall in Love With November

Hey y'all, this week was a really good week, but crazy as always!!

Sister Sufia and I decided to plan a day to go out in our service clothes and try to do service for people, or see if they need help with anything.  We put our rakes in the back of the car, said a little prayer and started driving around. We got shut down two times but the third time was the charm. We ended up helping an 80 yr old lady. We raked her whole yard and then invited her to learn more, but she wasn't having it haha. It’s ok though, it was a lot of fun. It was a great opportunity to go out and let others know who we really are and that we are here to serve.
Later on in the week we got to help the Oaks family rake and the kids and Sister Sufia and I, jumped in the pile, I’ll send the video.  The pile we jumped in was 1 of 5 and the leaves are just barley starting to fall.  #notinutahanymore.  I finally get why jumping in leaves is so much fun!  You have to have a lot of them.

Wednesday: We had district meeting and we were talking about setting good goals and realistic goal that will stretch us. If your goals don't scare you they are not big enough!! We are working hard to find someone that we can put on date for the 24th of December. Our mission is challenging us to have a white Christmas. Everyone is suppose strive to have a baptism on this date and we have been promised by President Bingham if we work hard, set goals, and raise our vision, we will be able to accomplish this.  So that’s what we are going to strive to do.   Many Prayers!!!

That night the Cubs pulled it off!! They won and everyone and their dogs were celebrating!!  Who could blame them, right??  They had a huge parade on Friday and they turned the river blue!! 5 Million People went to the parade!! Crazy, Right?  ( This will be important for the upcoming story ) Well, needless to say I really wanted to be at the game and even more I wanted to be in the city to contact all those people !! haha that's why it’s the Lord’s will and not mine .  It’s probably a good thing that I wasn't in the city, I might have gotten into trouble!! haha Regardless of where I am, it was still a lot of fun!

Thursday: Weekly Planning. So, we had a really good planning meeting and we were able to make a better plan of what we can do in this area for this transfer, and how can we get the members involved with missionary work. It was long but I think it was worth it because we need to set new goals and come up with some ideas of how to find new investigators to teach. 

Ok Second Story, it’s kind of a long one, so hang in there!!
Thursday night we were just getting ready  for bed when we got a text from the Griffith sisters that said, " Hey sisters, the Assistants (AP) sent us this text but it was suppose to go to you"... 
 The first words of the text were "Hey STL (Sister Training Leaders) this is just a reminder about our meeting tomorrow... See you there at 9 ". I thought to myself wait, what??  I am confused! We weren't STLs!! Transfer calls were a week ago and we were not called to be STLs, this must be a Joke.... ya, that’s what it is...  I showed the text to Sister Sufia and she freaked out and then I thought, I better call the president.  Sure enough, we were called To be STLs, the AP'S just "FORGOT" to tell us a week ago haha:)  We accepted the call and panicked a little. 

Friday: We had MLC  ( Missionary Leadership Counsel)  at the mission home at 9 the next morning. Whoot whoot!! We currently are the 2nd furthest away from the mission home right now.  We had to leave at 6:45.  The meeting was so good, I really enjoyed it! I learned so much. The meeting is for us to be trained so that we can go and train those that are in our zone. We have to teach tomorrow at Zone Training.  I hope everything goes well. I got to see Sister Jones too, and that was exciting!  It's crazy that she only has 5 weeks left. It's so sad that she is going home. Driving home that day took forever and a half. So this is where that 5 million people comes in...  While our meeting was finishing up, the parade was finishing up too and everyone was clearing out.  We just happened to jump on the express way the same time the 5 million people decide to. It took us 4 hrs to get back to our area. It was good time!  Sister Sufia and I jammed (as much as you can to LDS music) and we took a lot of videos and pictures for you guys. Haha 

So I don't really know how to fulfill this calling but I'm going to do my best.  I'm a lil nervous because our area is lacking right now and we are suppose to be an example and leaders of what good missionaries are.  I feel we are falling short in a lot of places... it is what it is...  the Lord qualifies those he calls. 

 The rest of the week was pretty average.  I hope that you all had a greet week, and you have an even better one this week ;) well time is running short so I have to go but I love you all!!  
Keep smilin 
Sister Kendrick 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Halloween

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN !!!!

 So this week letter will be short and sweet, 

For the majority of the week Sister Sufia was sick and I literally had to force her or as she says “mother her” to take naps.  I felt so bad for her; she felt like crap and she had to take a box of Tissue everywhere we went it!! Let’s just say being sick is just crummy but being sick on your mission is the worst thing ever!! But the good news is I got to read a lot in the Book of Mormon this week!! Even though she was sick, she was such a trooper. She worked so hard this week. Like I said, I had to make her stay in the room until she took a nap because she just wanted to go out and work!! I Love Her!! 

We also did something creative/ fun, I guess you could say, this week haha... we gave the members of our ward a challenge to hand out 10 Pass along cards tonight with their candy!! We made cute little handouts that said "Trick or Treat the Gospel is sweet, Give these to everyone you meet!" Then Ashley helped us type up the instructions and we put them all together with the pass along cards so maybe, hopefully, something will come of that haha:) 

We had a fun contact this week. We got a media referral (which basically means that an individual requested a free Book of Mormon or Bible).  Upon delivering the Bible, the goal is to always leave a Book Of  Mormon also and to teach the Restoration.  So we got to the point of giving him the Bible and as we were giving it to him, he asked “hey can I get a Book Of Mormon too, tell me a little bit about that”!! It was a really fun stop by. We talked for a hour, on his front porch and as of Saturday night he had Read to 3 Nephi. We have a lessons set up with him to talk about what he has been reading. Hopefully we will be able to start teaching him!! I would love that he seems pretty solid. 

The best part of the week was definitely Sunday!!  It was the Primary Program!! I love watching the sweet little kids and hearing them sing.  It’s always been one of my favorite things!!  At the end, our Bishop got up and shared the closing remarks and it really hit home for me. It reminded that my testimony started in primary. All those songs I sang with such simple truths teaching me all the things that I would need, building a foundation of which was set firmly in Christ and in his teachings. One of which allowed me to continue to grow and develop. There has been so many times throughout my life that I have thought of the sweet words of the primary songs and the reflection brought renewed strength and hope and the spirit so strongly!  While I was watching those cute kids, I was also thinking of all the little ones back at home, the ones I love so much!! I was thinking of the foundation of truth that is being laid for them and how important it will be in their lives!! I'm so GREATFUL to all those that helped lay that foundation for me in my early years. It has definitely blessed me so much!! I pray for all those little ones that I love so deeply that their foundation will be strong and that they will to be able to rely on those simple but profound truths so available in the sweet Primary songs

Well I hope that y’all don’t have too much fun tonight or eat too much Candy!
I Love YOU!!!
Please be safe :) 
Have A Wonderful week!!!
Keep Smilin

-Sister Kendrick-