Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fall in Love With November

Hey y'all, this week was a really good week, but crazy as always!!

Sister Sufia and I decided to plan a day to go out in our service clothes and try to do service for people, or see if they need help with anything.  We put our rakes in the back of the car, said a little prayer and started driving around. We got shut down two times but the third time was the charm. We ended up helping an 80 yr old lady. We raked her whole yard and then invited her to learn more, but she wasn't having it haha. It’s ok though, it was a lot of fun. It was a great opportunity to go out and let others know who we really are and that we are here to serve.
Later on in the week we got to help the Oaks family rake and the kids and Sister Sufia and I, jumped in the pile, I’ll send the video.  The pile we jumped in was 1 of 5 and the leaves are just barley starting to fall.  #notinutahanymore.  I finally get why jumping in leaves is so much fun!  You have to have a lot of them.

Wednesday: We had district meeting and we were talking about setting good goals and realistic goal that will stretch us. If your goals don't scare you they are not big enough!! We are working hard to find someone that we can put on date for the 24th of December. Our mission is challenging us to have a white Christmas. Everyone is suppose strive to have a baptism on this date and we have been promised by President Bingham if we work hard, set goals, and raise our vision, we will be able to accomplish this.  So that’s what we are going to strive to do.   Many Prayers!!!

That night the Cubs pulled it off!! They won and everyone and their dogs were celebrating!!  Who could blame them, right??  They had a huge parade on Friday and they turned the river blue!! 5 Million People went to the parade!! Crazy, Right?  ( This will be important for the upcoming story ) Well, needless to say I really wanted to be at the game and even more I wanted to be in the city to contact all those people !! haha that's why it’s the Lord’s will and not mine .  It’s probably a good thing that I wasn't in the city, I might have gotten into trouble!! haha Regardless of where I am, it was still a lot of fun!

Thursday: Weekly Planning. So, we had a really good planning meeting and we were able to make a better plan of what we can do in this area for this transfer, and how can we get the members involved with missionary work. It was long but I think it was worth it because we need to set new goals and come up with some ideas of how to find new investigators to teach. 

Ok Second Story, it’s kind of a long one, so hang in there!!
Thursday night we were just getting ready  for bed when we got a text from the Griffith sisters that said, " Hey sisters, the Assistants (AP) sent us this text but it was suppose to go to you"... 
 The first words of the text were "Hey STL (Sister Training Leaders) this is just a reminder about our meeting tomorrow... See you there at 9 ". I thought to myself wait, what??  I am confused! We weren't STLs!! Transfer calls were a week ago and we were not called to be STLs, this must be a Joke.... ya, that’s what it is...  I showed the text to Sister Sufia and she freaked out and then I thought, I better call the president.  Sure enough, we were called To be STLs, the AP'S just "FORGOT" to tell us a week ago haha:)  We accepted the call and panicked a little. 

Friday: We had MLC  ( Missionary Leadership Counsel)  at the mission home at 9 the next morning. Whoot whoot!! We currently are the 2nd furthest away from the mission home right now.  We had to leave at 6:45.  The meeting was so good, I really enjoyed it! I learned so much. The meeting is for us to be trained so that we can go and train those that are in our zone. We have to teach tomorrow at Zone Training.  I hope everything goes well. I got to see Sister Jones too, and that was exciting!  It's crazy that she only has 5 weeks left. It's so sad that she is going home. Driving home that day took forever and a half. So this is where that 5 million people comes in...  While our meeting was finishing up, the parade was finishing up too and everyone was clearing out.  We just happened to jump on the express way the same time the 5 million people decide to. It took us 4 hrs to get back to our area. It was good time!  Sister Sufia and I jammed (as much as you can to LDS music) and we took a lot of videos and pictures for you guys. Haha 

So I don't really know how to fulfill this calling but I'm going to do my best.  I'm a lil nervous because our area is lacking right now and we are suppose to be an example and leaders of what good missionaries are.  I feel we are falling short in a lot of places... it is what it is...  the Lord qualifies those he calls. 

 The rest of the week was pretty average.  I hope that you all had a greet week, and you have an even better one this week ;) well time is running short so I have to go but I love you all!!  
Keep smilin 
Sister Kendrick 

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