Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

So I don't have a lot of motivation to write a group email so I am going to make it short and sweet 
This week was strange!  Everything was everywhere so I'm gonna try my best to let you in on what happened.

Here are the highlights…..
Tuesday we planned and we did some killer finding ;)

Wednesday our district got together and we did some service which consisted of us raking a lot of leaves! It was super fun to be able to all serve together!  We got a lot done. Later that night a very sweet less active family had us over for dinner they were so sweet! They really made me miss home, the parents reminded me so much of my own.  It was such a good night. We then took an opportunity to share the things that mean the most to us, the things that we are grateful for.  It's always in these moments that I reflect on all that I have and it brings me to my knees with thanks giving to Heavenly  Father for all that I have been given. It always brings things back into perspective.  That night the Hebron sister (Sister Davis and Sister Christiansen) came and slept over, in preparation for the next day.

Thursday ah man this day was crazy, in all aspects. It was so jam packed full of stuff and so full of the spirit, it was a little overwhelming.   We had the opportunity to have a conference with some pretty amazing men, Brother Donaldson, and the mission president from the district, both of which are he heads of the missionary department of the church. The problem was there was only enough time to have half of the mission go so all the younger missionaries went. That meant the companionships that I'm over had to split, it was really crazy...

The day started super early.  I had to drive to every area in my zone, pick up and drop off sisters and be on the road by 6:45 haha ya it was crazy. But once we finally mat it there (30 minutes late) it was so amazing!!   We learned so much and we were given some really cool insight and I'm excited to take it into action.  It is really going to improve the mission!!   I'm excited!!   It was a day long day.  It was great but a little overwhelming, then I had to get everyone back to their companions and back to their areas later that night

The rest of the week was uneventfully we just went finding and did stop bys.   It was ok……

Well seeing how this week is Thanksgiving I just wanted to say I'm so grateful. I'm grateful for so much, for the opportunity to put a name tag on my chest and be a representative of the Savior, to be able to teach and to be able to grow! I'm so grateful for the life I've been given I have been so blessed with the family that loves me and has given me everything I need to succeed. I'm grateful for the love that I'm enveloped with. Most of all I'm grateful for the testimony that I have of this the restored gospel, of the prophet of Joseph Smith, and of the Book of Mormon. I love this gospel!!   I'm so grateful for the influence it has in my life.

Don't eat too much turkey... Have a great week!!

Keep smiling

Pictures I received from her 3rd companion....Ashley.  Service project Saturday afternoon.

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