Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Feeding Hundreds

What a week!  It was crazy busy!  I'm so glad its p-day because I'm tuckered out.  We had a lot on our plates this week, but that's the way I like it

We had exchanges with the Griffith sisters. Sister House came to our area. We had a lesson with the Oaks family, then tracked basically the rest of the day. Sister House is going home next week so it was fun to be with her and learn all of her tricks

Was basically just one all day long nothing really exciting.

Thanksgiving!!   We had a packed day.  We started helping at the Salvation Army around 9:00.  We served about 100 people there.   It was a smaller gathering but it was really fun.  We met some really sweet people, both those that were volunteering and those that came in for lunch. After cleaning up, we headed over to the middle school here in Portage and
started round two. All the churches and religions in Portage minus the Salvation Army get together and feed dinner to the whole community.  Anyone who wants to come is welcome but it's mostly for those that can't afford or the shut ins and homeless. The first part of it I literally deboned 15 turkeys by myself and Sister Sufia, 5 hams. Plus there were like 50 other servers, so let's just say there was a lot of food.  After the preparation,  it all started and we were able to start serving the people. It was after 6 o'clock by the time we were done, then to do the dishes, we were there until 8:30.   It was a very tiring day, but I was super super excited to be there I haven't had a crazy busy day like that for long time.  It was good for me. We are literally doing something every minute and I had so much to do….. I loved it!!  We came home and Sister Sufia crashed. We helped feed hundreds of people. It was awesome I loved it!! I think I want to start a new tradition.  There's not a better way to feel the Thanksgiving spirit than giving to those who don't have anything.  It really makes you appreciate what you do have!!

Friday morning we had MLC.   We had to drive to the city. We spent most of the day there. We went over the big meeting that we just had the week before and the new policies with Facebook and Skype and things like that.  Also the #light the world! It was really good.  I love being a Sister Training Leader and having the opportunity to go to these mission councils.  I learn so much! I'm also so grateful for the opportunity to give service to those Sisters in my zone.  It makes missionary work easier for me, when I'm able to help others including these sweet sisters. Later that night we had to exchange with the Chicago Heights sisters.

So I had the opportunity to go with sister Parke.   I love her.  She's awesome. I think that she's my soul sister. We did so much work and we found some new messages and have a ton of referrals and I was basically just really really happy because I was in South side and there's a lot less white people there which makes it so much more fun to do missionary work (I don't know if that's OK to say please take it out if it's not thanks mom, love you) Sister Park is going home this coming week, and I'm super sad!  I always connect with sisters right before they leave!! She is so sweet though, but I'm glad I don't have to think about going home anytime soon, its way stressful! It was such a successful day!! I loved it!!

Well that about sums up my week, sorry nothing very exciting, no stories... I need to do better with my emails. I get to Monday and it's like a blur, I forget so much it's all one foggy imagine in my head.  One thing that I do remember though is that you all need to get on board with the #lighttheworld ordeal that is going to take place on December 1st until Christmas!! It's going to be a great opportunity to bring the light of Christ and the true spirit of Christmas into your life!! Look it up and check out all the sweet videos at

Well I love you all! Have a great week!  Happy December!!

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