Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hide and Seek Blindfolded

Hey    J

We had to teach Zone Training for an hour.  That was an adventure in and of itself!!   We planned and prepared and planned and prepared the days leading up to it in hopes that we would be able to teach all that was assigned to us in a way pleasing to the Lord. We wanted to help those missionaries learn and grow, not by what we were saying but by the spirit, so it took some time. Monday night we went over it so many times. Let’s just say that I'm so glad that I am speaking English. Sister Sufia was trying so hard, but sometimes the language barrier is a real thing. I understand her perfectly (most of the time) now and I know exactly what she is trying to say but other people sometimes have a hard time. So we went over it so that we all could understand.  Then we taught it to Ashley and we finally got it down. So when Tuesday came it went pretty smoothly.  I hope that we did a good enough job. I hope that someone learned something from it.  We had to teach about 3 day planning/nightly planning.  It was a good review for me, it’s funny I’ve been doing this mission thing for 8 months now and I still am working on improving the basics... you think by now I would have it down.  How frustrating it must be for Heavenly Father to have to work with such an imperfect person such as me. The rest of the night we went finding, and we found a family that invited us to come and teach them so that’s exciting, stay tune to see what comes of that one.

Wednesday we spent the day planning because our Thursday was going to be crazy. Later that night we stopped by some potential new investigators.  We are trying to pick the work up but it’s like trying to play hide and seek blind folded and I'm the blind folded one.  It doesn't work, or let’s say it’s a slow process.

Thursday was Sister Sufia’s 21st Birthday!!  First off thank you to everyone that was so kind in making an extra effort to let her know your love for her and for wishing her a Happy Birthday!! In her words “It was the Best One Ever" She was so cute.  She didn't want me to do anything for her birthday; she didn't want me to worry...any of you that know me know that that's not going to stop me.  With the help of a few members we were able to have some fun surprises for her!!  She loved every minute of it!! She even started crying because she was so grateful and so happy. (Oh and she never cries) We took her to Red Lobster where she ate her favorite…..shrimp.  She was in Heaven.  For whatever its worth I’m super glad that I was able to be her companion on her birthday.

Earlier that day we had a great lesson with the Oaks Family!! They are doing so well!! We read Joseph Smith History with them. The First Vision is so powerful.  It brings the spirit into the lesson like nothing else. Brother Oaks was able to be with us this lesson.  His testimony is growing brighter throughout the whole conversion of his wife too. It’s so fun to watch the two of them share testimony with one another.  They are growing strong and they are planting their roots firm. It’s so fun to be a part of it!  Their family is so amazing.  The little ones made a card for Sister Sufia for her birthday!! They are so sweet. One thing that has been fun for me is to hear all the things the little kids call us. The Oaks children call us "The Church Girls" and also by our names but it’s fun because as soon as they see us the let everyone know loud and clear…… The Church Girls are here :) 

Friday morning we did some service at the museum and we helped set up the Christmas decorations.   You all know how much I like setting up Christmas decorations haha but it was good.  Sister Sufia sang songs as we decorated the tree I just laughed hahahaha... We went and set up some volunteering opportunities at the local nursing home. I'm super excited about that.  Later that night the YSA had a concert, Calee Reed and Stephanie Madsen came and shared their stories with us. It was a great night. The spirit was so strong!!  I love music!!  The best part about it was that Micaela came!!! She is a recent convert that's had a lot going on in her life and we haven't seen her for some time!! It was so good I was so happy.  All and all it was a great night!! 

That morning was the ward clean up and we raked leaves for 3 hours.  There are so many leaves here.  The rest of the day we did less active stop bys and findings. 

That's about all for this week….. Funny story, so we were in the store contacting and this old grandma grabbed my arm and was like, “what's wrong with her face”? Talking about sister Sufia, and I responded, “I don't know is there something wrong?”   I totally forgot that she has a massive burn.  It's just become normal.  I told her about it and we both laughed for hours :) 

Ok Challenge…… share with someone or on face book why you are grateful for the gospel in your life.

Well I love you all!!   I hope that you have a good week!! 
-Sister Baylee Kendrick-

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